12 self-care habits you need to continue doing in lockdown
We don't need to tell you how tough things are at the minute. It’s tricky not to get wrapped up in the never-ending cycle of bad news. We’re bombarded with information about the rising cost of living and war stories on a daily basis, and so it can be difficult to look after our minds throughout it all.
It’s very easy to get sucked into the negative news-reel that dominates our world. You can so easily start to obsess over it, researching articles, reading every single news story, tuning into every news bulletin, but you need to try and take care of your mind each and every day. Knowing what is going on around you is important, of course, but investing time in your mental and physical wellbeing is also essential.
We all know how precious our downtime at the weekend can be, so why not use that time to tend to your mind and to give your body the TLC it needs!
Self-care isn’t all about Lush bubble baths or plastering serums that cost more than your monthly phone bill all over your face.
Here are 12 essential self-care habits you should never neglect:
Check your boobs for irregularities and lumps every single day. You can check out this helpful guide from CoppaFeel here.
Keep fresh flowers in your room. Not only are they beautiful, but scientists have found that they help ease stress and anxiety.
Watch a movie from your childhood, we recommend The Parent Trap! The nostalgia will trigger happier, stress-free memories in your mind, which are more than welcome right now.
Take five deep breaths before you start your day.
If you want to wear your pyjamas all weekend, then do it.
Equally, if you want to dress up in your finest guna, then do it!
Don’t drink coffee if you’re on your period. It makes your cramps feel way worse.
Write out any negative feelings you might be bottling up. Just because you can’t share them with someone, doesn’t mean you have to keep them stored in your mind.
Get some fresh air. Even if you just spend ten minutes out in your garden!
Cut down on your screen time in the evenings. Try reading for an hour or going for a walk.
Floss your teeth.
Get as much sleep as you can. Eight hours is recommended, but we know how easy it is to fall into a bad sleep pattern. Try having a couple early nights during the week so your body can rest.