
Monthly Archives: September 2014


Zac Efron is GORGEOUS (it’s a fact) – so you could be forgiven for going to see one of his films purely for the eye candy. Take The Lucky One, for example. Not a great film, but we’d watch it again, if only for the shower scene where we got a quick shot of his delightful bum.

However, his next film actually looks like it could be worth a watch for different, less superficial reasons.

Dirty Grandpa (which has nothing to do with Johnny Knoxville’s Bad Grandpa) will star Efron alongside Robert De Niro.

De Niro plays Zac’s grandfather – a perverted former Army man who thinks his grandson is marrying the wrong woman. When they’re on their way to spring break, their personalities clash.

Sounds good to us – we love Zac in comedy roles, and we are big De Niro fans too. We’ll definitely be giving this a watch!



In America, if you asked people if they felt they had to tip their hairdresser, you would be met with a resounding ‘yes’. In Ireland though, it’s not such a clear cut case.

We asked you, our loyal followers, whether or not you tip when you go to get your hair done, and it looks as though you’re a generous bunch as 84% of you said yes. But how much?

Most respondents said anything between €2 and €5 – but after speaking to hairdressers themselves, it looks as though Dublin hairdressers are more inclined to expect a tip, and a bigger one too, than their country counterparts.  

Hairdressers from Therapie Hair Couture said that they would usually receive a tip of about €10 from regular customers or €5 from newbies; a figure which split our office down the middle in terms of whether or not we felt €10 was too much. However, this did seem to be more than what other Dublin city hairdressers would expect. Apparently the majority of customers in Peter Marks, St. Stephen’s Green tip about €5, and another well-known city hairdresser said that they also expect to be tipped about €5 – not as much as what Therapie hairdressers are used to, but still more than their country counterparts.

Diva Hair Salon in Prosperous, Co. Kildare would usually get a tip of about 10% of the overall cost – which could work out to be a little or a lot depending on what you’re getting done – but Martin from Eden Hairdressing in Co. Waterford said that he never expects a tip and finds it embarrassing when people do it. He is a firm believer that if you’re paying money for a service, then you don’t need to add anything extra to the overall cost. However, he said customers usually round up the cost to include a tip, so if they spent €78 on a new do, they would give their hairdresser an even €80.

Another hairdresser from Co. Carlow said that only regular customers tip, and usually only one or two euro. Staff from hairdressing salon in Naas said the same.

So it looks as though people who don’t live in Dublin get a better deal when it comes to getting their locks tended to. Overall, if you’re unsure about how much money to give, between €2 and €5 is a safe amount for country gals, but nothing less than a fiver for city slickers!

At last, we know!




Ever felt that you don’t match the requirements of the basic lady etiquette? You are not alone! However, as much as some of us lovely ladies try to join in on the good manners and tidy hair, the universe turns around and says no. Here are the 26 signs that the lady life isn’t for you:

1. You’re Unwillingly 100% Accident Prone

You’re covered in bruises, leaves in your hair and probably covered in bird feces and it’s only 2pm on a Monday. Overall, the universe does nothing for your grace and poise.

2. You Probably Fall Over A Lot Too

No doubt you do: us class of girl literally can’t help it! Maybe it’s our feet, maybe it’s because we’re thinking about cheeseburgers or were wearing shoes too high for us, either way we’ve fallen over so many times that there’s just no point mentioning it to anyone anymore.

3. For You, There Is No Dancing Etiquette

The music flows through you, making your limbs do whatever feels good: however, this usually results in smacking numerous people in the face, people taking pictures of you and of course, falling over.

4. You Can’t Help But Get Anxious Going To Formal Events

You feel like you’ve completely forgotten any kind of lady training you were given growing up. All you can do is at least try to look like lady, hope there’s only one kind of fork, knife, spoon and not make a fool out of yourself.

5. You Rock The “I’ve Just Rolled Out of Bed Look” Pretty Well

The fact that this “look” became a thing was incredibly convenient to you. Often enough people ask what hair product do you use to get that Russell Brand look, the answer always being “I just don’t brush my hair.”.

5. Telling People About Your Bodily Functions Is In No Way “Oversharing” To You

It’s typical of you to break conversational boundaries without even thinking about it.

