
Monthly Archives: September 2014


If you ever wondered whether or not Sharon Osbourne was a fan of U2, well, she answered your question quite bluntly on Twitter last night!

While some people are falling over themselves to express how in awe they are of U2’s generosity in giving away their new album Songs of Innocence for free on iTunes, Sharon Osbourne does not agree:

Woah – she certainly didn't hold back there! And Sharon isn’t the only one who is less than impressed with the band’s deal with Apple. Irish singer songwriter Paul Brady felt it was the “nail in the coffin” of the music business:

Yikes. Looks like U2 have made quite a few enemies with this move. Though we’re sure they won’t be too worried when they’re splashing the cash. Life is just not fair!




The One Direction guys were celebrating Niall Horan’s 21st birthday in Las Vegas all weekend (well that puts our bash in the local to shame anyway!), and after photos of Liam Payne sporting a cast on his arm surfaced, 1D fans demanded to know what had happened to the singer.

The word on the street was that he “got a bit carried away” while break dancing (haven’t we all?), and hurt his hand that way. However, Liam’s rep is saying that he “hurt his hand while training” with weights. He added: “He will be fine.”

Hmmm… the old ‘lifting weights’ excuse eh? Maybe it’s true, but really, why would anyone be lifting weights when they’re in Las Vegas?!

Ah, well, the important thing is that he’s fine! Get well soon Liam!



Finally, some good news from the world of science!

Next time you put in some hard graft at the gym, don't feel too bad about rewarding yourself with a cheeky glass of vino afterwards. Apparently drinking wine moderately on a daily basis can really help our heart health… if we pair it with a regular exercise routine.

A study published by the European Society of Cardiology charted the effects of wine on cholesterol levels by getting participants to drink 1 – 2 glasses of wine five times a week for a year. Diet and physical activity were also tracked.

The trial, called "In Vino Veritas" (we see what they did there) showed that those who drank as well as exercised at least twice a week showed a big improvement in cholesterol levels, and an increase in HDL, the heart-healthy cholesterol.

Half of those studied drank pinot noir, while others enjoyed a chardonnay-pinot blend. Both were from the same year and region of the Czech Republic, but the study showed that the type of wine did not change the results.

Spinning with a side of Sauvignon Blanc… sounds like a win-win situation… if we could just leave out the spinning part!



We had high hopes for Lindsay Lohan this time around. We thought she was going to get back on track, but after a recent interview, we’re not so sure.

According to Lindsay, when she was doing her community service, she was asked to handle Whitney Houston’s body bag in the morgue, because no one else could do it:

“A lot of other people were meant to do it, and they were like: ‘No, they can’t handle it. Lohan can.’

“I know it sounds really dark and strange, but I thought it would be a lot worse. I kind of regulated a lot of it.

“I’d tell people: "You didn’t fold that sheet properly" because I’m OCD with folding.

“I was like, ‘OK, wait. Something needs to change, and I think that’s me.’”

Even though Lindsay claims the experience wasn’t that bad, she still describes it as “F***ed and inappropriate” – and we’ve got to agree! If it’s true, that is.

An official from the Coroner’s office in LA has spoken out about Lindsay’s claims, saying that they aren’t true:

“Whitney was never in a body bag and no one in the probation program came in contact with Whitney's body.

“Whitney was wrapped in plastic with a sheet cover the entire time she was at the morgue. In fact, she was taken out in plastic – not a body bag – from the hotel where she died.”

We have a feeling Lindsay has been telling lies, which doesn’t bode well for someone who’s trying to win back people’s trust as she claims to be doing:

“I lost a lot of… I wouldn’t say… I don’t think 'respect’ is the word… trust from a lot of people. And I don’t mind gaining that back.”

Take it from us Lindsay, this is NOT the way to do it.




Sometimes you just need to throw caution to the wind and sing at the top of your lungs to your favourite song. Of course, most of us wait until there's no one else around, but Kristen Wiig would rather do it on a world-famous TV show. Attagirl!

After admitting she didn't really know the song, Kristen agreed to do a duet of Let It Go with Ellen… on air. They mightn't be very talented… or know the words… but the entertainment factor is A1!

