10 things you should never say to an Arts students
People can get a little high and mighty when it comes to Arts degrees. But those who have done one, we know why we did them – because they're awesome! So stay strong. And to the rest of you – here's some things you shouldn't say to someone pursuing an Arts degree.
1. So What Was Your First Choice?
Um, this?
2. Oh, You Want To Be A Teacher?
No, one thousand times, no.
3. A Lecturer, Then?
Once again, no.
4. That’s Quite Broad, Isn’t It?
Nope, not really. Not when you choose your subjects. We don’t actually do a little bit of everything, you know?
6. Are Your Parents Okay With It?
Actually, um, no…
7. What Do You Hope To Get From It?
An education, hopefully. Even better if there’s a job at the end of it.
8. Why’d You Decide To Do That?
Because it's interesting?
8. Can You Get A Job From It?
What do you think?
9. You Could Have Done Nursing/Engineering
10. Can I Have Some Fries With That?
Wow, never heard the McDonald's’ joke before. Did you learn that while doing your superior degree?
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