20 things you should never say to someone who’s been dumped
Don’t make the poor girl lose a boyfriend and a friend all in the same day. Tread with caution when approaching the subject of being dumped. Here are some things you should NEVER say to someone’s who’s just been dumped. And one you always should…
1. Are you OK
Just peachy
2. I Never Liked Him Anyway
That makes such a massive difference…not.
3. But He’s So Lovely
… Really?
4. Is There No Way You’d Get Back Together?
False hope. Just what she needs.
5. Is It Just A Break?
I said break-up, so no. It isn’t.
6. Did He Cheat?
I don’t know…DID HE?!
7. Imagine if You Found Out You Were Pregnant Now!
Just get out.
8. I Kinda Saw This Coming
Thanks for the heads up.
9. Plenty of Fish in the Sea!
Because that’s the problem right now.
10. If I were you…
11. How is He?
Would you like to be HIS friend?
12. Can I Still Be Friends With Him?
Now is not the time
13. Can I have their number?
14. Was it Something You Did?
There are no words.
15. I Don’t Know What I Would Do If I Were You
She doesn’t need to know how great your life is right now.
16. You Were Too Good For Him Anyway
So now she can’t even get someone who’s punching above their weight to stay with her? Nice.
17. This is Just Like Carrie and Big in Sex and the City
18. Do You Think There’s Someone Else?
Do you want to see her cry?
19. It’s Just Like This One Time…
This isn’t about you!!!
20. Coppers?
She thought you’d never say it…! Hurrah!
via our content partner CT