We're not sure who did a better job of mangling a well-loved song, Kristen, or this little girl… 

It's a tough one to call!



Looking put-together every day might be a breeze for some people, but for most of us, it's a constant battle. Nothing is clean, nothing fits or you just feel you have nothing to wear. We've all been that soldier!

The main thing to keep in mind when having a wardrobe crisis is to stick with classic pieces that work with your shape and style. We're all guilty of making style mistakes though, so here's our guide to some of the worst ones (and the worst culprits)…

1. The wrong fit
Okay, we don't all have a personal tailor to ensure each item of clothing is perfectly form-fitting, but avoid anything that feels too tight or too short – if you're uncomfortable it'll show. By the same token, try not to swamp your frame with clothes that are too loose or baggy. Lily Collins' grey jersey dress would have worked well with a more structured jacket – the overall look is a bit granny-esque. Sorry, Lily!

2. Too matchy-matchy​
Unless you are going for the Mother of the Bride look, there really is no need to perfectly match your shoes and bag to the rest of your outfit. Naya Rivera's dress makes a big statement with its bright colour – the matching shoes are just that bit too much. When wearing a loud print or colour, usually just one item is enough. Rather than matching pieces, try to find things that complement each other.

3. Over-exposure
Boobs…arms…legs… showing off all three can be quite risky. Kelly Rowland's top half looks amazing but is the thigh-high slit really a necessary addition? Too much skin can sometimes look trashy, so unless you are off to the beach (or to bed!), pick just one body part to flaunt.

4. Accessory overload
Bold accessories can really pull an outfit together, but wear too many and you'll look like a hot jewel-encrusted mess. DJ Leigh Lazark must have had sore muscles the next day, after carrying 5kg of bling around for the evening! Use key accessories to enhance your outfit, not to overtake it.

5. Underwear as outerwear
This trend has come and gone over the years but approach it with caution. Rihanna's flimsy floor length camisole might look great in the bedroom but it is a very, very odd choice for a casual Saturday stroll. We're not keen!

6. Choosing trends over style
Just because metallics or fur are all over the catwalk doesn't mean they have to be all over your wardrobe. Try to use current trends to inform your style choices rather than letting them dictate what you wear. Jessica Szohr's printed, wide-leg jumpsuit is just one trend too far…




Blurred Lines singer Robin Thicke revealed he has suffered huge problems with drug and alcohol addiction, admitting he "didn't do a sober interview" during the entire 2013 promotional tour for his album.

Robin also spoke about the breakdown of his marriage to Paula Patton, saying, "I told my wife the truth. That's why she left me." 

The comments were made during a deposition back in April, as part of an ongoing lawsuit that accuses Robin and Pharrell Williams of copying Marvin Gaye's 1977 hit Give It Up when writing Blurred Lines. Robin's statement was kept confidential until now, but today it was read out in a public court in L.A.

"Every day I woke up, I would take a Vicodin to start the day and then I would fill up a water bottle with vodka and drink it before and during my interviews," Robin said. "I don't recall many things that I said. In fact, I was quite surprised when I read them back sometimes."

When making his deposition, the singer said he hadn't taken drugs for the past two months but that he continued to drink alcohol. "My sobriety is off Vicodin," he explained. "When your wife leaves you, it gives you good reason to sober up."

He also spoke of his shame in taking credit for Blurred Lines, because Pharrell was the one that wrote it. "After making six albums that I wrote and produced myself, the biggest hit of my career was written and produced by somebody else and I was jealous and I wanted some of the credit," he said.

"The reality is that Pharrell had the beat and he wrote almost every single part of the song." Hmmm… we hope he's not trying to get off the hook for the Marvin Gaye controversy!

Robin hasn't had a great run of luck since releasing Blurred Lines. After breaking up with his wife, he made a follow-up album, Paula, dedicated to her. The album sold a paltry 24,000 copies in its first seven days, compared to 177,000 copies of Blurred Lines' during its opening week.



If you’ve ever pulled an all-nighter to finish an essay or study for an exam, you’ll know that sometimes we can have superhuman powers when working under pressure. Five hours to write 5,000 words? No problem!

