My sister died from cervical cancer at 25: screening must start earlier
The brother of a young woman who battled cervical cancer before passing away at the age of 25 insists that change is needed in order to protect young women against the disease.
Amber Rose Cliff was just 18 when she began exhibiting worrying symptoms, and despite requesting numerous screenings, Amber from Sunderland was refused one.
As NHS guidelines stipulate women should be 25 before availing of their screening service, Amber, then 21, sought help privately and was dealt a devastating blow when she learned she had a tumour growing in her cervix.
"We went for a private smear test when she was about 21, three years after she’d first been to the doctors," Josh explained.
"It turned out that the cancerous tumour in her cervix had been growing for years."
Amber underwent multiple operations in addition to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but was dealt another devastating blow when she learned that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes, lungs and throat.
And last Sunday, at the age of 25, Amber died.
Determined to initiate change, Josh is appealing to the public to sign an online petition which would allow any woman, who is under the age of 25 and experiencing symptoms, to avail of a screening.
"It shouldn’t be mandatory but that option needs to be there," Josh insisted.
Dr Jana Witt, health information officer at Cancer Research UK has, however, expressed reservations about Josh's campaign.
"This is because cervical changes that screening detects in younger women tend to clear up by themselves and are less likely to develop into cancer, so screening may lead to unnecessary tests and treatment."
Dr Witt does, however, encourage young women to seek medical attention if certain symptoms present.
"Whatever your age or screening history, if you notice symptoms such as bleeding between periods, after sex, after the menopause, or any other unusual changes, it’s really important to contact your GP."
20,000 people have, thus far, signed an online petition to bring Amber's Law into effect, and Amber's family is currently fundraising in memory of their sister, daughter and friend.