
Monthly Archives: September 2014


Miranda Lambert broke down on stage during her concert in Texas recently.

The country singer became emotional after sharing a special moment with a fan who is suffering from cancer.

In the touching video below, Miranda can be seen taking a gift from seven-year-old Brooke Hester who is currently battling neuroblastoma.

The two share a moment together during which Miranda becomes overwhelmed with emotions and has to get the crowd to carry on singing for her.

Brooke told Today that holding hands with the star was truly special for her: “She must really like me.”

The video has now gone viral with over 800,000 views, and it’s not hard to see why, what a truly amazing moment.

Something tells us Miranda loves her fans very, very much!



From looking at Kendall Jenner’s Instagram you may think she had the week of her life; walking runways for top designers and attending parties – but the reality is very different.

Reports have been suggesting that the KUWTK star was bullied by models during fashion week as their jealousy of her rising career reached its peak.

A source told In Touch Weekly that the other models even went as far as to put cigarettes out in her drink: “They started acting bi****. Some even put out their cigarettes in Kendall’s drink!”

Kendall has been struggling to distance herself from the fame of her reality TV family and seems to have been doing quite well, walking for the likes of Marc Jacobs and Tommy Hilfiger.

However, it doesn’t all seem to be going to plan if this recent report is anything to go by.

Poor Kendall – there is never an excuse to bully someone. 

Don't let them keep you down Kendall!

This wasn't the only bad experience the model had at NYFW however, as a photographer also took a too-close-for-comfort photo of her for which she branded him a "perv". 


Ever wondered what you’d have for your last meal? We probably all have, but one London restaurant took the question a bit too far with a very morbid dining idea.

Pop-up restaurant Death Row Dinners uses images of prison inmates with menus hanging around their necks, with the slogan “eat like it’s your last meal on Earth.”

The restaurant is set to open for four weeks during October and November in London. The organisers had no problem admitting that the £50-a-head (€63) menu was inspired by what death row inmates had chosen to eat as their last meal before execution. 

The announcement of COURSE caused Twitter to unite in outrage. Most people were understandably sickened by the idea:

Though one or two did have a morbid interest in the whole concept:

The pop-up’s organinsers have since released an apologetic statement saying they are “considering their next steps.”

Hmmm… when it comes to controversial restaurant choices, McDonald’s is bad enough for us, thanks!



Sky News reporter Kay Burley made a rookie mistake last night during a live report about the Scottish referendum when she didn’t realise her mic was already on!

As her colleagues were handing over to her, she can be heard saying someone looks like “a bit of a knob” as she had been trying to decide with her crew whether or not the man should be shown on camera!

She obviously didn’t realise her mistake until later as she carried on reporting as if nothing had happened, though she did apologise for her language on Twitter later, saying that the man who looked like "a bit of a knob" was trying to hit her cameraman:

We really enjoy these live TV mishaps, though no one will ever beat our Aengus! “What?!”




When Cameron Diaz got together with Good Charlotte’s Benji Madden, we thought it was a match made in Heaven. The star’s friends have even commented about how she’s never looked happier, but after hearing what Benji admitted in a recent interview, we fear they may not go the distance.   

While Cameron has spoken out countless times about how she’s not the motherly type, Benji said that a family is “what every man wants, whether they admit it or not.”

Uh oh, we’re not sure how Cameron will feel about this. Only recently, she’s talked about how children aren’t really on her wish list:

“It's so much more work to have children. To have lives besides your own that you are responsible for, I didn't take that on. That did make things easier for me.

“A baby, that's all day, every day for eighteen years. Not having a baby might really make things easier, but that doesn't make it an easy decision.

“I like protecting people, but I was never drawn to being a mother. I have it much easier than any of them. That's just what it is. Doesn't mean life isn't sometimes hard.”

Hmm, we’re not sure how this is going to play out. Though who knows? A source says that Benji is practically living with Cameron at this stage, so they seem to be sticking together so far. And if they’re telling magazines about their baby plans, they must have spoken to each other about it. We're keeping our fingers crossed for them anyway!



