Hate dressing rooms? We found out how to make it easier

Have you ever had that horrible moment when you bring your latest fashion purchase home and realise it looks completely different than it did in the shop?

You’re not alone, it happens to people everywhere, every single say. Needless to say, it can get frustrating.

In attempts to remove this annoyance from the lives of any and all shoppers, Buzzfeed went to 20 different dressing rooms to find out why we feel like shadow monsters in some, and fashionistas in others.

Kristin was able to divide the dressing rooms into various categories after her adventures.

  1. These had terribly harsh overhead lighting which she reported was not flattering
  2. Similar to a public bathroom, the overhead lighting wasn’t dedicated to a single stall, meaning everything gets a bit washed out
  3. Lights everywhere! Overhead lights combined with front lights were found to be unnecessary.
  4. The dressing rooms that allow for even the most pale to embrace their bronzed goddess.
  5. The ones that let you know exactly where all of your body parts belong, in case you forgot.
  6. The magic dressing rooms full of flattery.

After visiting 20 different dressing rooms and realising in almost each one she appeared entirely different despite wearing the same outfit, Kristin shared her findings:

“There is no such thing as “normal” lighting. But if you change your environment and you still like what you look like, then congratulations: You have won at shopping.”

She continued; harsh overhead lights are not flattering for anyone and those weird bumps and lumps are in your imagination, magnified by the lighting. Dressing rooms with vertical lights on either side of the mirror are amazing, just be careful you don’t get caught up in the excitement and blow your entire budget in one go.

Still not certain you want to proceed with your purchase? Apparently the wisest option is to try and step outside of the dressing room and take picture, or ask for someone else’s opinion. Just make sure your shopping buddy is someone you have style trust in. 
