
Monthly Archives: September 2014

What if you woke up and Ireland didn't exist? This comedy sketch explores the full horror of waking up and finding yourself in a world without and tin whistles and Tayto. 

Watch if you dare…



When we think of inventions, we think of the big things like the light bulb, or the radio – but what about all those little things we use every day? They had to be invented too ye know! Here are five of the simplest inventions that we simply could not live without!

These handy sticky bits of paper were invented by a 3M employee Art Fry who got annoyed that his book mark kept slipping out of his hymn book when he was singing in the choir. He decided to create something that would stick to the page but could also be removed without ripping the paper – the post-it! Our lives would be at least 26% less organised if it weren’t for this man!

Door knobs
How did people get through doors without door knobs? We just don’t know, but the humble door knob wasn’t invented until 1878 by Osbourn Dorsey (check out the patent!), which is pretty late!

Before that, people opened doors with these things:

Rubber bands
Teachers everywhere must despise Stephen Perry, who invented the rubber band way back in 1845. He used vulcanized rubber to create the little bands. What would we have used to flick bits of rubber across the classroom if it weren’t for this genius man?

Imagine a world with no straws – there’d nearly be no point in wearing lipstick at all. It’d be ruined as soon as you take a sip of your drink! Marvin Stone created the straw in 1888 AD. He wrapped a piece of paper around a pencil and glued it, and then he replaced the paper with paraffin-coated Manila paper so that it wouldn’t get soggy. Then he discovered that the best size was 8 inches in length with the diameter just small enough to avoid any seeds getting sucked up. Thanks Marvin!

Shopping bags
A shopping bag seems so obvious to us, but they weren’t invented (or at least patented) until 1952 when Francis Wolle made the first machine for making paper bags. Can you imagine not having any bags to carry all your stuff? It’s bad enough when we forget our reusable bags for one shopping trip – imagine they were all like that!

images via Pinterest


If you need something to brighten up your Monday morning, look no further.

The Ohio State Marching Band put together an incredible half time show, playing a medley of everyone's favourite TV show theme songs. According to their YouTube page, they do a new show for every game, and learn each new routine in just a couple of weeks. Absolutely amazing.


Sometimes, we can get lazy with our relationships. Life gets busy, and we don’t always have a lot of time to spend with our other half, which means that the romance can get put on the back burner. If you’ve been finding yourself in a bit of a relationship rut lately, here are five ways to relight that fire!

Go on a date
If you live with your boyfriend, it’s easy to opt for cosy nights in rather than going to the bother of getting dressed up to go out. However, going out on a date, even just a simple trip to the cinema, will remind you of the early days in your relationship. It’s also good as the night is clearly labelled as a date, so that you both know you’re meant to be spending time as a couple, rather than just happening to be watching TV in the same room.

Spend more time between the sheets
Having more sex is a great way to put some life back into your relationship. When we orgasm the levels of oxytocin and dopamine levels in the brain increase, and this helps to solidify emotional bonds, lessen anger and increase feelings of contentment – all things that will improve your relationship! It’s also fun – let’s not forget that!

Hug each other more often
You don’t have to get it on to create intimacy between you and your beau. A simple hug will do the trick as it makes you feel emotionally connected to each other. Your body also produces the love hormone oxytocin when you get a hug or a cuddle, so keep ‘em coming!

Do something together
It’s good to have stuff in your life that doesn’t involve your other half, but it’s also good to have a common interest. Try signing up for a class or sport together. It’ll give you something new to talk about, and will mean you’ll be spending more time together too!

Do something unexpected
Whether you go out and buy him an expensive present, or simply bring him up a cup of tea in bed, those little unexpected gestures mean a lot. They show you’ve been thinking of him, and that you really care. What more could he ask for?



We’ve all stood in front of our wardrobes of a Saturday night moaning that we have nothing to wear, but this seems to have been literally the case for Miley Cyrus this weekend.

Miley turned up to the Alexander Wang after party on Saturday night wearing nothing on her top half but pasties (nipple covers) shaped like ice cream cones.