6. Exercise Isn’t Really Your Thing

Not to mention you’ve never been to an aerobics class, the thought of spin class exhausts you and you pretty only exercise when you realise you’ve gained some unwanted pounds. Why can’t we just eat fried chicken and suffer no consequences?

7. Your Mother Is Constantly Throwing Shade At You

“Would you not wear something a bit more… feminine?” Yep, mothers have no shame in telling us what they think of our appearance. They miss the days when they could dress you in whatever pink stuff they wanted. She respects your independence, but that doesn’t stop the judgemental looks.

8. You’d Rather Wear Tights Than Shave Your Legs

Ugh the weekend is upon us and you’ve a few social engagements to attend. Depending on the season, the amount of tights you have that don’t have holes in them, and your energy levels you might shave your legs. It’s just so devastating when you shave your legs, and it wasn’t worth it.

9. You Identify More With J-Law More Than You Should

Everybody loves J-Law, they think she’s so quirky and cute. But to you she’s essentially your better looking famous twin: she’s lazy, falls over a lot, and loves pizza. But she gets away with it: tell us how J-Law.

10. … And Liz Lemon

“Will there be free food?” Food on our planet is the centre of the world, no doubt you watch food shows all day long, and get insanely jealous of Man vs. Food’s – Adam Richman. Liz, like us, makes most of her decisions around her appetite, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

11. You Don’t Understand The Concept of Eating Lettuce


12. You Own More Underwear With Cartoons Characters On Them Than Thongs Or Anything Involving Lace

Underwear with Kermit the Frog on them are cute! Plus they’re way more comfortable that a string inserting itself in between your buttcheeks. 

13. You’re Secretly Proud of Your Ability To Burp The Alphabet

Most people can’t do that! Or at least the whole thing… All I know is that I don’t have any other party trick and this one always impresses people, even the lads!

14. Drinking Rosè Is The Closest You Come To Anything Pink

Nothing against pink, we just don’t tend to wear much of it. Rosè is alcoholic, and by no means should it be discriminated against for being pink, but it’s definitely the most pink thing in our lives.

15. Swearing Like A Sailor Is Just How You Speak

We know other words, but when you fall over all the time and constantly fumble into situations with the least amount of grace, you curse a whole lot!

16. You Don’t Use Cutlery As Much As You Probably Should

I didn’t know eating pizza with a knife and fork is a thing? Why is it a thing? The one food you’re allowed use your hands to consume and the mannerly folk take it away from us… it’s not fair.

17. Finding Food In Your Hair Is A Daily Occurrence

You could have dinner, really focus on your food to mouth motor skills with you hair in a towel and still manage to find bits of cornflakes in it. Another minor mishap in the life of struggling lady.

18. You Sometimes Forget Basic Manners

People who are not completely forward with are annoying. In order to get answers you sometimes forget to ask politely. You often confront the pink elephant within the room much to the annoyance of others, but you honestly couldn’t give a flying feck.

19. But At Heart You Know You’d Couldn’t Be Happier Being Any Other Way

Sure look, at the end of the day you’re able to turn around and laugh at yourself. You see your life as a show on comedy central and you’d prefer to have food in your hair everyday for the rest of your life rather than try to be anyone else. Plus we have way more fun than ladies.

via our content partner CT



Florida police couldn’t believe their eyes when they arrived at someone’s home after a cleaning lady found a thief asleep on the bed!

He had a bag full of jewellery beside him as he slept, and the police thought this was the perfect Kodak moment. One police man posted the photo on his Facebook page with the caption:

“Talk about falling asleep on the job!! He was passed out … on the bed and didn’t even notice the deputies taking pictures! #FloriDUH.”

The hashtag “FloriDUH” has to be out favourite part of this whole thing. Brilliant!



As women we love our products and bathroom cosmetics but as this guy proves – we may go overboard. 

Parodying those beauty blogger videos we all know (and LOVE) this guy is basically our new hero. 

But if he continues with that soap he's going to dry his skin out… 



MTV’s Catfish star, Nev Schulman, has been accused of punching a woman in the face when he was a student at Sarah Lawrence University in the US.

