
Monthly Archives: September 2014

If you’ve ever been on a diet or tried to drop a few pounds, you’ll know what an emotional rollercoaster it can be. Some days you get out of bed feeling like a lean, mean weight loss machine – until you stand on the scales and realise you’re actually up a pound. Other days, after binge-eating and feeling super guilty, you’ve randomly lost two pounds.

Checking your weight on a daily basis can be a measure of progress, yes, but it’s not always an accurate way to tell how healthy you are.

One of my friends has always been a steady size 8, even though her favourite lunchtime snack in secondary school was a box of wedges from Spar and a Mars bar. No matter what she ate, her weight never changed. When it came to PE though, she was woefully unfit. So while she might have had a healthy appearance, her body certainly wasn’t thanking her for the excess junk food. Now that we’re older and she has started eating more cleanly and exercising regularly, the difference is obvious in so many ways. Yes, her weight is still the same as at 16, but her skin is clearer, she always has heaps of energy and she’d outrun Usain Bolt. Almost.

If you’ve been putting hard work into exercise and diet but are seeing no difference on the scales, consider other factors that might be changing without you noticing. Muscle weighs more than fat per pound, so if you’ve been hitting the gym hard, your weight on the scales may stay the same or even – god forbid – go up. A good way to track changes in your body is to measure key areas like arms, waist, hips and thighs every week. You might not have dropped a pound on the scales, but you could still be losing inches!

Taking notice of how your clothes fit is another way to track progress. Is that Saturday night dress suddenly a little easier to zip up? It’s no accident!

Lifestyle and diet changes can also hugely affect your mental health and your relationship with food – two positive changes that the scales will never pick up on. When we eat well and exercise regularly, our body can cope with stress more easily and we can focus more clearly on daily tasks. As for food, eating cleanly means you become mindful of what you’re putting into your body.

Even if you have a significant amount of weight to lose, it’s so important to realise that what you weigh isn’t the only thing that defines you. Your weight is not a measure of your health, your personality, your intelligence or your self-worth. So don’t let the number on the scales control you.



No matter what you might be watching on TV, it always seems that a parent chooses to walk into the sitting room JUST as the sex scene starts. It could be the blandest, most boring film ever to be released, but of course things start to get steamy at the exact moment your dad strolls in.

These grandparents got much more than a few seconds of naughtiness though – they all sat through the full "Fifty Shades of Grey" trailer and had to discuss the film in depth afterwards.

They're a bit clueless at first – one woman thinks that "this must be an attorney-based film" while another can't wrap his head around Christian Grey's way of thinking. "'I don't do romance?' What kind of guy are you?"

They soon settle in though and even stay back to recite some choice lines of script from the film!

Our favourite bad review? "I'm not into movies that are all about the S word." Way harsh!


On this week's Spotlight, Niamh Geaney dropped by the Irish Gala screening of Noble held in the Savoy Cinema in Dublin. Noble has been setting tongues wagging in the film industry since its festival circuit debut so we had to find out what makes this movie so special and why we should see it!

Your Snapshot host and entertainment reporter Niamh spoke to cast members Deirdre O’ Kane (Intermission), Liam Cunningham (Game of Thrones), Brendan Coyle (Downtown Abbey), Mark Huberman (Frank) and Sarah Greene (The Guard). She also chatted to the Director Stephen Bradley (Boy Eats Girl) and to the inspirational woman herself, Christina Noble, who has to be one of the most charismatic people she has ever met!

As well as getting the low down on the film we also talked George Clooney on the set of Downtown abbey, what Bradley Cooper is really like and if Dara O' Brian is excited about his upcoming Vicar St. gigs.

If you've missed any of our awesome shows this week then fear not, the catch-up will be on its way to you shortly.



We can’t believe it – there is a Grumpy Cat movie on the way, and it’s coming out for Christmas!

What’s even better is that it’s not the kind of film you’d expect from an Internet meme sensation (i.e. totally ridiculous and over the top). It actually sounds good, and it even attempts to teach us some morals – like a proper Christmas feel-good flick!

The story is about how Grumpy Cat started out as a happy cat, but after spending most of her life in a pet shop, she grows grumpier each day.

However, when Chrystal comes along and realises she can hear Grumpy Cat talk, both their lives are transformed.