Smear tests are so important for our health and peace of mind, but they’re definitely not something we look forward to. Like getting a filling at the dentist, or booking our next bikini wax, a smear test is something that all women anticipate with a certain sense of dread.

Although rarely painful, a smear test is usually somewhat uncomfortable. The process is a little bizarre too – a speculum (that strange duck-lips thing) is inserted into the vagina and a small cell sample is taken from your cervix using a specialised brush. Ew.

That’s why we were VERY happy to hear the news that a urine test could possibly be a viable alternative to a smear.

Researchers at the London School of Medicine and Dentistry compared the effectiveness of urine samples versus smear tests in detecting the presence of HPV – human papillomavirus, the virus that causes cervical cancer – and found that urine tests could be equally accurate.

More research is needed, but we’re hopeful!

For now though, doctors recommend a smear test every three years for anyone between the ages of 25 and 60. Luckily, smear tests are free for Irish women under the government-funded CervicalCheck programme – just contact your GP or local women’s health clinic for more information. 



Alanis Morissette is as well known for her trademark long, dark hair as she is for her music – but that didn’t stop her from chopping it all off and dying it blonde!

The singer posted a photo to her Instagram account which showed her hew new shoulder length blonde hair, a very different look from what we’re used to.

Her caption on the photo said that her new look was part of her “work addiction recovery”:

“New hair. girl needed to have a little fun 😉 ps– blondes are, in fact, treated differently. this is one of the many effects of work addiction recovery 🙂 #spontaneity #easybreezy #makeupforlosttime #healing (sic)”

We’re not sure what she meant exactly by this work addiction, though in a recent interview with Oprah Winfrey, she talked about how she had suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, due to fame. When Oprah asked what she meant, Alanis replied:  “Traumatised because I think that on some level, becoming famous and wanting fame, there's some trauma.”

Despite the singer’s explanation, we’re still kind of confused… but we do love the hair! Her head must feel so light after chopping off all those inches. We hope she has lots of fun as a blonde, too!



This is just genius.

If you're a Friends fan, you probably pride yourself on your ability to recite all the best lines off by heart. Well, don't get too cocky, as this little girl would whip yo' ass in a catchphrase-off.

Being just three years old hasn't stopped Annie from becoming the ultimate fan of everyone's favourite nineties sitcom. She's got all the lines down, from "We were on a break!" to "You had rambled on for eighteen pages… front and back!"

We guarantee you'll fall in love with this little comedienne… stay tuned for a pretty impressive Smelly Cat cover at the end!



The Saturdays have been the ultimate power group almost since the very beginning, back when they overtook Girls Aloud with their debut single If This Is Love in 2008.

The ladies play the Olympia Theatre in Dublin tonight, hurray! We’re sure they’ll be looking only gorgeous, but their sense of style hasn’t always been so on point. They’ve come a long way from matchy-matchy satin dresses! Let’s take a look back…

2008 – Crazy candy colours
This was one of the girls’ first appearances back in 2008, and the theme seemed to be “wear anything you want as long as you add a belt.” So much satin. We definitely wore a dress like Mollie’s on one or two nights out… in fact we probably had one like Frankie’s too. And Rochelle’s…

2009 – Floral overload
Frankie’s the only one who didn’t give in to the floral addiction here – the other girls were all over it. The pastels are a bit more easy on the eye than the picture above, but the group still had a long way to go to become style icons…

2009 – A total 360!
Well, it’s certainly not florals! The girls went all grunge rocker for their 2009 appearance at the Girl Guides’ Centenary Big Gig. Still lots of matching outfits, but we’re big fans of this look.

2010 – Beach brights
Mollie made a quick escape for this photo at 2010’s T4 On The Beach, and we can see why. These skintight graphic print dresses are hard to look at, they’re so bright. The Doc Martens were a strange addition too.

2011- Hollywood glam
This is more like it. The ladies went down the formal route for the 2011 Glamour Awards at which they won Band of the Year. For once they chose different dress styles to suit each of their shapes, and the results were stunning.

2011 – Eighties revival
Hmmm. Some of the girls had the right idea here, but again there’s so much unnecessary belting. A lot done, more to do.

