20 of life’s moments that make us girls irrationally angry
There are some things in life that can make us super, super mad. Even if they aren’t that big of a deal, we can often be seen FREAKING out over some of life’s little annoyances. Here are some of the worst offenders:
1. Sleeping through your alarm
Just five minutes…another five…and another. Until next thing you know it’s 11am and you’re over two hours late for work. Nooooo!
2. Having no decent, clean clothes
Seriously? Didn’t you do a wash like, yesterday?!
3. Discovering there’s no milk for your cereal
Nothing but an empty carton. Not even a drop left for a decent cup of tea. Who would do such a thing?! They WILL pay.
4. Missing the bus
Another one will come along in 5 minutes, it’s not so bad. 45 minutes later, broken umbrella half shielding you from the rain – still no bus.
5.Bus journeys
Is there anything as bad?
6. Getting your feet wet
Ah the sun is out – flip flops! Halfway to work there is a downpour. An entire day of squidgy feet is just the worst.
7. Being really hungry and getting a horrible sandwich
Well, in fairness, why did you think egg mayo and tuna would work? It’s always such a panic at the deli counter.
8. Someone standing on your foot (and not apologising)
The height of rudeness.
9. A missed call from a private number
Great, that was probably your big break.
10. Stupid spam emails
Ooh an email! Noooo…
11. Attention seeking Facebook statuses – Hope Y3R óK HUn
“PM me hun.”
12. Your mother
Don’t get us wrong, we LOVE our mammies. Just not at 7.30am on a Saturday morning when they want to know if you would like to go for a walk.
13. Wearing too many layers and sweating profusely
Being all sweaty and stressed is enough to provoke anger, but add a fear of sweat patches and smelling into the mix and it’s enough to make you want to jump into the cold recesses of the nearest pond.
14. Having a low phone battery and no charger
Nothing beats the self inflicted anger that you will feel, upon boarding a bus and discovering that your phone is nearly dead. Fantastic, a two hour bus journey without music or internet. How WILL we survive?
15. Spending ages making dinner and then burning it
HOW did that happen?! You were SO careful this time!
16. Finally getting into the shower and finding there’s no hot water
17. Tripping over in public (when alone)
Should you laugh at yourself? Ignore it? Oh Gawwwd.
18. Meeting someone you don’t like
You look like crap, and now this? Ugh.
19. Being too hot under the duvet but too cold without it
So uncomfortable.
20. Not being able to sleep even though you’re really tired
Now your going to be all tired again tomorrow. Such a vicious circle.
via our content partner CT