We imagine this will be funny as well as heart-warming. The perfect Christmas combination! And Lifetime have even released the first photo from the film – so exciting!




As friends, you’re required to be there for the dumpee, no matter how much their personality changes in the process. It’s tough but it’s good karma so stay strong and remember, it’s only a phase…hopefully.

1. The Drama Queen/King
Things like “we were soooo good together,” when they clearly were not, as well as remembering things not quite the way they happened are key to your mate becoming ‘The Drama King/Queen’.


2. The Bitter One
They can no longer see anything good in the world and the relationship itself has become the reason why everything is just so terrible. They will belittle everything and anything they can on the way to becoming the grinch. Pull them back and show them that there is hope, in the form of tequila.

robin himym

3. The Drunken Mess
Okay, so many of us head straight to the bar when a relationship breaks but this person takes it a step further with stained clothes, lack of showering, constant drinking, Adele on repeat and lots of crying. 

4. Gender Hater
Their girlfriend/boyfriend has dumped them, therefore all women/men are absolute bitches/bastards.

5. The Hopeless One
Nothing makes sense, the world is a dire place. While it may feel like the worst, the break-up doesn’t mean that they’re condemned to being forever alone. It’s just hard for them to see  that they’re going to be fine when their heart has recently been broken. It will fade away though, but you’ll probably have to motivate them to go looking for someone new.

6. The Recluse
Hiding behind curtains and not keeping any form of respectable hours. Respect is something they will probably lose for themselves for a while. Trying to feel something, anything, by any means necessary. Keep an eye on them now that you have identified the symptoms.

7. The Black Sheep
You haven't seen them for the entirety of their relationship but now that's it's over, they're back. 

8. The Cray Cray
Nightvision goggles and an unhealthy amount of Facebook stalking mean that this one needs a close eye indeed. 


9. Eat, Sleep, Break Up, Repeat
This person has the ability to move on at almost record speed and will probably have had a LOT of relationships. 

via our content partner CT



It has been reported that Harry Derbridge WON’T be returning to TOWIE!

A source told The Sun: “It doesn’t look like Harry will be joining us in Ibiza because we’re unable to take all the cast along. And at the moment he doesn’t have a key storyline or friendship group.”

Oh no! What will TOWIE be like without our beloved Harry?! This is simply terrible news!

Harry had been dating co-star Bobby Norris but things between the two fell apart last season, so it is not known what producers will do.

Still, at least we have the memories…





Set amongst the privileged elite of Oxford University, THE RIOT CLUB follows Miles (Max Irons) and Alistair (Sam Claflin), two first year students determined to join the infamous Riot Club, where reputations can be made or destroyed over the course of a single evening.

The Riot Club is directed by Lone Scherfig, who most recently helmed ‘One Day’, and the Best Picture Academy Award nominee ‘An Education’.  It is produced by Pete Czernin and Graham Broadbent of Blueprint Pictures (‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’, ‘Seven Psychopaths’).

To celebrate the release, SHEmazing are hosting a private screening of The Riot Club on the 17th of September at 6.30pm in Movies at Dundrum’s brand new VIP cinema.

This competition is now closed.

Thank you to everyone who entered the competition.

The winners of two tickets to the private screening of The Riot Club tomorrow night (17th of September) at 6.30pm in Movies at Dundrum’s brand new VIP cinema are:

Roisin Moynihan

Yvonne Drury Murphy

Alison Brady

Catherine Knight

Jane Bridgeman

Holly Archbold

Dee Carlin

Kaitlyn Louvier

Claire McArdle

Linda Brady

Karen Bradley

Donna Kenny

Rebecca Hughes

Renate Canga

Ashling Woods

Geraldine Rosney

Deirdre Mcdyer

Roisin Dubne

Erica Byrne

Sharon Letmon

Sharon McGuire

Ellen Hyland

Alison Lynch

Sinead Hughes

Caoimhe Monaghan

Emer Breen

Karen Murray

Maeve Byrne

Laura McCann

Jennifer Devitt

Yvonne Wolfe

Mary Treasa Cahill Kennedy

Nicola Kelly

Louise Cremin

Please email prizeclaim@shemazing.ie to confirm your attendance.