The incident happened in 2006 and Nev recalls it in his book In Real Life: Love, Lies & Identity in the Digital Age. In the book, Nev describes how he hit the person in self-defence during an LGBT event where he was taking photos: “While I was photographing, an individual who didn’t like that I was taking pictures attempted to tackle me and smash my camera on the ground … In an effort to free myself, I punched the person and ran off; when I returned minutes later, I discovered that the short, stocky, crew-cut style individual I’d fought with was a woman – a fact I hadn’t been aware of in the heat of the moment. The next thing I knew, I’d been arrested.”

Nev was later expelled from the college.

However, according to the woman involved in the altercation with Nev, this is not how things went down – at all, as she told New York Magazine: “To be quite clear, Schulman’s account of the events of that night is as suspect as all his other endeavours … I confronted him, and asked him to stop taking pictures. I didn’t tackle him and I certainly didn’t choke him with his camera strap. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around at hit me out of nowhere, I went down and he held me in a head lock and repeatedly punched me while I tried to get free.”

The incident has come to light following NFL player Ray Rice punching his wife in an elevator, about which Nev tweeted: "Cowards make me sick. Real men show strength through patience and honour. This elevator is abuse free." The tweet has since been removed. 




Anna Wintour has long been recognised as one of the scariest faces in fashion. Rarely pictured without her sunglasses and a stern frown, if we saw her in real life we'd probably hide behind our copy of Vogue. But in this new video, the notoriously difficult editor seems quite down-to-earth and, dare we say it, sweet! She even takes off the sunnies…for a while!

In the video, Anna answers 73 questions about herself – from what she has for breakfast (Starbucks), to her biggest phobia (spiders), to her least favourite fashion buzzword (we won't spoil that one).

Oscar de la Renta even makes a cameo appearance via speakerphone – sure, that's just a normal day at the office for Anna.

The vid is also a great chance to get a sneak peek at the US Vogue offices – we're in heaven!




What would a bedroom or sitting room be without a few cushions thrown around for extra comfort? They can make the most boring room into something really special if you get the right ones. So if you’re looking at your sofa wondering what it’s missing, it could be one of these amazing cushions…

Floral cushions
These cushions are just so pretty and would go perfectly if you have a brown sofa. We love the intricate details!

Round Cushions

Who ever said that your cushions need to be square? These round velvet cushions are the perfect shade of pink and are sure to add both comfort and a touch of luxury to your sofa setting!

Book pillows
Is your reading corner lacking in comfort? Perhaps these book pillows would be the perfect addition – falling asleep while reading your book will be at least ten times more comfortable with these!

Colourful cushions
We would LOVE to see these in an all white sitting room or bedroom. They’d add a great sense of character too – and you COULD tell people you made them yourself if you wanted…!

Guitar cushions
Forget air guitar – what you want is a soft, cuddly, cushion guitar. Great for parties, no doubt!

Reading cushion
Quite possibly the best invention ever. We really need this!

Jigsaw cushion
We know this is probably for kids, but we don’t care. So comfy – but challenging too (kind of….)!

Poetry cushion
Add a bit of culture to your sitting room with some poetry on a cushion – so cute!

Cactus cushion
Last but not least, horrify friends and family my throwing yourself on this cactus cushion (may only work for particularly gullible friends!).

images via Pinterest



Remember a few months ago when you finally made the decision to ditch the boys and get a nice, clean house? A house where you could do your dissertation in peace, where the floorboards would be free of mousetraps, the bathrooms free of, well, plenty of things we don’t want to discuss?

The time has come and it’s going to be great. But all-girl houses have their own clichés too you know – give it a couple of weeks and we defy you not to tick off each and every one of these…

1. You constantly talk about baking but come home with supermarket cookies


2. Ditto doing your own version of Come Dine With Me, while continuing to microwave cottage cheese


3. Though your single housemate somehow finds time to cook a three course meal when their date/your hot cousin comes to stay


4. Every available surface is covered in drying underwear of the animal print/brightly-coloured Primark variety


(You save the good silk stuff for the radiator in your room).

