
Monthly Archives: September 2014


Where would we be without our smart phones? They are pretty much attached to us 24/7, it’s hard to remember how we got by without them. However, that doesn’t mean they should take centre stage at all times! As with anything, there are some dos and don’ts that we ought to live by, for example:

Do remember that other people can hear you too
Having your phone to your ear doesn’t magically create a soundproof shield between you and everyone else on the bus y’know. While we love nothing more than a bit of ear wigging from time to time, some days we just want to sleep – and we just can’t do that when someone is shouting down the phone to their friend about the awful day they’ve had in the office. Keep it short and simple, and relatively quiet!

Don’t spend an entire lunch date texting someone else
Quality time with the people you care about is precious, so don’t waste it by being glued to your smartphone the entire time. They are addictive, but try to ignore the urge to check your phone while you’re out with friends or family. There’s nothing more annoying than watching someone watch their phone as you tell them all your news!

Do turn it on silent
There are certain situations that require you to turn your phone on silent – the cinema, for example, or if you’re at a meeting. Try not to forget, as it’s more embarrassing than anything else. And it’s so easily avoidable!

Don’t tag everyone in your Facebook post without asking
If you’re out with your friends, remember to ask before you tag them in a post about your outing. They may not want people to know where they are, for whatever reason. So try not to be the one to blow their cover!

Do text people back within a reasonable about of time
We’ve all got the: “Oh Jesus sorry I only got your text now!” text, and you just KNOW that that’s a down right lie. All we’re sayin’ is, don’t be that person. Text back within a couple of hours at the very latest, otherwise we’re going to wait for ages to text YOU back, and the conversation could very well drag out over a couple of weeks. Do you really want that? No. Us neither.

Don’t ring people when you know they’re busy
If you know your friend is in an important interview, or they’re driving, or they’re watching Grey’s Anatomy, then don’t ring them. It’s just common courtesy. Send them a text asking them to ring when they’re free if it’s really urgent (hopefully they’ll have their phone on silent).




No one is perfect, but there are some things to look out for if you’re looking for a boyfriend. There are small signs that you can look out for that make them a firm candidate for your next significant other. Here is the quintessential boyfriend checklist.

1. They have good manners
They don't have to be a good little Catholic school boy,  but manners in general are definitely something to look out for. What it comes down to is respect and having respect for other people no matter who they are. Steer clear of the pretentious douchebags and look for those that actually treat people properly.

2. They have a great personality
Let's face it, you're going to need things to talk about so boring just isn't going to cut it…

3. They make you smile
This one is very simple, but is definitely an important one to have on the list. Sometimes you don’t even have to say anything, and they just make you smile. They might say something funny or they might not, but if being around someone makes you happy then it’s a definite reason to get with them.

4. Being openly generous
If they actually think about others instead of just themselves, then it’s a good reason. They’ll have no problem with helping others and sometimes forget to put themselves first

5. They’re passionate about something
Even if it’s just a hobby, when they have something that they’re really passionate about then it really gives you a sense of what they’re like. Sure, they might work an office job and get good money, but if they don’t have something that really gets them going then what are they actually living for.

6. A good group of friends
Everyone needs people to support and care for them ,but if their friends couldn’t care less about who they are seeing, then they’re not good friends. If someone talks about how many friends they have then they’re clearly covering things up. It’s better for them to have a few close friendsthan loads of kind of friends that they only see every now and again.

7. Being trustworthy
Even if it’s with the smallest things, being able to fully trust them is a big thingObviously no one wants to date someone unfaithful, but if they can show that they can be trusted then they should be considered. 

disney animated GIF

8. Having a plan in life
Things don’t always turn out the way we want them to, in fact, they never play out exactly as you think. You need someone that has some ambition and even if they might not be in the job they want at the moment, they have a vision for their future. You need someone with a level of determination and a belief that will get where they want to be.

9. They make an effort to like your friends
They won’t get along with everyone, but at least if they make an effort your friends will like them. If someone doesn’t try to get to know your friends and just dismisses them maybe you need to reconsider . It’s a good thing if they make an effort  and we all know that once you have your friends approval it’s all signals go.

10. They challenge you
You need someone that has a different perspective on life and that has different views than you. If you both see things exactly the same way then you won’t grow and learn together. You will learn to like different things and maybe even something that you once hated.

11. A sense of humour
Seriously, there are some people out there who can’t take a joke and never crack a smile. Humour is necessary when looking for a potential boyfriend,  especially if they have the same sense of humour as you. Sometimes things just click and you get each other’s peculiar humour.


12. They’re able to cook
Whether it’s them making breakfast for you when you’re hungover or being able to make you a romantic dinner. Being able to cook is an incredibly important asset for someone to have if you’re looking for a boyfriend. It’s more common for girls to be able to cook so a guy that can properly cook is a rare breed.

