
Monthly Archives: September 2014

You can buy every brightening serum or conditioning treatment on the market, but if you’re ignoring your diet, you might as well forget it! What we eat is key to ensuring our skin looks bright, our teeth are strong and our hair is healthy and shiny.

Make sure you’re eating these six superfoods to give yourself a head start…

1. Blueberries
These tiny little guys are bursting with antioxidants which have anti-aging properties, so aim for a handful a day. Blend them in a smoothie, sprinkle them on your cereal or just eat them solo as a snack.

2. Spinach
Make spinach your go-to leafy green of choice to ensure you’re getting the most out of your salad. Popeye’s fave contains lutein which keeps your eyes bright and healthy, and it’s packed with omega-3 fatty acids which keep your skin moisturised and supple.

3. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are a great source of the antioxidant lycopene which is great for skin. Apparently lycopene is more easily absorbed in cooked form, so go for a tomato-heavy sauce next time you’re having pasta.

4. Walnuts
Smooth skin, healthy hair – walnuts might look kinda ugly but they’ll keep you feeling beautiful! Again, a handful a day is more than enough.

5. Kiwis
Pop a kiwi in your lunchbox for a huge vitamin C boost, ensuring your skin stays firm and wrinkle-free. Vitamin C is also essential for healthy bones and teeth.

6. Dark chocolate
Finally, a healthy dessert! Contrary to popular belief, chocolate does not cause you to get spotty skin. Dark chocolate (60% cocoa or higher) can actually keep skin hydrated and even protect it from sun damage. So eat up!



Beyoncé, arguably the world’s most loved woman has been accused of photoshopping her holiday snaps…again.

A photo shared to the star’s Tumblr account shows Beyoncé looking absolutely fabulous in a bikini but there is something not quite right.

Behind her thigh, a step can clearly be seen to be off to the others, pointing once again to Photoshop alteration.

We just can’t understand why she, or whoever is working for her, would feel the need to alter photos when she is so perfect just the way she is!

This is the third time Queen Bey has been accused of photoshopping her images – can it stop now please?!

Today is not a good day for Beyoncé as she has also been accused of lip-synching! 

A video has surfaces that clearly shows the singer stop singing with the track continuing on despite this…awkward. 

Ashlee Simpson we understand, Britney to a point too – but Beyoncé?! If there was ever someone who didn't need help in that department, it's her!



Perhaps Shia LaBeouf should have worn that paper bag over his head more often, it might have saved him the stress of being stalked by Graciela Nahle, a woman who thinks he has a striking resemblance to Albert Einstein.

Yes, we laughed when we heard that too. But then we saw this picture, and we were like WOAH.

Seriously, if they weren’t born in different centuries, we’d want to have a look at their birth certs.

Still, that’s no excuse for the way she reacted when she showed up at his house unannounced chomping on a water melon. Shia asked her to leave, and she yelled: “I am going to blow up your house! I am going to blow up the world! You are Albert Einstein and we belong together.”

The woman has been stalking the actor for months, and claims that they were BFFs in a previous life.

Shia has filed a restraining order against the woman, so she has to stay 100 yards from him at all times.

If you were to break out that paper bag right about now Shia, we wouldn’t blame you!




Glamour model and former TOWIE star Maria Fowler clearly doesn’t live by the rule where if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

After watching her ex co-star Lauren Goodger on Celebrity Big Brother, she couldn’t help but voice her opinion on Twitter:

“Wait 'til she can’t keep up this fake friendly act anymore!

“Either she’s had a personality transplant or this is some serious act #CBB.

“Lauren's voice has changed more than Frank Maloney's. I think she’s trying to sound sweet and innocent.”

Lauren’s fans stuck up for the reality star at this point, but Maria wasn’t backing down:

“No no no it’s justified. I never said what she did to me. It wasn’t nice.

“Not nice to slag off Lauren for her looks. But I speak on her personality for having the displeasure of her nasty side. No other reason. Xx.”

Those two kisses at the end really are the passive aggressive cherry on top, no?

Of course, Lauren wasn’t best pleased and responded to the comments in her column:

“I've heard Maria Fowler has been slagging me off, saying I used to be a lovely girl before I joined TOWIE, but fame has changed me and she's seen my nasty side.

“What have I done to her? This is bull****!

“People like her talk about other people to get back in the public eye. It's pathetic.”

This isn’t the first time Maria has hinted at Lauren having done something to her. Back in 2011, she made a scathing comment about Lauren’s bikini body while on TOWIE, but justified it later on Twitter saying:

“Haha don't even start sayin I'm bein bitchy when there is a LOT you don't know!!!!!!! (sic).

“If people knew the reason behind things that are said #YouWouldntJudge….”

Hmm we think if there wasn anything that bad, she’d have told us by now. She doesn’t seem to be able to keep much to herself!


