Join the online movement fighting against sexual violence

100 Women I Know is movement which began with a questionnaire which asked women to share any experiences of rape and sexual assault.

92 out of the 100 Women asked in a survey said they had been pressured or forced into sexual activity.

The shocking results were hugely emotional, blunt and upsetting.

They also detail the harsh realities which women face every single day, yet sexual violence is so prevalent that women have been effectively silenced on the issue until recent times.

These experiences which were generously and bravely shared led Phoebe Montague, founder of the project, to direct and produce an award-winning short documentary film which focused on four intimate interviews.

Break the Habit Press decided to publish the book, and a movement to strengthen solidarity between survivors of assault was born.

It is imperative that sexual violence is addressed as a social issue, one which needs to be stopped at all costs.

Jazmin, one of the women featured in the documentary, has decided to collaborate with Phoebe in launching their sister organisation People We Know.

The organisation aims to provide an educational programme which attempts to prevent young people from becoming victims or perpetrators of sexual violence.

By planning much needed workshops for schools and communities, these transformative activities are designed to educate and engage young people on the difficult topic.

The participants will hopefully feel encouraged to reconsider their preconceived notions, judgments and misconceptions surrounding consensual sex, healthy relationships and sexual violence.

Young people are the future and it is our responsibility, as a society, to empower them with tools for change.

100 Women I Know on Instagram shared a disturbing statistic on World Suicide prevention day: 1 in 10 victims attempted suicide as a result of sexual violence.

The Instagram page also wrote a statement paralleling the image, detailing how sexual violence and suicide go hand in hand far more often than previously thought.

“63% of victims suffered mental or emotional problems as a result of sexual violence. 53% reported having problems trusting people or having difficulty in other relationships. 1 in 10 victims attempted suicide as a result.


A study by the Office for National Statistics found that 63% of sexual violence victims suffered mental or emotional problems. 53% reported having problems trusting people or having difficulty in other relationships. 1 in 10 victims attempted suicide as a result. – Yesterday was World Suicide Prevention day, yet suicide affects people’s lives every day, globally. – Sexual violence is just one of the many reasons people attempt or die by suicide. Deciding to take ones life is never an easy option, let this day be a reminder to us all to live our lives with compassion. – Male suicide is the biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK. We have a massive issue surrounding lack of communication and emotional connection worldwide. Check in with your loved ones; the “weak” and the “strong”, be kind to strangers; you never know what battles someone is fighting. – Reaching out to ask for help is never easy, if you don’t have anyone to speak to directly, there are services available to help. Don’t feel ashamed by your circumstances or embarrassed at your inability to cope, you are certainly not alone. – Please call 116 112 now for UK Samaritans. @samaritanscharity – – – – #MentalHealth #worldsuicidepreventionday #SuicideAwareness #SexualViolence #Abuse #Survivors #StrongerTogether #ReachingOut #Compassion #Love #PeopleWeKnow #100WomenIKnow #MoreThan100Womem

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One thing is certain: Changes in our society must be made if we ever want women to feel safe, and their voices need to be heard.

The book can be bought online here, with 30% of proceeds going directly towards funding more educational workshops in schools.

Check out their website for more information here.

"Fight the fear if you believe in your art": Phoebe Montague, 100 Women I Know.

Feature image: Source/