She helpfully clarified in one of her photos:

“btw I don't have some weird rash. I got pink glitter rubbed all over me on the party bus. #RAVE”

Good to know Miley.



Exciting news for the Royal family today as Kate Middleton and Prince William announce they are expecting another baby.
After much speculation and gossip from the media, Clarence House has just confirmed on the couple's behalf that Kate is pregnant.
Clarence house wrote on their Twitter account:
“The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting their second child”
“The Queen and members of both families are delighted with the news that Their Royal Highnesses are expecting their second child”



Clarence House have released an official statement:
"Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting their second child.
"The Queen and members of both families are delighted with the news.
"As with her first pregnancy, The Duchess is suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Her Royal Highness will no longer accompany The Duke of Cambridge on their planned engagement in Oxford today. The Duchess of Cambridge is being treated by doctors at Kensington Palace."


There is a dark and ominous theme to the majority of this week’s cinema listings, so if you were hoping for some light and fluffy escapism, then perhaps you should stay at home with a DVD. Although, there is some fun for the kids!

Friday, 12th September

The Boxtrolls

This is an animated film which is based on the children’s book Here Be Monstors by Alan Snow. It tells the story of a young orphaned boy who was raised by underground cave dwellers, and he has to save his friends from an evil exterminator! You may recognise some famous voices such as Richard Ayoade from the IT Crowd or Nick Frost from Shaun of the Dead. We think we may enjoy this even more than our little brothers or sisters, it sounds great!


Friday, 12th September

Finding Fanny

An unfortunate name, but this satirical Bollywood film doesn’t actually sound too bad. It’s about a group of guys who set out on a journey to find an old postman’s childhood love, Stefanie "Fanny" Fernandes. Nobody knows whether she's alive or dead or in fact just a figment of someone's imagination, but nevertheless, they set off on their journey – which ends up taking one and a half days instead of the 20 minutes it was supposed to!


Friday, 12th September

Manuscripts Don’t Burn

This is a pretty serious film about two Iranian agents who go to extreme lengths to find a banned manuscript that details their government's failed attempt to murder 21 writers. At the last minute, they have to change their plans. You won’t get lots of laughs from this flick, but it definitely sounds interesting!


Friday, 12th September

A Most Wanted Man

A half-Chechen, half-Russian tortured man who arrives at an Islamic community looking for help, is also looking to recover is late father’s ill-gotten fortune. However, his story seems a bit strange and people start to wonder if he is a victim, a thief or an extremist. A British banker and a young female lawyer get caught up in the story as they are determined to help. All the while, they’re being watched by the chief of a covert German spy unit, who tries to figure out what’s going on. Rachel McAdams stars in this, alongside the late Philip Seymour Hoffman – it’s definitely one to watch.


Friday, 12th September

A Nightingale Falling

This is an Irish film, which tells the tale of two sisters whose lives are changed forever as they care for a wounded soldier during the War of Independence. It’s described as “a tragic love story of a household & its inhabitants, caught in the crucible of dark deep secrets”. Sounds good to us, if not a little depressing!




Kim Kardashian, the unstoppable selfie machine, has outdone herself this time.

After much fan questioning and speculation as to why not a single Kardashian had taken part in the Ice Bucket Challenge, Kim finally relented.

About two weeks after everyone else stopped caring; Kim did the Ice Bucket Challenge on The Ellen Show. In a clip released on The Ellen Show’s Instagram, Kim can be seen trying to take a selfie during the challenge.

Kim squeals, "Oh my God, I don't even want to see this happening to me!”

While taking a picture of herself. On TV. Oh Kim.


When it comes to food, us Irish are very loyal. Whether you’re on a two-week holiday in Spain or you’ve been living away for a few years, you’ll know the heartache an Irish person feels for the lack of certain delicacies from our homeland.

Here are a few of the foods we’ve pined for when away from the Emerald Isle.

Tayto crisps
The finest way to enjoy a potato is in the form of the humble crisp. Show a bag of crushed Tayto to a homesick Irish person and you’re sure to see a few tears. With all the care packages sent out by Irish mammies, Taytos are probably the most well-travelled crisps in the world.