There’s nothing worse than trying to slip into your Saturday night dress when a bloated tummy has you feeling far from sexy. Sometimes stomach bloating can be caused by having just eaten a big meal, but often the reason might be a little harder to figure out – water retention, bad digestion or dehydration.

Here are our tips for getting rid of pesky bloating…

1. Avoid the couch straight after dinner
If you often feel gassy or too full after a meal, avoid throwing yourself on the coach as soon as you’ve finished eating. A brisk walk, even for 15 minutes, helps the food to move through your system more easily.

2. Drink lots of water – but not all at once!
Water is key for ensuring your food is well digested, but too much at once can leave your stomach feeling uncomfortably full, especially before exercise. Try to drink a full glass of water around 1 -2 hours before your workout, so that your body has time to hydrate.

3. Go bananas
One banana per day contains enough potassium to significantly reduce bloating. Slice one up on your morning cereal, or eat one as a snack later in the day. Easy!

4. Keep carbs for lunchtime
Eating excess carbohydrates in the evening is a sure fire way to leave you feeling sluggish. If you have a night out or event planned and don’t want a bloated stomach, avoid starchy foods after lunchtime.

5. Make room for probiotics
Probiotics are “good bacteria” that can improve digestive health. Look for yoghurts or yoghurt drinks containing these friendly bacteria for a tasty way to help bloating.



Ladies and gentlemen – it’s time to break out that denim jacket at the back of your wardrobe, because you’re probably going to want to wear it to the next B*Witched concert!

It’s been 12 years since the Irish girl band were making music together (though they did reunite for The Big Reunion last year), but at last, they’ve decided to give things another go.

The band have released a new song The Stars Are Ours, along with a music video which sees the four band mates dancing around (the budget clearly didn’t stretch to a choreographer!), with photos from their glory days flashing up on the screen. The song itself isn’t TOO bad – but it’s certainly no C’est La Vie.

All of a sudden, Edel Lynch’s Celebrity Big Brother appearance makes perfect publicity sense!



Taylor Swift is still struggling to get over her ill-fated relationship with Harry Styles it seems.

The singer revealed that several of the tracks on her upcoming album 1989 are about her ex, Harry. Ouch. 

The pair broke up over a year and a half ago, and Taylor told Rolling Stone that she hasn't been on a date with anyone since. "People are going to feel sorry for me when you write that," she said. "But it's true." We're not sure Harry has been quite so chaste – he's been linked to model Paige Reifler and singer Asami Zdrenka in recent months.

Taylor named a number of unreleased singles from her new album that are about the One Direction singer. All You Had to Do Was Stay is all about a guy who couldn't commit (aaw), I Wish You Would is about an ex who bought a house two blocks away from hers (we sense a pattern here), and Out of the Woods is about a painful breakup. 

The singer has previously admitted that her hit I Knew You Were Trouble was inspired by Harry too – if you had any doubt, just listen to the angst-heavy monologue at the beginning:

Taylor also admitted to Rolling Stone that she's trying to keep her love life out of the spotlight for now. "I don't like giving comedians the opportunity to make jokes about me at awards shows. I don't like it when headlines read ‘Careful, Bro, She'll Write a Song About You', because it trivializes my work," she said, adding that she feels her dating life "has become a bit of a national pastime."

Well… we hate to say it Tay… but you do write an AWFUL lot of songs about ex-boyfriends!



Jumpsuits have been all over the place for the last while, but we don’t blame you if you haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet – they can be a daunting look to master.

Some jumpsuits not only cover up your legs but your arms and chest too, meaning they can swamp your lovely figure. But don’t stress! Although jumpsuits were inspired originally by mens’ maintenance wear, they have evolved into many really versatile looks. Like dresses, jumpsuits are one-piece outfits that don’t take a lot of effort to make you look super-sleek.

Here are our top tips for dressing to impress….

1. Throw on a jacket
If you’re a jumpsuit virgin, keep things subtle by wearing a jacket on top. A structured blazer can really define your waist too, giving your outfit a great hourglass silhouette. Neutral tones, like Olivia Palermo’s loose cream blazer, add a touch of femininity:

2. Avoid VPL!
It’s a jumpsuit, not a catsuit. Steer away from fabrics that cling in the wrong places – especially the crotch! Rita Ora’s jumpsuit is just that touch too tight, while Kim Kardashian has the right idea in this curve-enhancing black number:

3. Cinch it in
Give a floaty jumpsuit some sex appeal with a belted or nipped-in waist. Emma Stone is stunning in this Elie Saab red carpet look… we adore it!