2012 – Casual chic
There we are. We love the individual, elegant styles on show during this visit to Los Angeles. Although there’s a certain theme to the outfits, the matching colours and dresses are out the window. Gorgeous!

2013 – Red carpet stunners
Rochelle didn’t attend the premiere of The Hangover 3, having just given birth a few days before, but the other ladies more than made up for her absence. We especially love Frankie’s pregnancy style here. A1!

2014 – Perfection!
Six years on, the girls have finally found their niche. We love these looks, worn for an appearance on BBC Breakfast in April. Frankie’s jumper… Rochelle’s skirt… we want it ALL!




Ariana Grande may be pint-sized but she has a big mouth on her, if this latest rumour is to be believed!

Apparently the singer had a big Problem with the fans who showed up to a recent appearance at a New York radio station.

"She did autographs and pics and was all smiles until she got into the elevator,” a source reportedly told The New York Post. “And as soon as the doors shut she said, ‘I hope they all f***king die." Ouch!

Earlier today the singer took to Twitter to address "rumours," though she didn't specify which ones…


This isn't the first time Ariana's been slated for her diva antics. Just a couple of weeks ago, she had tongues wagging for her refusal to answer questions or pose for photos at an Australian press call. Reporters were instructed to avoid a number of topics, from Ariana's late grandfather, to Justin Bieber, to Mariah Carey.

Luckily though, the rumours aren't yet affecting the pop starlet's success. Not only has she had major collaborations with the likes of Nicki Minaj and Iggy Azalea of late, she also scooped a whopper six nominations for the upcoming MTV EMAs.


“I like protecting people, but I was never drawn to being a mother.”

A wise and honest quote from actress Cameron Diaz, when asked why she was not yet a mum. Although it shouldn’t seem strange for a woman in the spotlight to speak candidly about why she chose not to have children, that is the unfortunate reality.

Every second day it seems like another celebrity gives birth, and if the same is true in your own social circle, the pressure can seem even more overwhelming. As women we should never have to justify the fact that we don’t have baby fever – but that pressure is there every day, in the media, in our personal lives, in questions from others.

Jennifer Aniston recently spoke about the exhaustion of constantly being asked when she was going to become a mother. For some reason, Jennifer is often (totally unfairly) portrayed in the media as someone who is just DYING to pop one out, if only she could find the right man. She took the classy approach in an interview with People, saying the questions were “not really fair.”

“I don't have this sort of checklist of things that have to be done and … if they're not checked then I've failed some part of my feminism, or my being a woman, or my worth or my value as a woman," she said. 

"I've birthed a lot of things, and I feel like I've mothered many things. And I don't think it's fair to put that pressure on people.”

Having children is often considered as the logical “next step” for a couple who are married or in a serious relationship. You’ve got your happy ever after – now to make some babies. But for some women, the next step is nothing to do with starting a family. Not because of medical issues, not because of finance, just because it’s not what they want.

“You have to really want to have kids, and neither of us did,” said actress Portia de Rossi in an interview last year. “So it’s just going to be me and Ellen and no babies — but we’re the best of friends and married life is blissful, it really is. I’ve never been happier than I am right now.”

Maybe you don’t want children for years and years. Maybe you never really want them. Or, maybe you can’t wait to become a mum. Whatever you feel, know that it’s your choice and you shouldn’t have to justify it to anyone but yourself.


Fancy a midweek movie, or are you holding out for the weekend? Either way we have your box office bucket list sorted!

This week we take a look at some newcomers onto our screen including one of the late Philip Seymour Hoffman’s last movies which has been receiving some rave reviews ‘A Man Most Wanted’. as well as a must-see upcoming release. We also know that some movies on our screens might be raking in the profits, but are they actually worth seeing on the big screen or waiting for the DVD? We’ve done the hard work for you!

We’ve also picked an action-packed movie for our ‘Pic of the Week’, which you can easily find online.

Next up tomorrow is our Spotlight segment where Niamh Geaney chats to Bressie about his recent projects and tries not to drool!