In the hope of finding out how to keep our make-up on for even just a little bit longer, we spoke to Danielle Murphy, one of Ireland’s leading makeup artists. She’s done it all: weddings, TV shows, fashion shows, music videos, and she’s taught other people to be make-up artists too. So, we can think of no better woman to answer our questions! Check out all the expert tips below!

Which type of foundation do you think stays on for longer, mineral or liquid?
I personally feel that liquid foundations have better longevity and coverage. I do understand the appeal of mineral foundation but in my experience they look great on someone with flawless skin -particularly younger women. On a more mature skin I find them a bit too powdery. If a brand were to prove me wrong however, I would be delighted to try a new one out!

Does primer really make a difference?
Yes primer can really make a difference especially if you are someone with quite oily skin and open pores. It almost acts as a barrier between your skin and the foundation, stopping it absorbing into the natural oils in your skin. It can also be great if someone has a lot of redness. My favourites are the Laura Mercier primer and the Make Up Forever HD primer.

How can we get our lipstick to stay on for longer, does it help to apply it with a brush?
Yes, using a brush definitely helps, as does lining the lips first, and even drawing a little of the liner across the centre of the lips. Apply a layer of lipstick with a brush, blot with a tissue and then apply another layer.

The more matte the lipstick is the better it will last but they can also be drying so make sure your lips are perfectly plump and flake free firstly by gentle exfoliation and regular application of lip balm. One of my favourites is Blistex for a few euro in most pharmacies.

What about sprays that claim to set your make-up, are they worth the money?
These are a product I would use rarely but I have done from time to time. I actually know lots of women who spray hairspray on their face after an application and swear by it. This I have never tried but perhaps I might just do. The product I have used and find it quite effective is Make Up Forever Mist & Fix.

Which foundation is best for oily skin, and which for dry?
I am currently using The Lancome Teint Idole 24Hr for oily skin and I find it fantastic. Any of my brides with oilier skin have loved the results but I would recommend buffing it on with a stippling brush otherwise it can look too heavy.

For Dry Skin Armani Luminous silk is always a favourite – and for a real treat and especially for mature skin Creme de La Mer The Treatment foundation is fabulous!

Just one more thing…
It is vital to powder foundation after application or it really will evaporate. Even if you have dry skin a small amount of loose powder down the centre of the face (forehead, nose, chin) will see you getting much longer out of your make up.

Check our Danielle's website to find out more about her!



Ah, it’s New York Fashion Week again, and you know what that means…

Another episode of Jimmy Kimmel’s epic Lie Witness news!

This year, Chandler Bing has suddenly become a star designer, and the lying “fashionistas” just LOVE his work.

Sigh…when will they learn?

On another not, where can we get that headless dress? Simply FAB. 



Nicki Minaj has gotten a seriously classy makeover for a recent spread in Dazed magazine.

Now, don’t get us wrong, sometimes Nicki can get it very very right in the style stakes, remember this dress?

However, sometimes she gets it very wrong too…

Despite this, the only things we never thought we would see her in was a Chanel style pink tweed jacket!

The Anaconda singer looked every inch the classy ‘50s housewife as she sat at a retro table with her hair in a sleek bob.

We’d know those almond-shaped talons anywhere though!

Another photo from the shoot features a pair of green wellies…with a heel. Where can we get them before the next Electric Picnic?!

Nicki looks great and her makeover really reminds us of Pamela Anderson's from a couple of weeks ago – don't you think?!



There isn’t a lot that changes when a guy grows up, they might look different or sound different, but they’re still really a kid inside. Some guys are better at hiding it around you than others, but one thing is for certain – when they’re with their friends, they will always act immature. Here are the signs that your boyfriend is still  immature.

1. They’re incredibly shallow
They’re all about looks, whether it’s being obsessed with how they look or only caring about how others look. Being attracted to someone is a small part of a relationship, if all they care about is looks , then they’re definitely immature.

2. They’re very materialistic
It is good to have something to work toward in life, but if all they are working for is a new iPhone 6 or a new part for their car instead of spending it on their girlfriend, it shows immaturity. There is nothing wrong with treating yourself, but if all your money goes to other things, then it shows where their priorities lie.

