10 questions we’re asked during every hair appointment
Hair salons are one of our favourite places. They're warm, they're inviting and the stylists are our pals.
They want us to look fab, they do their best to help and we generally leave feeling pretty great about ourselves.
Oh, here's another thing about salons- you have to answer a lot of questions when you get there. And we mean a lot.
Here are just ten that get asked in the space of one appointment.
1 “Are you going anywhere nice tonight?”
“Ya off out?”
2 "So, have you been watching X Factor?"
"What do you make of Strictly this year?"
3 "Have you been straightening?"
"Your hair feels like straw and I resent having to deal with it."
4 "Who cut your hair last?"
"This is butchered and I sure as hell didn’t do it."
5 "Ya all set for Christmas?"
"Have you any holidays planned?"
6 "Have you been using a hair protectant?"
"I told you last time to use it and you didn't, ya scamp."
7) "Are you panicking? Sure, I’m only taking the ends, I promise."
"Will you relax your shoulders babes!"
8) "What are we doing with ya today?"
"I am going to sort that mess right out, hun, don't worry."
9) "Now, be sure to drop back in for a trim in a few weeks, won’t you?"
"Don’t let your hair get like that again."
10) "Do you want a spritz?"
"Take a spritz."
An appointment wouldn't be an appointment without them and we hope they never end!
"Sorry, did you ask me something?"