
Monthly Archives: September 2014


One of our favourite models, Cara Delevingne, led a fashion mob down the catwalk at the finale of the Chanel Spring Summer 2015 collection this week.

Wearing a colourful tweed suit, the 22-year-old shouted “What do we want?” and “When do we want it?” into a megaphone to her followers which consisted of a very impressive bunch including Kendall Jenner, Gisele Bundchen and Georgia May Jagger. They replied with a very resounding "Now".

The ‘protestors’ were brandishing signs saying ‘History is Her Story’, ‘Ladies First’, ‘Be Different’, and ‘He For She’ – a nod to Emma Watson’s UN speech.

The display of pure feminism was all for the catwalk and each model wore brightly coloured outfits and defiantly strutted down the runway.

Creative Director of Chanel Karl Lagerfeld walked alongside the models, although he wasn't holding any sign.

Girl Power!* 

*said in the accent of Mel B


Niamh Geaney is here with your Line-Up outlining what events not to miss out on in the coming weeks.

This week we take a look at a megastar singer arriving to Dublin with tickets on sale this Friday. Find out who! We also bring you film festivals from Kerry, free music gigs in Dublin, everything from comedy to drag in Wexford and something for you sweet-toothed people!

Join us back here tomorrow where we review the hits and misses of the box office in Pic ’n’ Mix.



Singer and rapper Ciara had an awkward encounter with serial celeb prankster, Vitalii Sediuk today.

Ciara was attending the Valentino fashion show at PFW when the prankster appeared as she was posing for photos.

Whipping off his pants at the knee he revealed a thong along with the words Chanel written in white across his thigh.

He then proceeded to hug the singer (in his thong) who appeared to be taking the whole thing a lot better than we would.

Why hasn’t anyone found some way of keeping him off red carpets after he almost caused poor Kim Kardashian to topple over last week?!

It makes us think it may not be as hard as we thought to be Ryan Gosling’s secret date at his next red carpet event… 


Kickstarter is a great funding outlet for aspiring musicians, filmmakers, designers… and it seems, potato salad lovers.

Back in June, Zack Brown jokingly started a Kickstarter campaign with the aim of raising $10 to make some, you've guessed it… potato salad.

His idea went viral and of course the entire internet jumped on board, with Zack receiving funding of $55,000 in just 30 days.

What to do with all that money? Well, aside from making an initial donation of $20,000 to a charitable fund in his hometown of Columbus, Ohio, Zack also threw a giant festival-style party in the town over the weekend.

Aside from music, family events and beer, there was of course, a LOT of potato salad at the festival, aptly titled PotatoStock.

Local restaurants and chefs helped to make mounds of food and offered up their own favourite recipes.

Back in July when the funding came through, Zack admitted that what had started out at a bit of fun was now a chance to make a significant change. He described the potato-y goodwill as  "an opportunity to make the world a better place," adding that "those opportunities don’t come around every day".

Almost 7,000 people pledged money towards the bizarre cause. Those who donated larger amounts will receive t-shirts and a recipe book containing potato salad recipes from all over the world. As for those who could only spare a couple of quid, Zack didn't leave them high and dry either – he promised to say their name "out loud while making the potato salad." Creepy!


Our new Fashion TV show 'The Style Show' delivers your daily dose of fabulous fashion! In today's segment, "High-Street Hotlist" reporter Ciara O' Doherty brings you her top Autumn/Winter picks straight off the rails in Warehouse this week, and they're all under €60! Watch the video above to see her favourites.



Sometimes it's nice to stay in, throw on your PJs and relax on the couch with a good film. Sometimes? Who are we kidding, it's our favourite thing to do pretty much every night.

Much as a movie night always sounds like a great prospect, there's always the struggle of choosing a film, sorting film-appropriate snacks, arguing over who THAT actor is ("He's in that show, you know, with yer man") and of course, the inevitable rewinding when someone gets distracted by WhatsApp/Facebook/Twitter.

This video by the folks at Buzzfeed is just a little too close for comfort… but we're glad to see we're not the only ones who spend half the film chatting, taking pee breaks and asking if our partner is asleep!

Regardless of whether you're in a long-term relationship or not, if you've ever had a movie night with ANYONE, you'll relate to this! The struggle is real, my friends.



Hmm, so you've been friends for years or else it's a new friendship – but you can't help thinking she might not actually be that nice…

Here are the signs that"friend" is actually much more of a frenemy. 

1. You’re the Butt End of all her Jokes
You have become the punchline of all her jokes. Look, we all have that one friend that gets way more slagging then the rest but there has to be a limit. She goes out of her way to make sure you know exactly where your place is.

2. They Can Give It But Can’t Take It
Slagging matches are always good fun but if they only go one way then they tire easily. She is in her element when the spot light is on you but as soon as you turn it back at her, she goes into a huff and tries to make you feel guilty about making fun of her so you, in turn apologize.

3. She Always Points Out Your Faults
She knows what you’re self conscious of so she uses it to make sure you stay in your place. She’ll start the sentence with, ‘I’m not being a b**** or anything, but…’ Or ‘no offence, but..’ If there’s a ‘but’ in the sentence you know where it’s going to go.

4. Back Handed Compliments
This is pretty much used in combination with the pointing out of your faults. She compliments you, you say thanks, and then you realise what she said.

‘I love your hair like that, it really takes the attention off your nose’

‘Awe thanks, wait what?’


5. She’s Disappears and Reappears
When you’re together, she gets really possessive for weeks at a time. She is constantly hanging off you and wanting to spend time with you but then she’ll disappear for another month. Any plans for coffee are rarely fulfilled.

6. She’s Completely Different Around Other People
When you're alone she’s actually grand but when you are with others, she’s a different person. If you’re with people she doesn’t really know, she gets nervous and she immediately falls back on insulting you for giggles.

