13 times it’s totes acceptable to pull a full-on, no-holds-barred STROP
Life can be a real challenge sometimes.
And yet despite the countless inconveniences and numerous disruptions we're faced with on the daily, we're always advised to keep our cool and not let it get the better of us.
There are, however, some times when a full-on strop is justified… and genuinely therapeutic.
And here, friends, are just 13… although, frankly, we could rattle off 20 in under a minute.
1. When your ASOS order looks NOTHING like the item you clicked on and purchased with a heart full of hope just five days before.
"They sent me your ma's tablecloth, and I look like a potato in a curtain."
2. When you unearth a gift card which EXPIRED the previous month.
"I could have actually bought those shoes that time, and yet here I am with a useless piece of plastic and pumps that look like I found them in a dumpster."
3. When your lecturer gives the class an extension on a paper you spent all night finishing.
"Don't mind me – I'll just put this through the shredder, shall I?"
4. When a classmate or colleague takes credit for something you did, and you can't protest cos no one likes a moan, right?
"She'll get hers, I swear to God."
5. When you change your plans countless times to suit a flaky friend, and she calls you out on that one time you bailed.
"It's like that b*tch has been sent to test me."
6. When you're asked to help at home, and then suffer through an hour of criticism about your approach to the task.
7. When you drag yourself home after a long day, and the house is cold, the fridge is empty, and there's no hot water,
"The hot, salty tears are coming, and I shall embrace them."
8. When you miscalculate the available funds in your current account for the 2,000th time, and realise you will never own your own home.
"I'm the person they're talking about on the news."
9.When you come across a spoiler for the season finale of your favourite show, and must accept the fact your evening is officially ruined.
"I gave ten weeks of my life to that show, and for what? Nothing."
10. When you ignore the ringing house phone for the guts of two minutes, make the decision to finally answer, and only pick it up as it stops.
"If I ever find out who that was… I swear to God."
11. When you Wi-Fi stops working, and you spend an hour pulling random wires out of the router.
"I literally can't see through my tears of frustration."
12. When you finally get your broken charger to work, and realise it stopped the minute you turned your back.
13. When you give your hairdresser simple instructions, and still leave the salon looking like David Bowie in Labyrinth.
"I'm going to burn her house down."