11 ways Irish women judge men
Women can be cruel. Irish women however, well, we can be really cruel. Here is what we judge our men on. No exceptions.
1. Shoes
Good grief.
2. Hair
Highlights? Seriously?
3. Neckline
Seriously, it’s not cool that it’s lower than ours.
4. Hygiene
Smelly feet are a massive turn off to every girl everywhere. No matter what.
5. Accent
Why, hello Donegal…
6. Manners
So important, be polite and charming to our friends and you will win our hearts forever.
7. Tight Arses
Just nope.
8. Oohh Friends
Don’t expect us to stick around for long if your friends are like The Inbetweeners.
9. Mammy’s Boy
We won’t be her, so stop expecting it.
10. Car Wankers
We get it, you have a fancy car. Please stop deafening us as you drive past the bus stop. So not cool.
11. Texting Habits
Say what you mean, mean what you say. It actually is that simple.
via our content partner CT