When you’ve no choice but to work quickly and focus on the task at hand, it’s amazing how much you can get done. Looming deadlines, though stressful, can act as fuel for our brain. When you’ve no choice but to get a project finished in the next two hours, well… you’ll more than likely find a way to get it done.

That’s how it is for some of us, anyways. Others might recoil at the thought of cramming so much work into such a small space of time. Where’s the mental preparation? The careful planning? The structured schedule?!

We all work differently. Your colleague at the next desk over might seem to fly through her work each day, while you struggle to fit in the bare minimum. Neither method is necessarily a bad way to get work done – but ideally we should try to strike a balance between the two.

Author John Perry coined the term “structured procrastination” – the art of getting things done by simply not doing other things. If your to-do list is too big it can seem endless, and you’re more likely to get overwhelmed and spend 20 precious minutes browsing Facebook to take your mind off things. If you can prioritise tasks realistically and only plan to do today what really, absolutely, most definitely needs to be done, you’re taking the pressure off yourself. Try to leave work or college every day knowing your top priority for the following day. That way you know what tomorrow will bring and you can focus on that Number One task before other things get in the way.

Research shows that one in five people are “chronic procrastinators.” That doesn’t mean that those people never get any work done, rather it means that they really are not motivated to do a task until it absolutely has to be done. If that sounds like you, try to use that knowledge to enhance your productivity. Divide each day up into realistic slots, with deadlines for each project or piece of work. If you have to set a timer or an alarm – do it. Your brain will be prodded into action for each new task – and there’s a certain satisfaction that comes with periodically ticking each item off your list.

Each of us has different limits and levels of output. The key is to balance what we want to get done, with what we realistically can get done. By understanding the distinction between those two things, you’ll find things become far more manageable. 


Another week is here which means another week of juicy TV goss! So then, what should you be looking out for? 

Your Wired host Niamh Geaney chats to Conor Behan and Emma Power on X Factor’s BIG reveal (I don’t know if we can cope!), the shock killing of a lead character in Home and Away, what in the world George Clooney is doing on Downtown Abbey and what shows are set to return to our silver screens.

We’ll be back tomorrow with your event guide, enjoy!


Kelly Brook seems to be having a VERY good time on her holidays, if her Instagram snaps are anything to go by!

The star is currently sunning herself in Greece with fiancé David McIntosh, and the picture she uploaded earlier today didn't leave much to the imagination.

The snap shows Kelly and David lying on their bed, seemingly naked, and looking very lovestruck altogether.

To be fair, we'd waste no time in getting naked either if our boyfriend looked like David…

Although Kelly's still got her sunnies on in the picture, many commenters jumped on the fact that her bare bum seems to be visible, with one fan writing, "a definite post sex selfie" and another saying "stop taking pics and go make babies."

If her recent interviews are any indication, Kelly is indeed planning on making some babies. Chatting to the Daily Star, the model said "Hopefully I'll have a baby soon. Ultimately I am entering a new phase in my life."

Kelly has spoken out before about the emotional pain of suffering two miscarriages during her relationship with rugby player Thom Evans. "It's the only thing I've really been denied," she said to Metro about her desire to have children. "I took a bit of time out from that because, obviously, I didn't have a very good experience but, yeah, a family would be nice."

We'll expect more post-sex selfies so!


Get the gossip on J-Law's new fashion gig, Alexa Chung's latest campaign, plus check out our favourite picks from the Boohoo AW press event this week, and more! In this weeks Fashion Report, Ciara O' Doherty will be giving you a bite-sized fix of all the latest fashion news and gossip. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the latest instalment of The Fashion Report, as part of our weekly Style Show!



When Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper got together in Silver Linings Playbook, we couldn’t take our eyes off them. Their on screen romance was, quite frankly, one of our favourites, so we are SO happy to see them together again for their upcoming film Serena.

Based on a novel by Ron Rash, this film is set in Depression-Era North Carolina, and tells the story of George Pemberton as he struggles to keep his timber empire going. Life gets even more difficult when he finds out that his wife can’t bear children.

People are saying this could be worthy of a few Oscars, and we’re not surprised. It sounds like a great story, and it’s got some great actors. What’s not to love?! Check out the trailer to see for yourselves!