7. She is Constantly Changing Friend Groups
Are you the only constant friend in her social circle? She goes through friends like it’s going out of fashion. It’s never just an acquaintance. When she makes a new friend, ‘she loves this girl’. It always ends in a fight and it’s ALWAYS the other person’s fault.

8. She is Always ‘One Upping’ You
If you have a sore finger, hers is about to fall off. Have a date with a boy? Some guy just asked for her hand in marriage.

9. She Has No Problem in Ditching You
If something better comes along, she has no problem in not meeting up with you and cancelling at a minutes notice.

10. Her Friendship is Like a Favour to You
You should be honoured. Like seriously, even just to be in her presence should be enough.

via our content partner CT



Uh-oh. It looks like One Direction could be in big trouble.

While their ecstatic fans rejoiced upon the release of the guys’ new single, Steal My Girl, one person who was not best pleased was Paramore front woman Hayley Williams.

Hayley reckons that she has heard the intro to the guys’ new song somewhere else, and has accused the band’s songwriters of ripping-off a riff from a song by fellow US rockers New Found Glory.

The 25-year-old singer took to Twitter to share her thoughts on the new song, writing: “Beginning of that new 1D song couldn’t sound any more like the beginning of @newfoundglory’s “its [sic] not your fault”.

It takes major guts to put out a tweet like that, and to face the inevitable backlash from One Direction’s notoriously loyal fans, but Hayley was not about to filter her opinions on the subject. She added: “I realise that I’m gonna get hate from a very large fan base for that. But really, it has more to do [with] whoever pitched or co-wrote the song.”

Of course, this isn’t the first time that accusations of plagiarism have been thrown at One Direction. Last year, it was claimed that band Def Leppard were planning to sue the chart-toppers over similarities between the classic Pour Some Sugar on Me and Niall and the gang’s Midnight Memories.

The rock band later denied that they would be suing.


While it’s her estranged husband who has been doing most of the talking so far, Mariah Carey has finally opened up about her “misery” after her alleged split from Nick Cannon.

The singer was speaking about her upcoming tour to promote her most recent album, Me. I Am Mariah…The Elusive Chanteuse, when she appeared to reference her relationship woes to her interviewer.

The 44-year-old said of the inspiration behind her track list: “Each song is a different side of who I am and in some of them there’s a lot of truths that I’m talking about…Some of them are kind of sad and almost too sad, really. I call it the misery.”

TV presenter Nick first broke the news of the couple’s split back in August, revealing that there was “trouble in paradise” and that the couple had been living separately for a few months.

At the time, Mariah’s rep refused to comment beyond saying that she would be focusing on her children, and her latest comments give the first peek into how the Heartbreaker singer is dealing with the split.

Mariah and Nick raised eyebrows back in 2008 by tying the knot after just six weeks of dating, before going on to welcome twins Monroe and Moroccan in 2011. 



Sophia Bush has said that she has been harassed by an online stalker “to the point of sheer horror” for the past few months.

But now, the former One Tree Hill star has finally reached breaking point. Earlier today she shared a screenshot of dozens of messages from her stalker, who tweets under the handle @SohiaaBush.

In a detailed caption to the photo of the messages, which you can read below, she spoke of the horrors she and her followers have been subjected to by this online stalker. 

The stalker has not only been harassing the actress, but many of her fans and followers too, something Sophia feels strongly about in her caption to the Instagram photo: “This kind of behaviour does. Not. Fly. You do not have permission to hide. Not anymore: This has gotten beyond out of hand. Obsessive. Violent. And legally punishable. To any of you who’ve been targeted by @SophiaaBush, I’m so sorry.”

Sophia also described some of the vile threats she and her followers have endured saying: “Threatening rape, gang rape, & throat slitting to name a few? Impersonating me and breaking some of your hearts? Telling people they should kill themselves, and detailing how? Nope. No silence.”

This sounds really serious, we hope that authorities can track this person down and stop them.

However, Sophia also feels sorry for the stalker, writing: “What happened to you, you poor lost soul, that this is how you find pleasure? That you need to attempt to destroy little bits of other people to build yourself up, bit by bit? Who in your life hurt you?”





With two Academy Awards to his name, it’s safe to say that Ben Affleck is an extremely talented guy….just not at singing!

The new Batman appeared on The Tonight Show when he was asked by host Jimmy Fallon if his three children were impressed by his latest role as the caped crusader.

Ben responded hilariously by admitting that Violet, Seraphina and Samuel couldn’t care less about his big news, admitting: “If I was doing the sequel to Frozen I would be a hero!”

He then proceeded to give a short but awful rendition of the movie’s famous soundtrack. Skip to 1:38 in the video to watch his hilarious attempt.

Never stop making movies, Ben!



Oh dear, it has not been a good week for Taylor Swift.

First, the singer became the latest victim of the celebrity nude photo hacking scandal, and now she’s reportedly being sued.

According to TMZ, Taylor’s company is being sued by a chauffeur service after they supposedly backed out of a pre-arranged deal to take the 22 singer around New York during the summer.

The company suing claim that the deal involved them having to lease two brand new cars especially for Taylor, leaving them out-of-pocket when her people backed out of the deal three weeks later.

Details of the action against Taylor reveals that her security team had planned every part of the deal down to the very last detail – including when the driver could and couldn’t speak to the singer!

We’ve never had Taylor down for a demanding diva, so we’re sure there was a perfectly good explanation behind the legal action.

This latest report tops off what has been a bad week for the 24-year-old, who has been dragged into the notorious nude photo hacking debacle. A topless photo, allegedly of the singer, appeared on the 4Chan website on Sunday but was removed shortly after.

Taylor has always set a good example for her fans, so we hope she’s doing okay!
