
Monthly Archives: September 2014


We know there are a LOT of proposal videos out there – but this one has to be up there with the best.

This vlogger has clearly been planning his proposal to hid girlfriend, Chyna, for a really long time now as he spelt the words out over a space of videos that eventually read: “Will you marry me?”

His nervousness adds to how lovely his unique proposal and he writes: “It’s been a long time coming. And I really stressed over what this video should be. But I think I came up with something that will really ring true….”



You know what would be the best thing ever? A box of beauty goodies delivered right to your door. And not just any old beauty goodies, we’d want top of the range kind of stuff.

Well, Glossybox may just have the answer! When you subscribe, you get a monthly delivery of miniature beauty products right to your door, and for September, they’ve partnered up with Karen Millen to celebrate London Fashion Week.

The limited edition London skyline box includes L’Oreal Mythic Hair Masks and Oil, Origins Anti-Aging Serum, Nails Inc Top Coat, Model Co. Brow Gel, Skin Pep enzyme peel, just to name a few. And the box itself is also something to be treasured, as it was created by the in-house Karen Millen illustrator as part of their AW14 collection.

All this is €15 while stocks last, and you can get it from www.glossybox.co.uk. While you’re there, you could sign up a monthly subscription too – they start at €35 for three months, and go up to  €115 for a year long subscription. It could also make a great gift for a friend!




If you’ve been looking at your kitchen lately wondering where it all went wrong, then perhaps it needs a bit of a revamp. And if you’re going to go to the bother of doing it up, why not pick a theme? Themes are the best! Here are our favourites!

We’re not sure we could have an Italian themed kitchen without craving a big bowl of spaghetti bolognese every time we walked in, but if you think you could handle it, the Italian look is really nice and homely!

If you live by the sea, or if you just like the colour blue, a nautical themed kitchen is really fresh and inviting. Accessorise with ropes and sea shells – lovely!

If you want your kitchen to be a natural beauty, why not try an organic theme? We bet having a theme like this would help keep you motivated to eat healthily, a pizza box just wouldn’t look right on that table!

Everything sounds better when you put the word ‘country’ in front of it – country soup, country produce, country kitchen. You’ll be just dying to whip up a few freshly made apple tarts in a kitchen like this, leaving them out on the window sill to cool, like the good old days (or just reheat the one you bought in the shop and hide the evidence!).

If you’re looking for a cool, sleek interior design, then a modern kitchen is just the thing for you. This is a clutter-free zone.

Want to feel like you’ve stepped into a time machine every time you go to make a cup of tea? Well, maybe it won’t be so extreme, but a retro kitchen will surely provide a blast from the past for your parents! It looks really cool too!

images via Pinterest



Robert Pattinson fans have been rocked by a pregnancy tweet sent out by the actor’s rumoured girlfriend, FKA Twigs.

The musician sparked the pregnancy rumours when she tweeted: “I’ve a baby inside, but I won’t give birth till you insert yourself inside of me.”

Erm…we’re not sure what that means.

The internet however, decided it clearly means she is expecting Robert’s child!

It now seems as if this isn’t true with a source telling Hollywood Life: “Rob has not got anyone pregnant. Whatever that tweet or rumour is about is basically just that, a big rumour!”

FKA Twigs is known to be very private about her personal life, recently saying: “I think that I like to keep my personal life personal” so what exactly did she think was going to happen sending out a tweet like that?!

Anyway, fans (and Kristen Stewart) can all breathe a sigh of relief as it looks like Robert isn’t going to be a dad anytime soon.



This dog know exactly who the best dog in the world is – her. 

When asked by her owner who is the best dog, she raises a paw to answer his question! 

So cute!



There’s almost always one or two frenemies in any group of friends, and while they can be hard to spot at times, they do have some tell-tale characteristics, such as:

Getting too close, too fast
Building a relationship takes time – but a frenemy will just come rushing into your life, all guns blazing. You’ll be invited to every single one of her parties, she’ll text you often and tag you in Facebook posts so that everyone knows you two are friends. At first you may think that this is the friendliest person you’ve ever met, but soon, you will come to realise, all is not what it seems.

Telling you EVERYTHING about themselves
A frenemy airs out ALL her dirty laundry in your company. She tells you about her difficult childhood, her relationship problems or the fact that she once had a threesome. All this is followed by the statement that she’s only telling you because she trusts you. Or is it because she wants you to feel like you should repay the favour and tell her all your deep dark secrets? Beware!

Backhanded compliments
No one can dole out a backhanded compliment quite like a frenemy. “This dress would REALLY flatter your figure,” she says, while browsing the maternity section of New Look.

They love bad news
If you’ve just updated your relationship status on Facebook from ‘In a relationship’ to ‘single’, the frenemy will be on the phone ASAP, quizzing you on what went wrong – under the guise of concern, of course. Don’t give away any details you don’t want the whole world to know – that’s what she wants!

Passive aggressiveness
Can’t hang out today? A frenemy won’t understand. You’ll probably be treated to a passive aggressive one word text message such as “Fine.” No smiley. No kiss. No nothing. Don’t let this force you into promising to hang out at a later date, a real friend understands that you aren’t at their constant beck and call.

