10 Effective Ways To Make Your Hair Grow Faster

Does every little lifestyle change make your hair fall out? Can’t grow out of a bad haircut fast enough? The mystery of hair growth has left us baffled for centuries. It has also given birth to thousands of hair growth supplements, oils, packs, shampoos, and other products.
But these potions and lotions don't always work – that's because there are lots factors to consider, including diet and lifestyle. What products you use or medicines you take also come into play. And of course, our genetics play a part too.
But there are some things you can do to help your hair grow faster – here's a list of some of the easiest ones to try.
Figure Out Your Unique Problem
Sometimes the hair growth treatment you are using doesn't work because it not tackling the specific problem you are facing. Your hair growth can be stunted for lots of reasons, so the first thing to do is determine what's causing the problem.
You can try figuring it out on your own, or you can visit a hair specialist. One way to figure out your own unique issue is by trying out various hair growth solutions for at least a month and seeing which one works.
For example, if you think you are facing a nutrient deficiency, try a health supplement. Or you can systematically try different hair treatments or packs for a few weeks and notice if any make a difference.
Remember that it can be one issue or a number of issues that are limiting your hair growth. So you might need to try a number of treatments to help make your hair healthier.
Use the Right Supplements
When dealing with damaged hair, most of the time the problem comes from within. When your body lacks vitamins or minerals, it can slow your hair growth. If you use the right multivitamin supplements like Folexin, you can regrow your hair and completely rejuvenate it.
The lack of two important minerals that limit hair growth and lead to hair loss are iron and zinc. An absence of these minerals in your regular diet can cause stagnant hair growth, fallouts, and hair breakage.
You might have seen the word biotin written in various hair and skin products. For hair, biotin or vitamin B7 controls keratin production and increases follicle growth, which leads to faster-growing and healthier hair.
Lack of vitamin D means your hair follicles are not getting enough stimulation and can slow down growth and even cause hair loss. Other nutrients you may need include vitamin B12, riboflavin, folate, and selenium.
Healthy Eating 
If you do not follow a healthy diet, chances are that you are lacking many nutrients your body needs. If your regular diet is loaded with unhealthy carbs and sugar, you can be heavily nutrition deficient. To have healthy hair, you need to follow a balanced diet that is rich in proteins, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fat.
A lack of protein is one of the most common causes of slow hair growth, thinning hair, hair loss, and damaged hair. Protein doesn’t just build various parts of our body but is also rich in many of the nutrients needed for healthy hair like zinc, vitamin B7, B12, iron, etc.
Eating a lot of vegetables, especially leafy greens also helps increase hair growth. Healthy fats like avocado or nut butter also help increase hair growth and improve the quality of your hair as they are rich in vitamin E.
DIY Hair Treatments
Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up with a head full of thick and healthy hair instead of having to struggle with styling thin hair every day? Hair treatments do work, but some of them can be too expensive to use regularly.
Instead of spending a lot of money on expensive hair treatments, you can try some DIY hair treatments at home. Making hair packs or enhanced shampoos and conditioners can help your hair growth and also improve your hair quality.
For example, you can try making hair packs or homemade shampoo with onion and fenugreek. These two ingredients work wonders for hair growth and people around the world often use these in their hair care regime.
Explore Oils
There is a reason why people have been using hair oils for centuries. Oil can do so much for your hair. It can cleanse, moisturise, tame, detangle, and even help hair growth. There are a few different ways you can use oil for hair growth.
  • For starters, there is the hot oil treatment. Using hot oil to massage and moisturise your head can help stimulate your scalp for rapid hair growth. Hot oil treatment can help your hair in many ways. It can protect and nourish your hair and make your scalp healthier. People often use coconut oils or nut oils for hot oil treatment. You can also use mustard oil or sesame oil, which can not only stimulate your scalp but also help ease your sinuses.
  • Essential oils can help hair growth in many ways. Some can stimulate your hormones and aid hair growth. You can apply them topically or add them to hair products. A good example is lavender oil, which is also an aromatherapy to help you relax and rewind. Some essential oil supplements can also help hair growth such as rosemary and peppermint oils. You can also apply them topically to your scalp.
Avoid Crash Diets
Crash diets or diets that limit your food intake can be horrendous for your hair. If you are thinking of going on a weight loss diet such as a low-carb diet, think very carefully because you will lose hair. Whenever your body goes through a stressful change, your body’s growth, repair, and regeneration get stunted. This leads to hair loss, thinning of hair, and poor hair quality.
If you must go on a food-limiting diet, some hair loss is inevitable. However, if you take vitamin and mineral supplements, they can help you recover from your hair loss.
Avoid Heat Styling
Heat styling such as straightening irons and curling rods is terrible for your hair. Not only do they deteriorate hair quality, but they also lead to hair loss and scalp damage. If you use high heat tools close to your roots, it can cause damage to the hair follicle and lead to thinning of hair.
Yes, this applies to hairdryers as well. If you always use a hairdryer, chances are that it will cause scalp and hair damage and lead to limited hair growth.
If you must use heat styling tools, buy one with different settings and use a lower temperature. Also, always use heat protection serums and sprays to protect your hair and scalp from heat damage.
Say No to Bleach
Do you love colouring your hair? Unless you are going darker than your natural colour, you will need to bleach first so that the dye can settle into your hair. To get complete coverage, you have to bleach your roots too. But bleaching is terrible for your hair and scalp. It ruins hair quality and frequently leads to hair loss.
Bleach breaks into your hair to make it lose its colour and become lighter. This damages the hair follicle and the hair strand. If you frequently bleach and color your hair, you will find that your hair will become weak and brittle, which breaks and comes off easily. You will lose chunks of hair, which will leave small balding spots.
If you must bleach, have a professional hairstylist do it. Always use hair repair products to counteract the damage.
Avoid Bad Lifestyle Choices
Smoking and drinking to excess are not good choices for any lifestyle, but they also negatively effect your hair. To have healthy hair follicles, you need healthy lungs so that oxygen can travel easily throughout your body. Oxygenated blood brings in nutrients to keep your hair healthy. If you make bad lifestyle choices like smoking, your bodily functions are impaired, which leads to massive hair fall and slow growth.
Caffeinated hair products and treatments stimulate the scalp and aid hair growth. Try using such hair products to increase hair production. You can also try making hair packs with tea or coffee and applying them to your scalp. Even drinking caffeine helps hair growth as it stimulates blood flow.
Bottom Line
We can’t change our genetics, but we can adopt a better lifestyle to enhance hair growth. Putting in an effort can completely change your hair. Adopting a better diet and hair care regime can help you get beautiful, fast-growing hair.