17 embarrassing things that happen everyday


17 embarrassing things that happen everyday

There things that happen to all of us on an everyday basis that can be brutally embarrassing…but that’s life!

 1. Secretly Trying To Take A Picture Of Someone
… When the flash on your phone is on.

2. Waving At Someone
Who doesn’t see you. Also, when someone waves at someone else but you think they’re waving at you, and so you wave back.

3. Trying To Get Your Teacher’s Attention In Primary School
Then accidentally calling them Mummy or Daddy.

embarrassed animated GIF

4. Texting One Of Your Friends
About a certain person, before sending it to that person by mistake.

5. Trying To Walk By Someone
But you go the same way as they do, and this happens a few times before you eventually get by each other.

6. Spilling Your Drink All Over Yourself
Missing your mouth, spilling it all over your new top. The darker the liquid and the lighter the shirt, the more embarrassing the incident.

7. Going To Open A Door…
… By pulling it when it clearly ‘push’, or vice versa.

8. Tripping In Public
Hole. You. Now.  Before trying to act casual, as if it never happened. Or in a supermarket when you LEAST expect it, those in-store accidents can creep up on you out of nowhere.

9. Sitting In The Wrong Lecture
Well, it was such a issue actually getting this seat, you may as well stay and learn something new.

10. Walking down the Street In Wrong Direction
And then being convinced the person who was near you when you turned thinks you’re following them

11. Tummy Rumbling In Class
*Cough Cough*

12. Creeping On Someone’s Facebook And Accidentally Liking A Photo From Three Years Ago
No, no, noooooooo!

once upon a time gif animated GIF

13. Laughing At Something While Alone
People slowly start to back away…

14. Holding A Hand Rail On The Bus Or Train And Touching Someone’s Hand
Ick, ick, ick!

15. Asking Someone To Repeat Themselves, Still Don’t Hear
Nod and smile, nod and smile.

16. Going To Pay For Something With Your Laser Card And It’s Rejected
“Can I just take the Curly Wurly please?”

17. Waiting For A Door To Open Automatically But It Doesn’t
It’s like when Bart sold his soul. No door for you.
