
Monthly Archives: September 2014


Ah, roommates. Can't live with them, can't afford not to. Here are the most common arguments you'll have with your roommates. 

1. June 27th was two months ago, throw out your milk…


2. Who left the heating on?


3. Who turned the heating off?


4. Who took my food from the fridge? 


5. Is anyone going to clean those pots, they’ve been there for a week! 


6. Who got sick in the kitchen sink?


7. How many people were here last night?!


8. Hurry up in the bathroom


9. Who are all of these strangers sleeping on the floor?


10. I’m not taking the bins out again, I did it last week…


11. Why are you having a party, it’s Tuesday and I’m trying to sleep!


12. How did my Friends DVD end up getting scratched?


13. Your turn to deal with the creepy landlord this time!

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14. Is your boyfriend/girlfriend going to leave anytime soon?


15. Who used all the hot water?


16. Ehmm, can you stop having such loud sex…

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via our content partner CT



Rory  McIlroy has had a crazy few months, not just on the golfing course but on the romantic front too!

Following his engagement with tennis player, Caroline Wozniacki coming to an abrupt end back in May, Rory was then linked to Irish model, Nadia Forde.

Now, it looks like Rory has taken his interests stateside as he has been spotted with whom Radar Online are calling his possible new “girlfriend” – actress, Meghan Markle.

Meghan stars as paralegal, Rachel Zane in the USA Network drama, Suits.

The pair were seen out for dinner with friends recently, which may not seem like a confirmation (obviously) but Rory also featured in Meghan’s ALS bucket challenge video, after nominating her himself.

To add even more fuel to the romance rumours, Meghan runs a lifestyle website called The Tig in which she conducted an interview with Rory and well, let's just say it's very cute!

Hmm, could this be the start of something new for the two? 



Sunday mornings were tough when the duvet was ripped from your bed at some ungodly hour and you were marched out the door to mass which, although only 40mins, felt like an eternity. 

1. Chaos in the house trying to get there on time. Your Mum and Dad killing each other..

 2. Not being able to find your ‘good’ shoes

 3. Your Mum telling you to sit up straight

Hearing the two most dreaded words on Christmas Eve: MIDNIGHT MASS.

4. Feeling morally wrong if you were the only one sitting down


5. Daydreaming while looking at coloured church windows

Daydreaming while looking at colored church windows.

6. Fidgeting with anything you could find

 7. Wanting to rob the collection basket

 8. Speaking gibberish when you didn’t know the words to any of the prayers

10. The fear that the priest could read your mind

10. The indecisiveness of grabbing the wafer or sticking your tongue out


11. Thinking you wanted to be an alter girl

12. Always forgetting what you are supposed to say in the confession booth

23 Things People Who Grew Up Going To Catholic Church Will Understand

 13. The comfort of kneeling like this

The comfort of kneeling like this.

14. Shaking hands with strangers during the Sign of Peace was always a little awkward

 15. Breathing in the incense

 16. When the priest blessed the congregation with holy water, you felt extra special when the water actually touched you

 17. Falling asleep during the sermon

 18. Those glorious words: “May God bless you. The mass has ended. Go in peace.”



And, finally:

19. Getting your pocket money and spending it all on sweets!

via our content partner CT



Nearly everyone likes big butts these days, and you can’t deny it. They word ‘bootylicious’ is even in the Oxford dictionary (go Destiny’s Child!), as an amalgam of "booty" and the word "delicious".

But who started the obsession? Dr Constantino Mendieta is a plastic surgeon who specialises in buttock implants, and he says it’s all down to Jennifer Lopez:

“She showed how nice it can look when you've got the right curves.

“It's not that we never looked at the buttock before then, but it was a taboo subject. She drew attention to it in a good way.”

She certainly did. And when Destiny’s child released their hit song Bootylicious, we all noticed that Beyoncé was in the same league as Jennifer Lopez. However, no one could have predicted just how big these booties were about to get.

Enter: Kim Kardashian, Nicki Minaj and Iggy Azalea. Three celebrities who are as well known for their bums as they are for what they actually do. The difference between these women and JLo and Beyoncé, is that they’re not shakin’ what their mama gave them, they’re shakin’ their implants.

