13 signs your mobile phone is your best friend
It is hard to admit, but a lot of us cannot bear to be without our phones. Some might say your phone is a replacement for that best friend, boyfriend or girlfriend. Whatever it may be there is no denying that you get anxious and angry without it. Here are 13 signs your phone is the best friend you’ll ever have.
1. It is the first thing you check in the morning
From the second you wake up, five apps will be on repeat in your head: ‘Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat.” You will amuse yourself for the next hour or so catching up with all you missed the 8 hours you were sleeping.
2. You freak out daily when you can’t find it
If there is ever a moment you can’t find your phone, you freak out. “Whereeee is itt???.” “Mum ring my phone PLEASE.” Even though you know it’s somewhere in the house,and you are most likely sitting on it, you are terrified for those few minutes.
3. It surprises you more and more each day
When you find a new app or a new function for your phone your face lights up. You find yourself staring at it saying: “What would I do without you? You are perfect.”
4. It knows all your plans
You have all your plans and appointments saved on your phone. Getting those gentle reminders lets you know where you need to be. What more could you want from a friend and a phone.
5. It can cheer you up
Feeling down? Not in the best form? Not to worry, a quick game of Candy Crush and Angry Birds will solve all your problems.
6. The notification sound makes you smile
That beep that chimes as you get a notification for a Facebook ‘like’ makes you beam. Oh what’s that? An Instagram ‘like’! Ah yes this is it. This is what dreams are made of.
7. You panic when it is low on battery
You will go to the ends of the earth to find a charger. You will even go buy one if you are too far from your house to retrieve it. You simply cannot live without it and you will never have to.
8. You cry more when you lose your phone than when you fail an exam
Losing your phone is the worst possible thing that could happen to you. It makes you anxious, sad and numb to just think about it. Yes, it is dramatic but this is how we feel. Not to worry as it is insured but the week of waiting could kill you.
9. You can take selfies
You love a good selfie and your phone’s front camera helps you do that. You can take 1,000 photos and it won’t say a word. In fact, it enjoys you taking them and even lets you edit them.
10. It doesn’t judge you
You can do whatever you want and it will never judge you. It will always be there for you through thick and thin. It never lets you down and it never tells you what to do.
11. It talks to you but only when you want it to
If you’re ever in doubt, no worries because Siri is there. Siri will tell you what the weather will be like, where the nearest McDonalds is and when you have your doctors appointment. And when you don’t want to speak anymore, you simply say goodbye and no feelings are hurt.
12. It let’s you text whoever you want
There is no jealousy here. You can text 100 people at once and no judgement or arguments. They want you to explore life. That’s why you have Tinder.
13. You can erase memories
If you drunk-text that guy for the 15th time or need to erase an ex’s photos, you can. Once the message is deleted no one will see it. It is free therapy and “if it’s not there no one has seen it.”
via our content partner CT