5. Dream: Getting ready for nights out together, doing each other’s hair

Reality: Running off to separate rooms to fake tan and make up, then hollering up the stairs to discuss outfits


6. And that’s on a good day – usually it’s a full selfie/Whatsapp discussion to check they’re not wearing a similar dress before you can leave the room


7. Seminal housemate questions are not about bills. More like: ‘Are you wearing heels tonight?’ and the age-old, ‘are you going to bother with tights?’


8. You will wake up one morning to find a random guy eating (your) food in your kitchen wearing one sock, probably more than once. You’ll learn to go about your day as normal. He won't look like this:


9. At some point, your housemate’s boyfriend will move in. This will never be discussed. Quiet resentment for him, his muddy football boots and food-scavenging friends ensues


10. Reality shows reign supreme, regardless of how highbrow your degree subject is


11. Birthdays are taken pretty seriously

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12. As is fancy dress

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13. At some point, washing day will clash. This is what hell looks like

Leeds united 9404   hanging out old washing

14. At least you’ll think that’s what hell looks like, until the plug gets clogged with hair that’s DEFINITELY not yours

Hair in plug sat 29th may 2010

15. Your clothes and shoes routinely go missing


16. At which point you’ll curse yourself for not living with guys


17. But then someone comes home with your favourite chocolate bar and does the hoovering so all is forgiven


18. There’ll be one girl who’s so busy they may as well not live there


19. And one hermit who only leaves the house for bread and cigarettes


20. You’ll attempt to be the housemate who lies somewhere in between


21. There is no escaping the drama


22. All will agree to keep the place spotless. All will forget this rule when hungry, tired, busy, dating someone, going home for the weekend or during exams


23. But group cleaning sessions with the Spice Girls blaring make the grime build-up worth it


24. Post night-out feasts are beyond epic


25. At some point, you will hate your housemate and/or your housemate will hate you. You will continue to pretend you are friends


26. Someone’s hot school friends will come to stay for the weekend. Your house will be taken over by guy friends you haven’t seen in weeks


27. And when they invite you over to theirs, you feel so grateful to live with girls you could cry

Dirty house

28. Because it might be catty, but there are no actual RATS. And someone will always want to cuddle and watch Friends


29. And you’ve got wine, crisps and dip at home. There’s always wine, crisps and dip…


via our content partner CT


Our new daily Fashion TV show 'The Style Show' delivers your daily dose of fabulous fashion!  In today's segment, "Fashion Flashback" we're taking a nostalgic look back at the legendary pop star Gwen Stefani, and we'll be bringing you her best (and worst!) fashion moments! Watch the video above to see all our favourites.

Ciara O' Doherty reports.



If you’ve been dating your boyfriend for a while now, you may indulge in some wedding themed daydreams. Of course this doesn’t mean you necessarily want to get married ASAP – but hypothetically speaking, if he DID ask you, here are some questions you might want to ask yourself:

Is it love, or lust?
Looks don’t last, so ask yourself: if you woke up in the morning and he’d gotten considerably less good looking, would you still love him, or would you run for the hills?

Do you want the same things?
Are you both in agreement about having kids, or where and how you want to live? The last thing you want is to find yourself engaged to a man who wants completely different things, no matter how much you love him. And you’d be surprised how many couples find themselves in this situation after years of being together!

How do you handle arguments?
Having arguments is a natural part of being in a relationship, but it’s how you handle them that counts. Do you really want to be married to someone who flies off the handle at the slightest hint of a disagreement? Or who disappears for hours leaving you worried about where they are after you confront them over something?

What’s he like with money?
We know you can’t buy love, but you can squander it away if your other half has no appreciation of how hard you work for your money. Is he going to be arriving home with a brand new car when the washing machine needs replacing? Being an adult is hard enough, with these extra stresses.

Do you want him, or the fairytale?
Ask yourself if you want him, or if you just want the security of being married. If you want him, flaws and all, then go for it. If not, perhaps it’s time to re-think the situation….


Here at SHEmazing we know how important it is to have good hair, but we also know it can be difficult to achieve the perfect hair style at home. Now you can create salon quality hair and turn heads with the luxurious styling tools from the new Remington Silk Collection. 

Emma Power reports. 