That feeling…
After a while, you’ll just know who is and isn’t a real friend. Anyone who makes you feel guilty for doing your own thing, tries to put you down as often as possible, or only wants to know about what’s going wrong in your life, is not a friend. Watch out for these people, they’re trouble!



Lauren Conrad was married to William Tell last weekend during what was most definitely a Pinterest perfect wedding.

While no photos of the big day have yet been released by the reality TV star and clothing designer, it is easy to assume that certain Hills alumni not in attendance were Kristin Cavalleri and Heidi Montag.

Well, in an interesting move, Heidi decided to acknowledge the fact she was not at the wedding by congratulating Lauren over Twitter last night.

Heidi tweeted to her old friend: “Congratulations @LaurenConrad on finding true love and your soul mate! Sending you love and blessings! The best is yet to come! Love you.”

So Lauren didn’t invite her old frenemy eh? Interesting given that Lauren came along to see Heidi marry the awful Spencer.

The two ended on a good note surprisingly, with Lauren even coming to see Heidi at the back of the church before she walked up the aisle.

Could it all have been for show…hmm!

We can’t wait to see which of The Hills crowd DID make the invite list! Was Brody Jenner in attendance after skipping out on sister Kim’s wedding to Kanye back in May? Time will tell…





Don’t worry girls, we all tell these lies to ourselves on a daily basis. You are not alone.

1. I’ll go to bed early tonight

I take nap right here

No, you won’t. And you knew that almost immediately after you made this decision, it was not going to happen. Go on, stick on another episode of Gossip Girl. One more won’t hurt.

2. I’ll start going to the gym every day

You know exercise will make you feel better but this couch is soooo comfy…

3. I’m not gonna get drunk tonight

Well that bottle of gin you bought tells us otherwise…

4. I’m not getting with HIM again

Don't drink the gin then…

5. I’m giving up junk food


Chocolate doesn't count though, right?

6. I’m staying in this weekend

WHO is going out?! I'm there. 

7. Sure I don’t even like him, it’s only a bit of fun.

You think I’m gorgeous, you want to kiss me…

This one is okay for the first few weeks/months, but eventually it’s yourself you’re going to be convincing, not your mates.

8. I’m gonna start studying, like, really soon.

One for the college students out there…we believe you. 

via our content partner CT



A Garda investigation into a woman alleging she was raped by a man she met over Tinder is currently underway.

The woman says that she met the man in a coffee shop in Dublin last Thursday after talking to him over the popular dating app for four days.

However, things took a sinister turn when the man forced the woman, who is believed to be in her 30’s, into his car before driving to the M50 where the terrifying sex crime took place.

It has been reported that the man drove around looking for a suitable secluded spot before the rape took place.

Following this, the alleged rapist dropped the woman home.

The woman was understandably terrified. 

This is the first reported incident of its kind in relation to Tinder and is a reminder of how careful we all need to be when using dating apps.



Jane Fonda has revealed what her real name is – and we can’t believe she changed it in the first place!

The Monster-In-Law actress told Jimmy Kimmel that she was actually born Lady Jayne Seymour Fonda.

No, not from a royal genealogy – her parent just chose Lady as her first name!

However, the actress revealed she changed it, as well as the spelling of Jayne to Jane, as she was a tomboy and didn’t like her unusual name.

Well, we have to say, if there was ever a celebrity name, Lady was it!

We’re sure she has no regrets as she made it to the top without a fancy name!



We never say no to a good freebie, but Pizza Hut were more than a little off the mark with their recent promotion.

When ordering a pizza, you might expect free garlic bread, or a free soft drink… but a free hamster?! That’s what one Australian branch of the fast food chain was apparently offering with a recent promotion. It’s enough to put us off our dinner!

The sign at the store in Mount Waverley, Melbourne read “Buy 10 large pizzas and get one free small animal from Pets Story.”

Managers at the store later claimed the offer was a misprint and that the promotion was actually for a small animal care kit. Which, to be honest, is an equally weird thing to offer with pizza!

Speaking about the offer, a senior employee at the store said, “The condition was if someone came into the store and wanted to redeem it, we would ask them what pet they had and then they could receive an update on their kit — such as a fish bowl. That is what we have in stock for this promotion, we haven't got 300 animals sitting in our backyard waiting to give them away.”

However Debra Tranter, president of animal care group Oscar’s Law, said she was given a different story when she approached the store to ask about the weird offer. She claims a member of staff admitted that the plan was to give away guinea pigs and rabbits. Uh-oh…

Pizza Hut have distanced themselves from the controversy, which they say was not approved by the company’s HQ.

“We once again apologise for this thoughtless promotion ever occurring and would like to reassure you all that this matter is being seriously dealt with,” Pizza Hut officials said in a Facebook post.



Khloé Kardashian has unveiled her brand new hairstyle – cornrows!

The reality TV star debuted her new hair on her Instagram account in a candid gym snap where she also blamed sister Kourtney for her unhealthy eating habits: “Monday with @gunnarfitness!!! I am determined to get my pre-hamptons, pre sympathy kourtney pregnancy weight off. Nothing comes east. Why do I blame Kourt though?!? Lol.”

The youngest Kardashian sister can be seen in the gym with her trained sporting some sunnies and her new cornrows.

We have to say, we’re not so sure about them but then again, a little experimenting every now and then can be lots of fun!