12. They know how to scrub up
It’s one thing to judge someone on the day to day, but if you see them when they scrub up you will see a lot more of what they’re about. Then later down the line you won’t have to worry what they will look like when you’re introducing them to your friends and family. It may seem like a small thing, but being presentable is an important factor.

13. They are content by themselves
If someone can get enjoyment out of just being by themselves it means that they won’t be needy. The last thing you need is a clinger that hangs on your word and can only be happy when they’re with you. It’s not a healthy way to live if you’re always dependent on someone else to make youhappy. Find someone that is content by themselves, but is happy when you’re together.

14. They give you their full attention
It’s seems nowadays we can never just talk to someone, we have to be on our phone at the same time as well. If they give you their full undivided attention, then you should really consider them. If they actually make an effort to listen to you without doing anything else, then you know you can be honest with them and you will make the effort to have conversations with them.

via our content partner CT



We’ve all been there – in the middle of a great chat with your bestie about your relationship and all of a sudden you tell them something you really shouldn’t have. A frantic: “Don’t tell anyone I told you that!” may cover up the mistake, but in the effort of not having to cover anything up in the first place, here are some things you really shouldn’t tell your friends about your boyfriend:

His family stuff
So he has issues with his mother – that’s his business. And he trusted you enough to tell you, so you should keep it to yourself rather than telling all your friends about it. They don’t need to know, and if he wants them to know, he can tell them himself. But we doubt he will want them to know, so keep it between the two of you.

How much he earns
A lot of people are very private about how much they earn, as like it or not, people often judge other people based on their bank account. It’s not fair to tell all your friends how much or how little he earns. Again, if he has money problems, he’s not going to want all the girls knowing about it as it’s probably a sensitive issue. If you’re concerned and want to talk about his money problems, talk about them with him – not your friends.

Any bedroom kinks he may have
Though it was the number one topic of conversation on Sex and the City, it’s not really nice to discuss any quirks your boyfriend may have in bed. Imagine he told his friends the ins and outs of his sex life with you, and then you broke up, and all these random guys you don’t know anymore knew all about your bedroom activities?! Not cool, so it’s best not to put him in that situation either!

That time he cried
Maybe it was during a fight, or at the end of Marley and Me, but that time he cried was such a rare occasion that you may want to tell your friend about it.  Try not to though, as he may be embarrassed about it, and if he finds out your told your friend, he may be slightly annoyed!

Stuff he doesn’t know about
He may not even realise what he’s doing is annoying you, so give him a chance to fix it before you point out the error of his ways to your friends! It’s only fair, really.

Private texts or emails
That last text was so sweet you just want to shout it from the rooftops, don’t you? Well, maybe try to keep it to yourself rather than reading it out for all your friends – we imagine he’d be mortified if he knew they read all his private texts to you!

Every stupid fight you’ve ever had
It’s not a bad idea not to tell your friends about every single fight you’ve ever had, because while you may be able to forgive and forget because you love him, your friends won’t be as inclined. Each tale you tell them will just add to their resentment – so try to keep a ratio of about 3:1 for good and bad stories about your other half! Life is easier when your friends don’t hate your boyfriend!



Hmm, we’re starting to think there could be some truth to those Ariana Grande rumours…

Giuliana Rancic is just another celebrity name who has been added to the list of people saying Ariana is a major diva.

Despite the fact that Ariana’s “people” have defended the singer, saying she in no way acts like a diva, reports are really starting to suggest otherwise…

Her manager, Scooter Braun, tweeted in defence of the rumours that she was difficult during a photoshoot: "@ArianaGrande is kind,caring, and more than anything she is a great human being. Some people make up rumours for a living….so…"

And now, the Fashion Police star has confirmed that Ariana refuses to be filmed on a certain side.

Giuliana recalled an awkward incident in which she was shoved to her bad side, as Ariana refused to be filmed any other way: “I think she does have a little bit of a diva thing going on, I don’t know if that’s just part of the image she wants out there, like ‘I’m a young Mariah, I’m a diva,’ because I remember, I think it was at the AMAs, she came up on the platform, and normally I stand on this side [left] to the camera – I had to fight for 13 years to get this side to the camera, it’s my good side, but I fought 13 years for this, ok? Little Ariana comes over, I feel like BING, elbow in my side, I’m like ‘what’s going on?’ and they push me to the other side.”

Giuliana, who is clearly NOT over this incident at all – and must still have nightmares knowing her “bad” side is on camera somewhere out there – went on to remind Ariana that she is in fact, no Mariah: “I just felt like it’s one thing if it’s Mariah, you know, I’ll get on any side, I’ll bend down, I’ll climb a ladder, whatever it takes to get Mariah to do an interview. But when you’re new on the block, when you’re trying to earn your stripes, you’re young, you just gotta do what you gotta do, try to get a great reputation, try to go overboard to please people.”