4. Old- school glamour
Don’t be afraid to accessorise! A statement necklace is an easy way to make your jumpsuit dance-floor ready with little effort. Rihanna livens up her all black outfit with some striking gold jewellery:

5. Take the plunge
Unless your jumpsuit is sleeveless, you’re not going to be showing off a lot of skin, so you can afford to go all out with a plunging neckline. Gabrielle Union is a total fox in her sexy red number…

6. Get the edge
Add some grungy style to a floaty jumpsuit with a biker jacket or killer heels. Kendall Jenner is far from an innocent princess in her leather-panelled blazer and stiletto boots:

7. Go graphic!
It can be easy to stick with black, but you’ll really stand out from the crowd in a bold graphic print. Choose simple polka dots or florals, or go full-on leopard like Kourtney Kardashian. Kourt breaks up this loud design with a belted waist and low neckline… she must have been following our advice!




UK model Cara Delevingne seems to be everywhere at the moment and it looks like she’s only getting bigger!

Last week the actress spoke about her small role in The Face of An Angel, based on the story of Amanda Knox.  Now though, she’s been announced as the lead in what is set to be a huge film for 2015. She’ll be playing the role of Margo in Paper Towns, based on the book by John Green – author of the young adult favourite, The Fault In Our Stars.

The Fault In Our Stars made huge waves at the box office when the film adaptation was released earlier this year, and we bet Paper Towns will be no different. Exciting!

The plot of the book centres on Cara’s character, who runs away from home, leaving clues behind to lead her lovesick friend Quentin to her hiding place. Nat Wolff, who played Isaac in The Fault In Our Stars, will play the besotted Quentin.

Author John Green tweeted his excitement at the casting news earlier today:

And Cara seemed equally elated in her reply to director Jake Schreier!

Cara has had a few breakout roles so far – she starred in the 2012 adaptation of Anna Karenina, and next year she will appear alongside Hugh Jackman and Amanda Seyfried in Pan. And that's all on top of strutting the catwalk for Chanel and being the face of both Topshop and Burberry. Talk about a high achiever!



At the beginning of a new relationship with someone special, it seems like the most logical thing in the world to spend time with them 24/7. The two of you click, you love being around each other, you feel lost without them, you need to tell them everything and you need to tell them NOW. We’re all guilty of losing ourselves to the honeymoon period.

As time goes on though, it’s important to realise that there is a difference between your own identity and your relationship’s identity. We all know one person who finds it hard to exist independently of their relationship. It could be that friend of yours who has completely disappeared from your social circle since she fell in love, or that work colleague who speaks of nothing else but her boyfriend, or it could even be you.

A relationship can be an all-consuming thing, and of course it requires a huge level of commitment. But losing yourself completely means that you may start to neglect your own needs and aspirations. That in turn can lead to resentment, stress and even feeling like you are trapped.

In order to avoid things getting to that point, it’s important to be mindful of maintaining a sense of yourself, no matter how serious or long-term your relationship is. All those things that attracted you to each other at the outset – personality, dreams, funny quirks, sense of humour – those things are individual to each of you and they are what formed the foundation of your bond. Don’t let them fall by the wayside!

First and foremost – ensure you spend enough time apart. Sometimes even an evening spent separately with friends is enough to give you some perspective and to make you feel that you are your own person. It also gives you two the chance to miss each other a little.

It doesn’t have to be a girls’ night out on the town – why not book yourself in for that yoga class that you were reluctant to try as your partner had no interest? Or pop over to a friend’s house to watch GBBO rather than forcing your other half to sit through it, if his interest in Victoria sponges in negligible. Make time for yourself. Do it for your relationship, but also do it for you.

Another important factor in maintaining independence is to have a healthy level of communication. Becoming aware of each other’s needs and aspirations makes it far easier to build a strong relationship that has staying power. If you are feeling overwhelmed or in need of space – let your partner know.

When you love someone, it can seem like a bizarre idea sometimes to focus on yourself and to put yourself first. But remember that your relationship is the sum of two parts – and you are one of them.


Every week The Line-Up takes a look across Ireland and picks the best events you won’t want to miss out on.

This week your Snapshot host Niamh Geaney talks midnight rendezvous's, making music on the streets, laughing along to Tupperware parties at the Belle Bottoms and world premieres at the Dublin Theatre Festival. All that and much more!

We’ll be back tomorrow with our movie show, enjoy!



Although it's only been two months since the pregnancy was confirmed, Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling are now the proud parents of a baby girl.

Us Weekly confirmed that Eva gave birth on Friday. The couple have kept extremely quiet about Eva's pregnancy – she was seven months along before they confirmed she was expecting. Earlier this year, Eva even laughed off pregnancy rumours on The Ellen Show, saying they were "so ridiculous." Awkward!

Apparently Ryan has been every inch the attentive boyfriend though. "Ryan has already stepped into the role of caring father-to-be," a source told Us Weekly recently. "[Eva's] been wanting pasta, and he's cooking her meals." Awww!

The couple first started dating in 2011 – much to our devastation – after they co-starred in The Place Beyond the Pines.

Congrats Ryan and Eva! 