This obsession with having the perfect bum has led to a rise in illegal bottom injections in the US, particularly among dancers, as if you want to get a part in a music video where the song talks about a girl’s booty, you’ve got to have that shape. According to a US report, 10,000 butt implant procedures were performed in the US in 2013, and some women have even died from going to dodgy doctors.

While it’s good to see the curvy shape getting the positive attention it deserves, are we beginning to take things too far? We think it's about time we took a break from those lunges – our average sized booties do exactly what we need them to do, so let's just leave it at that!




There may be trouble ahead for Lauren Goodger if she speaks out of turn during her time in the Celebrity Big Brother house!

Mark is apparently so concerned she will talk about their former relationship that he has sent a legal letter to CBB bosses, reminding them of the gagging order Lauren previosuly signed meaning she cannot talk about Mark or their time together. 

Hmm, did she not talk about him just recently saying she was totally over him? 

Lauren eventually agreed to sign the confidentiality agreement while away on holiday four years ago with her ex-boyfriend of eleven years – how suspicious does that sound?!

It is thought that any mention of Mark that may occur on Lauren’s part will just be edited out of the reality TV show anyway.

We can’t help but wonder what he is so worried she will reveal about their long time together…!

And what Michelle Keegan, Mark’s current fianceé, will make of it all!

Mark and Michelle are said to be getting married in the not so distant future and we cannot wait to see the photos! 




Givenchy are bringing out a limited edition Le Rouge lipstick, which will be encased in crocodile leather, and it’ll cost you $300!

The classic red shade is called Le Rouge shade 306, Carmin Escarpin, and apparently they’re only producing 3,000 of these super expensive lipsticks, which is just as well because we can’t imagine too many people will be forking out a month’s rent for a bit of lippy.

We wonder though, if it’s that expensive, will it stay on all night? Could this be ‘the one’?

Still, even if it stayed on for a week, we don’t know if we could justify such a big spend on something so small.

We might give Louboutin’s $50 nail polish a go though, if we found some cash lying around (as unlikely as that may be). We can kind of see the connection between Louboutin and nail polish too, as when he first started making shoes, he would paint the bottom of them in red polish, so at least there you’re getting an interesting fact as well as a pretty nails!

We think it’s safe to say, we won’t be one of the 3,000 sporting Carmin Escarpin lips this autumn!



If you’ve just moved into a new apartment or you’re simply redecorating a new one, freebie sites like Freecycle can be a great place to look for new stuff. Here are some tips on how use the sites so that you’ll find the best stuff – good luck!

Give as well as take
It’s considered good manners to put something up for offer on these kinds of sites before you grab something for yourself. It doesn’t have to be anything special, and it’s a good way of making space for new things too!

Use your imagination
While the desk being offered may look at bit worn around the edges right now, think about what you could do to make it look brand new again. A bit of upcycling is always fun!

Sign up to expensive areas
There’s a good chance people who are living in expensive areas have better quality things to give away! It may mean a bit of a drive for you to get there, but isn’t it worth it for a TV as big as your window?!

Sing up for the daily highlights email
If you don’t have the time to be scrolling through pages and pages of free stuff, then the daily highlights email can be really handy. Plus they pick out all the best stuff!



Game of Thrones star, Kristian Nairn who plays Hodor on HBO’s hit show, confirmed that he will not be returning to the show next season. 

However, that wasn’t  the only bombshell Kristian laid on GOT’s fans as he also said that Bran, played by Isaac Hempstead-Wright wouldn’t be returning either!

The actor told Australia’s ABC: “We have a season off and we have a year’s hiatus, solely because I imagine our storyline is up to the end of the books.”

The news comes after the pair were finally given some exciting screen time and met the three-eyed raven – even ending on a major cliff hanger. 

However, given that the pair are in further books, we're sure this isn't the last we've seen of them!

Oh well, as long as Kit Harrington doesn’t go anywhere, we’ll be okay. 



If you ever needed a video to cheer up any day that is not a Friday, this is it.

Poor Max is finding it very difficult to get the hang of kayaking and while his friend Sarah tries to offer advice, she is mostly helping out humanity by recording the whole hilarious event.

We are so grateful. 

Sarah wrote in her YouTube description that Max was in no danger and she wouldn't have recorded if he was, so you can laugh guilt-free!




Model and actress, Liberty Ross, has finally spoken out about the affair that ended her marriage.

