
Monthly Archives: September 2014


So, when you first get into a new relationship, or start seeing someone, it’s exciting. Exciting, and nerve wrecking. Here are a few signs that you are well and truly over that stage.

1. Bodily Functions

You both break wind in front of each other and act like nothing happened – this includes farting.

2. Eating

You will eat anything, and everything, and not care how unattractive you look. The more food you can fit in your mouth at once, the better.

3. Time Passes

You can go a day or two without speaking, and it doesn’t bother either of ye.

4. Hand Holding

The need to hold hands/have a hand draped around shoulders as you walk down the street is gone. You may notice that this makes life easier for anyone else wanting to use the footpath.

5. PDA

FINALLY you've grown out of the ‘must-shift-the-face-off-each-other-in-public’ phase. This makes every single pringle on the planet happy, keep up the good work!

6. Sex

kellitoris:</p><br /><p>Mila Kunis, mm.<br /><br />

It changes. Not to say it becomes bad or boring, it just lacks spontaneity, and sometimes can be a little too like an army drill. No charm necessary, take your clothes off and await the intercourse.

7. Borrowing clothes


You don’t wear his shirt to be sexy, you wear it because its the first thing you came to when you rolled out of bed.

8. Friends & Family

You can only pretend to like your other half's friends for so long. After a while of dating you’ll begin to let your true feelings show. He probably knows his mate Dave is an asshole already, you’re just reminding him…

9. Your friends start to like you again

Now that you don’t talk about him/herself all of the time, your friends will be much more readily available to spend some time with you. Welcome back!

10. You don’t care


You’re perfectly comfortable with your other half seeing you without make-up and sometimes even with sudocreme slathered all over your face. 

via our content partner CT



There could be trouble in paradise for Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake!

Photos have been circulating online which show what many are reporting to be Justin flirting with one of his back-up dancers.

The photos were taken inside a Parisian nightclub following Justin’s concert at The Olympia Theatre and appear to show Justin hugging and chatting to a woman thought to be one of his dancers.  

Thankfully, a source for Heat has said that Justin left the nightclub alone: “they all left through the black doors in two black vans, Justin in one and the girls in the other.”

Hmm, there doesn’t appear to be any kissing going on which is a relief – but is he a bit too close for comfort given that his wife is at home in the US? 



If you’re looking for something a little more elegant for your lunchtime treat, we have the answer. Ditch that Spar roll and get yourself to Dame Lane in Dublin for a beautiful Afternoon Tea!

Dublin-based SocialBee have been bringing bespoke mobile tea parties to lovely ladies around Ireland and now they’re settling down for the month of September with their new pop-up Tea Rooms in Dublin city centre. You’ll find them at the Fumbally Exchange from today until October 5th – opening hours are 10am – 6pm, Thursday to Sunday.

There are two menu options – put your feet up with a pot of tea, a scone and a tart or cake slice for just €6.95, or go for the full Afternoon Tea spread with the works. For €26 per person you’ll get a selection of sandwiches, a scone with jam/cream, miniature desserts, a pot of tea and a complimentary glass of Prosecco or homemade lemonade.

Our mouths are watering!

Booking is essential for Afternoon Tea – message the SocialBee ladies on their Facebook page, email melissa@sociabee.ie, or call 086 2127901. We’ll see you there!



It has been reported that Ciara has gotten back together with her ex-fiancé, Future!

The singer ended the engagement last month after allegations that Future was cheating on her with his stylist. 

TMZ report that the reason behind their reconciliation is that Ciara wishes to work out their issues for the sake of their baby son, Future Jr.

Ciara and Future were engaged for only seven months when she found out about the alleged affair and ended things.

The affair and cheating allegations had not been addressed by Ciara as of yet, although she did blast an article by US Weekly she says had nothing to do with her break-up

Hmm, we hope things work out for the best and Future can keep himself from straying in the…er, future!




