14 things every girl needs when winter comes
Here's the ultimate checklist you'll need to get autumn and winter off to a cosy start!
1. A Good Pair Of Boots
You might not need them now but you will need them. Need. Mid calf, knee high, over the knee – whatever you decide, make sure you invest in a good pair. These babies are going to see rain, hail and possibly (hopefully!) snow!
2. A Wooly Jumper
For obvious reasons. Also, the right one can actually look great. Get your Granny busy knitting. Come on nan, hurry up now -it's already October!
3. A New TV Season To Get Stuck Into
Netflix. The best boyfriend ever. Autumn and winter are the times that you can binge watch and not really feel that bad about it. Pretty Little Liars, Orange Is The New Black, American Horror Story, The Killing – the list is endless. No excuse now – get under those covers and get to work.
4. A Cuddling Partner
Yes, a boyfriend would be ideal for the winter months but if you can’t bag yourself one of those, just find someone who will come over over for movies and share that couch with possible hair stroking and even hand holding. Okay, well maybe not hand holding but they could at least let you into the nook.
5. Your Own Umbrella
Stop borrowing your Dad's golf umbrella and go out and buy yourself one. They’re not expensive and you can get one in any colour you want.
6. Some Skin Altering Products
That tan is fading – it's time to whip out the lighter foundation colour. Sorry, but it's time.
7. Slippers
Seriously, don’t even worry about how they look, because on that Sunday when you’re hungover and needy, you’re going to slip into those puppies and have a foot orgasm. It’ll look like this:
8. Pyjamas
Go on, treat yourself. Get the girliest, comfiest, matchy-matchy pyjamas you can find and stick on Bridget Jones' Diary. Bliss.
9. Gloves
Yup, it’s glove season again. You’ll probably lose them so buy cheap and easy…
10. A New Playlist
No more summer music, it's Coldplay season.
11. A hot water bottle
Like a very miniature boyfriend you can spoon at night that won’t talk back. Perfect.
12. Leggings
Does it get any comfier?!
13. Socks
Buy all the socks. Seriously, just buy so many socks. And not those crappy thin ones that get holes in the toes, get some manly socks. Thick ones with massage comfort. Winter is all about extreme comfort. Socks are where it’s at.
14. A Blanket
Lying on the couch watching Netflix is nice. Lying on the couch watching Netflix under a blanket is fucking euphoric.
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