3. They still think toilet humour is hilarious
We all like a little bit of crude humour every now and again, but if he has the sense of humour of a 10 year old then it’s not a good sign. When you get to a certain age, you look back on the things that you used to think were funny and see how childish they were. If he is immature he still finds the same things funny.

4. It’s never their fault
They won’t take the blame for anything or admit when they’re wrong. It’s a real sign of immaturity if they can’t own up to something, it’s one thing to be stubborn once a while but sometimes you just need to accept when you’re wrong. Relationships aren’t all fun and games and sometimes you just need to concede defeat.

5. The only dish they know how to make is beans on toast
They are not well versed in the culinary arts and the closest they come is beans on toast. They would never be able to make a romantic dinner for you, instead they would order Chinese food and maybe let you have some of their chips.

Scumbag Steve Meme | INVITES GIRLFRIEND OVER FOR ROMANTIC DINNER MAKES BEANS ON TOAST | image tagged in memes,scumbag steve | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

6. Their favourite movie is anything by Michael Bay
Kids like big explosions and loud noises in movies, but if that is still all they look for in a movie then they’re clearly immature. When you get older your tastes change and you watch movies with a bit more substance. For some they still get excited by seeing the same explosions over and over again.

7. Their career is going nowhere
It’s a scary world out there, but after a while you have to learn to come to grips with it. There is no point in sitting around waiting for things just to happen, if they’ve no job and no direction, they’re not accepting responsibility for their life.

8. They never make any plans
Staying in is always the best option for them and they never plan to go out to dinner or see a movie. Their equivalent is getting a take away and watching Netflix. It’s basically the same idea to them,expect there is a huge difference between going out and staying in.

9. They always say they’re too broke
If they are strapped for cash, then sometimes there is no problem with asking for a lend of money. If they actually have money but still ask you for some then they are clearly taking advantage of you. If they can never pay for things or are always stingy with money, then they are clearly to immature for a relationship.

10. He is more emotionally unstable 
Guys have feelings too, but they don’t wear them on their sleeve for all to see. Guys should have their emotions intact and only open up during those intimate moments. If they burst in tears at pretty much anything they still have the emotional stability of a toddler.

11. They think that a T-shirt and sweatpants is always suitable attire
So you decide to go out somewhere for a change, but they just wear the clothes that they just wore to the gym. It wouldn’t hurt if they made a bit of an effort every now and again. Clearly they’re too immature if they think that wearing the same clothes for every occasion is acceptable.

12. Their favorite music is by Scooter
They listen to music that was popular about 5 or 6 years ago and don’t even realise it. They have ambitions of becoming a DJ, but they don’t know the first thing about music. They always blare their music in the house and think that everyone needs to hear what they’re listening to.

13. They have no idea how to comfort you
There are some guys that don’t have a clue what to do when their girlfriend is emotional. It doesn’t take that much, all you need is a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to. They don’t need someone to tell them to get a grip.

via our content partner CT



When you have to get some work done on your house, it can be a bit intimidating. We’ve all heard the horror stories about rogue tradespeople. To avoid falling victim to one of these dodgy dealers, here are some tips to follow:

Get a quote, not an estimation
While quotes are a fixed price, estimations are just a guess, which means they’re probably giving you a rounded down version of the actual cost. Don’t get a shock when the bill comes and it’s twice as much as what they said it would be – be vigilant about getting a quote instead, on paper!

Don’t use the guys that go door to door
If a guy comes knocking on your door offering to put in some double glazing for you, politely decline his offer. Usually, if a tradesperson is any good, they won’t need to knock around looking for work. This is your first warning sign!

Look for references
Ask the person doing the job for references, and call them up. You could even ask to see the job they did depending on what it was.

Ask friends for recommendations
If your friend has gotten work done on their house and they were happy with it, ask them who they got to do it. A bit of good old fashioned word of mouth is always a good way to go!

Ask about a warranty
Good tradespeople will come back and fix things if something goes wrong, because they are relying on your recommendation for future work. Make sure to ask about a warranty, and how they usually deal if something needs to be changed or fixed later on.

Get it in writing
Once you’ve decided on who you want to do the work, make sure to get the job in writing. Include how much the job is costing, payment methods, how long it’s going to take and whether or not you are paying for the materials used yourself. 