Surprisingly, Ariana hasn’t commented on Giuliana’s comments yet, but something tell us she won’t be appearing on E! anytime soon…!

Could it be true? Could the angel-faced Ariana actually be a young Mariah in the making? We shudder at the thought! 




This week brings us lots of films to choose from for our weekly trip to the cinema. In fact, we might have to double up on cinema outings! Check out the latest offerings from the big screen:

September 19th

The Giver 

This one sounds interesting – it focuses on Jonas, a young man living a very plain life in a world of conformity. When he starts spending time with The Giver, however, things get messy. The Giver holds all the memories of the community, and when Jonas discovers the truth about this communities past, Jonas realises he has to escape his world to protect himself and the people he loves most. Exciting!

September 19th

Magic In The Moonlight

This is a romantic comedy (woohoo!) starring Emma Stone (even better!) and Colin Firth (ah sure he’s grand). It’s about a famous illusionist who is actually a rather unpleasant Englishman named Stanley. He goes to visit a family in the French Riviera who have been taken in by a clairvoyant Sophie (Emma Watson). One of the sons of the family wants Stanley to help prove that Sophie is a fraud, but can he do it? We’ll be the first in the queue for this one!

September 19th

A Walk Among The Tombstones

Liam Neeson strikes again. Here, he plays Matt Scudder, a private investigator who is a recovering alcoholic hired by a drug kingpin to find out who kidnapped and murdered his wife. In his attempts to find the criminals, he comes close to becoming a bit of a monster himself. We imagine this is a typical Liam Neeson film, a good watch, but kind of predictable. Still, nothing wrong with a film being predictably good!

September 19th

Wish I Was Here

At last, we get to see the film from Zach Braff that caused such controversy because it was crowd funded. It’s about a struggling actor who is also a father and husband trying to find himself as he home schools his kids as he can’t pay for their private education any more. We’d give anything by Zach Braff a fair chance – Scrubs entertained us for a good many years after all, so we have high hopes for this one!




We’re not sure what’s funnier, the fact that Cheryl accidentally poked herself in the face with a straw or her face after it happened.

We think it has to be that shocked “please tell me no one saw that” face afterwards…

Don’t worry Cheryl, that’s us every Saturday night – straws can be tricky!

Thankfully the lovable Geordie sees the funny side to the video and even retweeted a Vine of the "totes morto" incident on her Twitter account, writing: "Smooth."

We agree Cheryl, totally smooth….




These college guys made a serious impression on Ms Swift when they parodied her hit single, Shake It Off.

So much so that Taylor has personally invited them to see her on tour! She tweeted: “I’m personally inviting all of these guys (and a date!) to a show on tour next year, it’s on me. Nailed it, bros!”

Oh, Taylor – did you just say “bros”?!


Ah, breakfast cereal. Aside from toast (maybe), there was no real other option for breakfast as a child. Fruit? Why would I have that when I could enjoy these sugar-coated flakes? The best joy of all was when you were allowed to get a Variety Pack of cereals during the Saturday shop. Usually all the good ones got eaten and the Cornflakes were left lingering in the back of the cupboard. 

Whether you lived solely on a diet of sugar or whether you were only allowed get the "nice" cereals on special occasions, you'll remember these bad boys… Ah, the nostalgia!

1. Lucky Charms
Once upon a time, Lucky Charms could be bought from any supermarket in Ireland. Sure, the box had a leprechaun on it – it was like our national cereal! Sadly though, these marshmallow filled boxes of joy are now only available in specialist stores here. Don't get too upset though, if you tried them as an adult you'd probably recoil at the amount of sugar and the fact that the artificial colours make the milk turn grey. Yum!

2. Frosties
Now we're talking. Take Cornflakes and coat them in sugar – such a genius idea! Nothing like a bowl of Frosties on a Saturday morning. We still turn to this cereal in times of extreme hungoverness.

3. Rice Krispies
The ultimate comfort food, now and forever. If you've ever had Rice Krispies with hot milk on a cold Irish winter morning, you've truly experienced heaven.

4. Coco Pops
The rebellious little brother of Rice Krispies. Chocolate-coated goodness! We really WOULD rather have a bowl of Coco Pops.

5. Cheerios
This cereal masqueraded itself as a healthy option, because it contained the holy grail of carbs – the wholegrain. They still had a fair amount of sugar though, which meant we were more than happy to eat them as kids.




This is one wedding we have been SO excited about.

Former star of The Hills, Lauren Conrad, married William Tell in California over the weekend!