Back in 2012, Hollywood was rocked by photos that emerged showing actress, Kristen Stewart in some very telling poses with Liberty’s husband, Rupert Sanders.

The pair had met on the set of Snow White and the Huntsman which Rupert was directing. 

Not only did the affair end Liberty and Rupert’s ten year marriage, it was inevitably the end of Bella and Edward, sorry, Kristen and Robert Pattinson.

Though the couple tried again to make it work, it didn’t last much longer.

Liberty on the other hand brought herself out of her marriage and has come out the other side, unscathed and better than ever.

Not only this, but the model has no bad feelings towards anyone involved, she told Harper's Bazaar: “It’s amazing what two years does. Today, I feel happier than I’ve ever felt, and I’m in such a great place. All of us are: my kids are great, Rupert’s amazing, we have all moved on and everyone is doing really well … People need to learn to forgive. I have no problem with anyone involved. I’m completely compassionate, I really am.”

She’s a better woman than us, that’s for sure!

Liberty also blamed the fact that she and ex-husband, Rupert had gotten married at such a young age: “Rupert and I were together since we were very, very young. I was 18 – essentially, I married my first boyfriend. I always used to say we were more like brother and sister anyway. We’d been together for so long, we weren’t really evolving together as a couple so much.”

Wow, it sounds like the model has put the whole sordid incident behind her and it’s good to see she and Rupert are on good terms for the sake of their two children, Skyla and Tennyson.




If you’re anything like us, you may feel like you are a loser magnet. How are you meant to find an eligible man when there are so many guys you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot barge pole standing in the way? Well, ladies, you may just be looking in all the wrong places! Here are our top eight places for meeting eligible men – we’re not saying you won’t find the odd loser in these places either, but the chances should be considerably lowered!

Through friends
And not just your close friends. Meg Jay, author of ‘The Defining Decade’, says that you need to reach out to friends of friends for new opportunities, both romantically and career wise. This is because you’ve probably already met most of your close friend’s friends already. Throw a party and tell people to invite all their friends – you never know who might show up!

Public transport
This is easier said than done these days seen as everyone switches on the iPod as soon as they get on the bus. But if you do find yourself standing beside the same guy at the bus stop every morning, why not strike up a conversation? At least you know he has a job, even if he doesn’t have a car!

The gym
While you may be horrified at the thought of flirting with someone when you’re working out, you shouldn’t be. If the guy is in the gym to actually break a sweat (rather than just checking his muscles in the mirror), he’ll probably be interested in someone who has an interest in keeping fit just like him. And if he’s smart, he’ll be able to see through the sweat to the beautiful person you really are!

The online dating world is not as sinister as it once seemed. At least you know the people there actually want a relationship, and you can learn a bit about them before you make your move!

At work
Work is a great place to meet guys, and apparently couples who meet this way are most likely to end up married! Though if it doesn’t work out, it could get messy!

House parties
Rather than going to a bar on a Saturday night, find out if any friends are having house parties. It’s much easier to end up chatting to a guy as you fix yourself a drink in the kitchen than it is to lock eyes across a crowded dancefloor!

If you like reading, join a book club. If you like running, join a running club! You’re guaranteed to have at least one thing in common with everyone you meet there, and who knows? You could meet the love of your life!

Blood donation clinics
This one may seem a bit bizarre, but if you’ve ever donated blood, you’ll know that there is a LOT of waiting around. Which means ample opportunity to talk! Plus, you know he’s the charitable type. And if you get a quick look over his shoulder, you can see if he’s ticked ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for the question about STDs, so no nasty surprises!



We asked one of our followers Julie Nolan from Cork to try out the new Vichy Dermablend range, and we're glad to report that she is a fan! Check out her review below:

“I have been using the Vichy Dermablend products non-stop since I got them! I especially love the Total Body Foundation. I use it on my face as it is too dark for my body, but it's a great product. I love the finish and I don't even check my face throughout the day as I am 100% confident that it will not need topping up. It covers everything without looking like a mask, and the redness in my cheeks and nose is completely covered.

I love the Corrective Face Foundation for a slightly lighter coverage. The coverage is still great just with a lighter finish and a dewier feeling. 

All in all, I am delighted with these products, I enjoy using them and would be more than happy to recommend and use these products over and over.”