Bread that actually tastes like bread
Anyone who has lived in the US for a time will know this pain. Bread should never be so sweet that it hurts your teeth! It’s just plain wrong. Give us a Brennan’s batch loaf or some good brown soda bread any day.

A god among drinks. It is available in Australia surprisingly enough, those lucky ducks. Elsewhere in the world though, any hungover Irish person would give their left leg for a sip of this sweet nectar.

Real butter
While at home we’re all about low-fat spread, but take us out of Ireland for five minutes and we’ll be lamenting the lack of “proper butter.” You can’t beat toast with some melting Kerrygold on top. YUM.

An Irish fry-up
One word: pudding. Trying to explain the black pudding phenomenon to friends from far-flung lands usually results in a strange reaction. Yes, the main ingredient may be blood… but it’s so tasty! Trust us!

Tea (specifically Barry’s or Lyons)
There is simply no substitute for a good cup of Irish tea. Even if you’re forced to drink it with strange long-life milk, it really is the taste of home.



Hunger is a strange beast. Sometimes you’re stuffed after a few bites of dinner, other times it seems like you’ll never be full no matter how many times you approach the biscuit cupboard.

Even though you may sometimes feel hunger-like symptoms, it doesn’t always mean that your body needs fuelling. Hunger pangs can sometimes just be a sign that you’re bored, tired or even thirsty. Often a desire to eat can be confused with a need to eat – and the two are not the same.

If you’re trying to keep your weight in check, take note of these five types of hunger and how to handle them:

Real hunger
This type of hunger means business. If you’re low in energy, with a rumbling tummy and even a headache or some shakiness, you can take it as a sign that you should eat NOW. Try to avoid getting to this kind of stage though – having healthy snacks on hand should stop you ever getting over-hungry.

TV hunger
Ever notice that you work through that bag of crisps in double time when sitting in front of the TV? Being distracted by your favourite film or programme can lead to mindless eating, so try to take note of how hungry you are before turning on the telly and become more aware of how much you're reaching for that bag of Sensations.

Bored hunger
When you’re at a loose end, the fridge is always the first thing to catch your attention. Try to avoid the kitchen during times of boredom. Use the time to relax instead – read a book, call a friend – whatever floats your boat.

Stress hunger
When you’re over-stressed, the dreaded hangry (hungry + angry) feeling can lead to an overwhelming desire for a quick sugar fix. Try your best to turn to healthier snacks instead, like nuts, crackers or fruit.

Eye hunger
You stroll into the office kitchen and catch sight of a plate of cupcakes on the counter. INSTANT HUNGER. The thing is though, your body wasn’t even thinking about cupcakes until you actually saw them. Make a conscious decision to either eat one, or skip it. If you do eat one, at least take the time to savour and enjoy it, rather than shoving it into your mouth guiltily. You’ll just end up wanting more!



Is Dirty Dancing one of your all-time favourite films? Do you delight in its romantic storyline and wish that you could find your very own Patrick Swayze to dance the night away with?

Well, this clip from Dirty Dancing without the music will put an end to those fantasies! Dancing without music, it turns out, is just plain dirty. And creepy. And should never, ever, be done!

We will NEVER set foot in a silent disco again!



Whenever Siva Kaneswaran from The Wanted tries to do a good deed, it never seems to go well.

Back in April, he and his band mate Jay McGuiness were attacked by a homeless guy with a knife when they tried to give him money. And now? He’s been punched in the face after trying to save a woman who was being attacked by her boyfriend!

The Irish singer was walking around New York City last month with his rep, when he saw the woman being attacked, and without a hint of hesitation, he ran over to break up the fight!

Apparently, Siva told the guy to chill out, only to be told: “This isn’t about you!” So instead, he tried to hold him off, and got a black eye in the process. Thankfully though, the woman managed to escape while Siva was holding her boyfriend down. The attacker then fled the scene as well.

He told reporters: "I am no hero, I just wanted to prevent her from being hit."

A hero AND modest? Well, he’s almost too good to be true! Siva is hoping the woman will contact him so that he knows she’s ok. Here’s hoping his act of bravery made a difference!

