11 pop culture Halloween looks you HAVE to make happen this year
It's a little over a week until Halloween, so now's the time to get planning this year's epic costume.
For 2015, we've pledged to ditch the sexy sailor/sexy soldier/sexy witch scenario and go for something a little more original.
If you need inspiration, just take a look back at the goings-on over the last year. Or, read below, because we've done all the hard work for you.
Here are 11 pop-culture Halloween looks that'll ensure you stand out from the crowd*
*unless everyone else in the crowd has read this article too
1. Nicki Minaj at the 2015 VMAs
Put on your finest gold dress and keep saying 'Miley What's Good' with increased levels of malice.
2. Miley herself at the 2015 VMAs
She wore a whole load of costumes on the night, but this one would be SO easy to replicate. Tinsel and a leotard. Done.
Or, head to your nearest fabric shop and throw this one together:
3. Disgust from Inside Out
You'll need to paint yourself green and locate a green wig. Plus, your levels of sass will need to be at an all-time high.
4. A basic girl
Ugg boots, yoga pants/leggings, a North Face jacket, matching hat and scarf and of course the obligatory Starbucks autumn-themed cup,
5. Or take it to the next level and be a Pumpkin Spice Latte
The basic girl's BFF.
6. The Snapchat rainbow vomit filter
This one's make-up only, so you can wear whatever you like. Find the tutorial here.
7. Your favourite emoji
You'll need some good strong card, construction paper and glue. We'll be giving the poo emoji a go this year, as modelled by this beautiful pug:
8. Kylie Jenner in selfie mode
You'll need: A crop top/sports bra, joggers or tracksuit bottoms, mental fake eyelashes, a black/green/blonde wig, LOTS of lip liner and of course… an iPhone.
9. Her big sis Kim in internet-breaking mode
Find a black dress, sew a football or two in, stick on a martini glass… done.
10. Selena Gomez as 'Arsyn' in the Bad Blood video
All of the costumes are doable, but we loved Selena's black bobbed wig and general villainous demeanour.
11. The pizza rat
Remember him?
Well, one company has capitalised on that to make all of your Halloween dreams come true.
Find the costume here.