
Monthly Archives: September 2014


Butlers in the Buff is coming to Ireland, and they’re looking for recruits.

They are the world’s first naked butler company, and they come to your venue and serve you and your friends in nothing but a bow tie, cuffs, and an apron that shows their bum.


The company will be holding Skype interviews on Friday, and like the rest of us, they’re looking for “gorgeous, hardworking men with a great bottom”.

“We have quite a rigorous application process. They have to send in photographs which we have to vet.

“And then they fill in a form to test their personality. We want fun guys who are able to have a bit of conversation and banter with people.

“We want them to be well presented. As long as they keep themselves in great shape and have a bit of personality.

“It does what it says on the tin. We've expanded quite a lot and Dublin is the next place where we need more guys.

“It [the job] is perfect for earning extra income. We've got lots of people who work for us who have a day job and this fits in really nicely. They earn €30 per hour so it's quite lucrative.”

Hmmm… know anyone who might be interested?! 



Unless you read a lot of interior design magazines, a lot of your home design inspirations may come from TV and films. And when you look at the bedrooms some of our favourite characters have lounged around in, you can see that there is certainly nothing wrong with that!

Sabrina The Teenage Witch
Surely, Sabrina was the envy of every young girl of the 90s. Magic powers AND this amazing bedroom? It’s just too much!

If only we lived in a palace where we could have big drapes surrounding our bed and our pet tiger. Princess Jasmine really had it all.

Cher Horowitz had everything we wanted from a bedroom – cool slanted walls and lots and lots of clothes!

10 Things I Hate About You
Probably the most achievable bedroom of the lot – Kat’s room was the perfect angsty teenager bedroom. There is ALWAYS room for one more poster.

Frenchy’s bedroom had the perfect retro look – though it wasn’t retro at the time. AND she had an ensuite. So jealous!

Sex and the City
Carrie's boudoir defies all logic with her walk in wardrobe and king size bed – all paid for by one weekly column? Yeah, ok…Still, we can dream!

Saved by The Bell
Jessie’s bedroom is probably our favourite. Mostly because Zach Morris was always climbing in the window. That girl did not know how good she had it!




Millie Mackintosh has long been an advocate of healthy eating and exercise, however, she has left her fans divided after a photo she posted on her Instagram caused upset.

The photo features the reality TV star’s legs and is captioned: “Miss you my frankfurter friend.”

Millie's personal trainer is also tagged in the photo. 

The joke of course refers to the “hotdogs or legs” gag when girls post photos of their legs.

But the photo isn’t funny to a lot of Millie’s fans and has caused upset with comments such as: “Not good to put pictures like this up” and “It’s not setting a good example to young girls who look up to you as their role model” taking over her feed.

However, many of Millie's followers also stuck up for her, saying that it was not okay to thin shame her either:

The star, who recently unveiled her brand new clothing line, has spoken out about weight bullies in the past, saying that skinny shaming is just as bad as fat shaming: “I got bullied at school, people called me ‘sparrow legs’, so it’s actually quite mean. You wouldn’t comment on a fat girl’s picture, so thin shaming’s not nice either.”

Whatever side you may lie on, it seems like Millie’s fans are well and truly divided, with many opting to unfollow her Instagram account due to the photo.




The very first photo of Lauren Conrad’s dream wedding has been released and it’s so pretty!

The photo is featured on the front cover of US Weekly and shows the stunning reality TV star sitting on her new husband’s knee looking very loved and happy – aww!

While not much of the dress can be seen (all in good time) we can see her beautiful headpiece of golden leaves with a veil.

Lauren was married to William Tell in a ceremony on the California coast last weekend. 

Wow – we never pictured Lauren with a veil but it looks gorgeous on her!

This has gotten us super excited for the rest of the photos (hint hint, Lauren!)




Halle Berry has gotten rid of her trademark pixie haircut!

The X-Men actress was spotted out and about sporting some lovely extensions and is almost unrecognisable in her new look.

It’s the first time in a while that Halle has changed her hairstyle but has said in the past that hair extensions make a quick change of heart very easy: “I get bored and as a woman, I want to change…and thanks to extensions, it’s easy.”

The star has also previously explained the reasoning behind her trademark short cut: “I’ve had long hair until I was about 18 or 19, when I first started acting. I would go to auditions and see every other girl in the room with long, curly hair – whether it be natural or weaved in.  I remember thinking this isn’t working for me. I have to somehow be different from these girls, so I cut all my hair off.”

The move clearly worked for her and now that she is an Oscar winning actress perhaps she is ready to keep the long hair for good!



It’s official – there’s been another secret wedding in Hollywood!

Pretty Little Liars actor, Ryan Merriman, tied the knot on the weekend of the 5th September to fiancée, Kristen McMullen.

The exciting news was recently confirmed by the actor’s rep.

The couple have been engaged since April of last year and his description of their engagement in New Zealand makes us weak at the knees: “There is this awesome thing called Sky City, with a stratosphere tower and they light off about $300,000 worth of fireworks at midnight. As soon as I gave her a kiss and proposed, the fireworks started going off. It was kind of like a movie.”

Now that it one romantic guy!

Congratulations to the happy couple on this lovely news!



If you’ve had your heart broken, you know how hard it can be to get on with your life. It may even feel impossible, but if there’s one thing worth remembering, it’s that it WILL get easier. You just have to work your way through it. Here are some tips to do just that.

Feel it
While at first, you may try to avoid feeling the burn by keeping really, really busy, there will come a stage where you just have to sit down and let yourself feel it. It’s not nice, and it probably won’t be pretty, but you’ll feel better afterwards. Bottling it all up can only work for so long!

