‘Just one more page’ 15 signs you were a total BOOKWORM as a kid
Today is World Book Day Ireland, ladies.
With that in mind, we thought we'd hark back to a time when we hung on every word Jacqueline Wilson wrote, devoured Point Horror books in mere hours, and had every single Babysitter Club book in the series.
Oh, and don't get us started on Harry Potter…
Here are just 15 signs you were a classic bookworm back in the day.
1. You always brought a book to the kitchen table, and were forever getting roared at for not engaging with your family.
Propping it against the cereal box before school was standard procedure until your mam swiped it away and told you to talk to your brother.
2. You swapped books with friends, and nearly peed with excitement if word got out they had the latest in the series.
"I swear I'll look after it. PINKY swear."
3. You wondered what went on in R.L Stine's mind, and how he could possibly be as scary as he was.
"I mean, I just finished The Babysitter. But it'll definitely be too much for you right now."
4. You thought Jacqueline Wilson was God.
If Hettie Feather wasn't pulling on your heartstrings, you were wishing you could kick it with Ellie, Nadine and Magda.
5. You had at least one book with a special effect; and it was generally a Goosebumps.
"My book has an actual TORCH but Siobhan's one SCREAMS when you open it!"
6. You nearly lost your mind when you heard Harry Potter was being turned into a movie.
"This is probably the biggest thing that will ever happen me."
7. Book fairs were more exciting than birthday parties.
"Collect me when my arms are full, and not a moment before."
8. You read and re-read some books so often that you could start at any point, and know exactly where you were in the story.
"Ah chapter 11, an absolute classic."
9. You endured carsickness in order to make it to the end of a chapter.
"Put a towel on my lap, and leave me be."
10. You tried to write your own book on numerous occasions, but gave up when you became bored of your own laboured prose.
"It's nothing like Harry Potter except that it involves a child wizard and a cool boarding school. But that's it."
11. You knew more about the Irish Famine than you ever thought possible, thanks to Marita Conlon McKenna and her Eily, Michael and Peggy trilogy.
"Wildflower Girl is the best book ever written, Mam,"
12. Of all the hand-me-downs you got from older siblings, books were the only ones you were happy to receive.
"How long did it take you to read it? No big deal, but I was done in two hours."
13. You often met up with your BFF just to read together in silence.
"Our friendship doesn't rely on idle chit-chat."
14. Book stores had the potential to cause a sensory overload.
"Where will I START?"
15. You literally couldn't get your head around classmates who didn't read.
"You…can… I mean, you're ABLE to read… right?"