We all know and love Lauren’s style and interior decor, so we can only imagine how beautiful their special day was.

Hopefully soon she will release some snaps and we won’t have to wonder!

The elated couple released a statement to US Weekly, saying: “What a perfect way to start our lives together; surrounded by the people we love most.”

Hmm, somehow we can’t imagine she is including Heidi Montag or Spencer Pratt in that statement…

Ah, memories. 

Lauren and William have been together since 2012 and became engaged in October of last year. 

Congratulations to the happy couple and we can't WAIT to see that dress!



Bressie is a man after our own hearts. He’s gorgeous, talented, AND he cares about animals!

The singer took to Twitter to say that after watching a documentary about the meat industry, he is thinking about going vegan:

However, he seems to be a bit concerned about the effect it may have on his health, or more specifically, his training:

Don’t worry Bressie, we’ll still love you even with man boobs! Besides, there’s always rice milk or almond milk – you don’t have to stick to soya!

Bressie isn't the first and most certainly won't be the last celeb to go vegan. He will be joining the likes of Mike Tyson (no man boobs), Usher (also no man boobs) and Russell Brand (no man boobs here either). We think he's safe enough!



Django Unchained actress Daniele Watts was detained by police officers after someone spotted her kissing her husband in his car and called the officials.

The actress posted the news to her Facebook account on September 2nd, saying: “Today I was handcuffed and detained by 2 police officers from the Studio City Police Department after refusing to agree that I had done something wrong by showing affection, fully clothed, in a public place.

“When the officer arrived, I was standing on the sidewalk by a tree. I knew that I had done nothing wrong, that I wasn't harming anyone, so I walked away.

“A few minutes later, I was still talking to my dad when 2 different police officers accosted me and forced me into handcuffs.

“As I was sitting in the back of the police car, I remembered the countless times my father came home frustrated or humiliated by the cops when he had done nothing wrong.

“I allowed myself to be honest about my anger, frustration, and rage as tears flowed from my eyes.

“The tears I cry for a country that calls itself 'the land of the free and the home of the brave' and yet detains people for claiming that very right.”

Daniele’s husband Brian James Lucas, who is a chef, wrote that he suspects the police had confused his wife for a prostitute:

“From the questions that he asked me as D was already on her phone with her dad, I could tell that whoever called on us (including the officers), saw a tatted RAWKer white boy and a hot bootie shorted black girl and thought we were a H* (prostitute) & a TRICK (client).

“What an assumption to make!!!Because of my past experience with the law, I gave him my ID knowing we did nothing wrong and when they asked D for hers, she refused to give it because they had no right to do so.

“So they handcuffed her and threw her roughly into the back of the cop car until they could figure out who she was. In the process of handcuffing her, they cut her wrist [main image], which was truly NOT COOL!!!”

The Los Angeles police are said to be looking into the incident.

This is really a shocking story. We can’t believe it could happen in 2014! It seems like we still have a long way to go on the road to the elimination of racial stereotypes, not to mention police brutality!

As CoCo in Django Unchained


Getting asked for ID at the off-license used to be the worst thing in the world, but these days it's starting to seem more like a compliment. "You think I look… 17? Oh my god!"

Some celebrities seem to have this aging thing down though. We can only hope to look half as good as them in our thirties and forties!

Here's some of the biggest culprits – the ladies who seem to have totally escaped the perils of growing old…

1. Alicia Silverstone
It's a struggle to tell the fresh-faced Clueless Alicia apart from the 2014 Alicia. At 37 years old, the actress could still pass for a high school teen!

2. Halle Berry
The only reliable way to tell young and "old" Halle Berry apart is the hairstyle. Yes, she's given up that questionable perm these days, but her skin is as flawless as ever. The star says she rubs pure Vitamin C on her face before applying moisturiser. Okay, we're going to need to get some of that, STAT.

3. Jennifer Aniston
If anything, Jenn is actually hotter these days than she was back during Friends' pilot series. The actress, who is now 45 (whaaat?!) has a 30-minute daily beauty routine which involves washing her face with ice water, steaming and cleansing, and putting a dab of Vaseline under each eye.

4. Liv Tyler
These two pictures of Liv might as well have been taken a few days apart. Only the dodgy fringe betrays the fact that the lady on the left is not present-day Liv. The pale beauty is 37 these days and about to give birth to her second child – but she looks as youthful as ever.

5. Reese Witherspoon
Firstly, let's take a moment to giggle at the VERY casual outfit Reese chose for the premiere of True Lies back in 1994. She wouldn't be seen dead on the red carpet in jeans these days! The actress, aged 37, says she uses intensive hydrating moisturiser to keep her looking fresh-faced. Right, off to Boots with us…