Remember you had a life before
We’re not born with other halves (unless you’re a twin!), and we would put our money on it that you were perfectly happy before you met that guy. Sure, you may have wanted to meet someone, but spending Friday nights alone wasn’t as miserable as it seems now, was it? It was actually kind of nice. You had a shower and watched the films YOU wanted to watch, or read a good book. Remember there’s life outside relationships, and it’s not as bad as it seems right now!

Make a list of your strengths
If you’re feeling weak, make a list of your strengths, or all the times you showed how strong you could be. A little reminder that you’ve gotten through bad times before and came out the other end can do the world of good!

Don’t block the fantasies
If you tell yourself you’re not going to think about that person ever again, you’re going to want to think about them even more. Allow the fantasies to roll through your mind. They will eventually stop, and you’ll know you’re on the mend.

Going for a run or doing some kind of exercise can work wonders if you need an instant pick me up. It increases the levels of serotonin in your body, which is the happy hormone.

Make a list of all his pros and cons
The pro list may be considerably longer at first, but as you remember the bad things, write them down. As it grows you’ll come to realise that you’re going to be fine. In the words of your mother, this too shall pass!



So you're into your first few weeks of college and it's not everything you imagined it would be. Here are the biggest mistakes college freshers make:

1. Thinking you will be in love with your course
While some may love their course, many are faced with the reality that it just isn't what they thought it would be. It's important to deal with this as soon as you realise so you can work it out and do something you actually love. Four years is a long time. 

2.Thinking we’ll pass the year by doing zero work
Rookie mistake – you will fail. Hard. 


3. Late night cramming
Early to bed early to rise is much healthier and productive than studying until 5am. 

Screen Shot 2014-03-31 at 09.58.41

4. Shifting someone in your class
You spotted him in the first week of lectures fell madly in love, shifted him on the class night out and haven’t been able to face him since. Worse still everyone in your class will never let you forget it and make sure to bring it up as often as they can…oh the shame!

5. Joining 50 clubs and societies and attending none of them
Everything seemed so good so interesting. And the classic ‘it’s the best way to make friends’ was being thrown around like it was going out of fashion. So you joined everything from the tennis team to the tea society and haven’t attended one event.

6. Becoming a full time party animal
So you’re finally free and your weekly social life is a lot more exciting than your weekend one. Constantly receiving invites to events on Facebook it can be hard to decide which one to go to, so your solution? GO TO THEM ALL.

7. Thinking your life will revolve around Starbucks
Such a cliche girly expectation that a lot of us are guilty of. Think you’ll constantly have a caramel cream frappuccino during your lectures? Think again – those are damn expensive… You can have an americano with a shot of caramel on Fridays if you like though. 


via our content partner CT



It's unique to be a redhead and so many people wish they were as lucky as you – so embrace it! Here are all the reasons it's great to be a redhead!

1. You are Unique!
Under 2% of the global population have been blessed enough to be born a redhead. And of this 2%, it is thought that a quarter of redheads have dyed their hair. You are a genetic miracle, embrace it!

2. Redheads don’t go grey.
When you reach a certain age, you can bask in the fact that all of your friends are losing those golden highlights you once thought you envied.

3. In some cultures, people still believe that you’re a witch!
That could come in hand…

4. Americans and Asians love you!
If you are a fiery redhead, you are bound to have a few tourists ask to take a picture with you from time to time. If you are also Irish, CONGRATULATIONS you have just experienced what it’s like to be a celebrity.

5. Your body hair is blonde.
You could go a week without shaving your legs and no one would notice. You can head out on the town with legs like big foot and man, woman or beast would be none the wiser. PLUS, you get away with not bleaching/waxing your top lip half the time.

6. Easier for your friends and parents to spot  you in a crowd
Nobody likes getting lost. 

7. You’re in the same category as famous legends
Examples: Ed Sheeran, Ron Weasley, Prince Harry. 

8. Genetics
If you’re a redhead, it’s probably likely that one or both of your parents are the same. The redhead gene is recessive so it’s got to be a strong ass underdog gene to make it past the blondes and brunettes. The gene that you have is a genetic trait that has fought its way from your oldest ancestors to you. Be proud of your genes!

9. Always a hefty supply of factor 50+
On those hot days, when every factor 15, 20 and 25 are nowhere to be seen, factor 50+ stands tall and strong and waiting to be lathered upon your milk bottle complexion.

via our content partner CT



Have you ever wondered what you would say if you saw your favourite actor in the street?

Scream? Shout? Faint?

These actors relate to Vanity Fair what their fans (and non fans) have said to them when passing them in the street. 



Could there be anything worse than losing your wedding ring less than a month after the wedding?!

Of course there is, but it’s still pretty heartbreaking!

That’s exactly what happened to TV star Jenny McCarthy following her nuptials to Donny Wahlberg at the end of August.

The former star of The View opened up about the loss, saying: “I’ve already lost the ring. We were staying in a hotel and you can’t have a wedding ring on… it’s a little hard to get romantic with diamonds on your hand. I removed it and put it on the room service table and they came and turned down the room and the ring was gone… But you know what though? If you’re gonna lose your wedding ring, you should lose it that way.”

Hmm, not sure we agree there Jenny but glad to see the loss isn’t keeping you down!

Jenny was married to Donny, who is the older brother of Mark Wahlberg, last month after one year of dating.




You had better sit down and watch this girl’s Frozen performance and be very quiet and still.

This little Mariah-in-the-making loses her temper with her mummy for laughing and all hell breaks loose…

Very funny – what a hilarious reaction.
