10 things that WILL happen when you move in with your other half
Whether you're taking the leap and getting a new place with your other half, or just letting them share the rent on your current place, moving in together is a HUGE leap.
Yes, it means no more living out of a rucksack as you spend the night at his place, and no more robbing his toothbrush because you forgot yours AGAIN.
But it also means sharing your personal space with another living, breathing (possibly snoring) human.
Here are a few things that will most definitely happen when you decide to co-habit…
1. You'll realise just how many clothes you have
"So I'll take the wardrobe, and this hanging rail, and you can have this… drawer?"
2. Cooking dinner for two is a BIG commitment
Gone are the days when you'd casually grab a spoon and the Nutella jar and call it a day
3. If your other half hasn't seen you in what you lovingly term 'casual mode,' they certainly will now
No bra, tracksuit pants, hair in a bun… this is how we do.
4. Toilet etiquette goes out the window
A closed door means nothing.
5. Washing the dishes will become the most hotly-discussed chore
"Eh no, it's NOT my turn, because I took the bins out two days ago, remember?!!"
6. You'll have to have adult conversations about things like furniture and bills
Can't we just go back to being kids, plz.
7. Your biggest arguments will be over the most insignificant matters
See point number 5.
8. It will become WAY harder to get out of bed in the mornings
So warm and cosy.
9. Personal space? LOL.
Everything is shared now. Everything.
10. What used to be 'date night' is now 'let's order fancy takeaway and watch Netflix' night
Living the dream, people.