You don’t have to hack into Kim Karshasian’s iCloud account to get a look at her nudey photos, because she has NO problem posting them all over the Internet herself!

The reality star posted this shot from her GQ magazine photo shoot to her Instagram a mere eight hours ago, and it has already racked up 587,000 likes. That’s a lot of likes!

Funny how she uploaded this photo after speaking about the iCloud hacking scandal, where she spoke about how cautious you have to be about privacy:

“I think it's a big wake up call for people to make sure they have every privacy setting.

“I don't even know where this cloud is or where all this information is that can be hacked into. I deleted my iCloud account ages ago because I didn't really understand it and I was aware that it was so easily accessible.”

Something tells us Kanye may have had a thing or two to do with Kim’s iCloud being deleted, seen as he is very concerned about people spying on him and his family. Though, we don’t know why she bothered when she posts photos like this of herself!

Who knows though, she was probably as well off without any clothes, as her famous booty had clearly had enough of being trapped in yet another figure hugging dress when she was leaving Annabelle's private member's club in London last night.

Quick, someone get the needle and thread!




It’s not easy being famous, especially when you’re going through something awful like a marriage break up. The rumour mill goes into over drive and before you know it, God knows what has been reported about your family.

This is what drove Nick Cannon to post 19 tweets about his separation from Mariah Carey, slamming the false reports surrounding their marriage break-down. And we've got to say, while our opinion of him swayed after he boasted about all the famous ladies he'd slept with, we're pretty impressed with they way he stuck up for Mariah in these tweets:

We really hope they can work it out – it sounds like there's still a lot of love in that relationship!


Ah, alcohol. Our best friend, our worst enemy. After a hard week, sometimes a glass of wine or a G&T is really the only answer to help you unwind. Sometimes though, one turns into five and before you know it you’re stumbling in through your front door with a half-eaten kebab in your hand and a load of garlic sauce in your hair. Classy.

If you’re trying to keep your weight in check, binge-drinking can ruin all your hard work in just one night.  Here are a few tips for smart alcohol consumption…

Know your calories
You’ll never find nutritional values listed on the bottle, so make sure you do some research before ordering! Alcohol in general contains 7.1 calories per millilitre, but of course for wine and beer you can expect the levels of sugar to boost that number up a lot. A pint of beer has around as many calories as a slice of pizza, while a standard glass of wine is the equivalent of eating one Cornetto… Oops.

If you’re really trying to lower your calorie intake, stick to clear spirits like vodka, gin and clear rum with zero-calorie mixers like slimline tonic or Diet Coke. When it comes to wine, choose dry whites over reds, and look for low-carb beers where possible.

Eat well beforehand
Our body has to work extra hard to burn alcohol, which can shut down the other fat-burning processes. Fill up on lots and lots of lean protein (turkey, grilled chicken or tuna) and green veg like spinach, kale or broccoli before heading out on the town. Foods like this are low in calories but will fill you up – meaning you’ll drink less and hopefully not crave food later.

Step AWAY from the 3-in-1!
When drunk, the urge for fast food is usually huge, pulling us toward the nearest McDonald’s as fast as we can run in our heels. Try your very best to avoid this temptation. A great idea is to prepare a healthy meal or snack for when you get home – if you know it’s waiting for you, you’ll be far less likely to eat those McNuggets.



Amanda Byram is on holiday in Turkey at the moment, and she’s been making us all VERY jealous on Instagram with photos like this:

When she got tired of sunbathing the days away, she decided to be a bit adventurous with some parasailing. Looks safe, right?

However, perhaps she should have kept her feet on solid ground as she ended up with one pretty sore looking arm:

Apparently when she “attempted a sailing trick” she got caught in the wire and it dug into her arm. Ouch! 

We guess she'll just have to get comfy in one of those deck chairs and let the bruises heal – it could be worse!




New York Fashion Week kicks off this Thursday and even though we'll only be dreaming of it from Ireland, we'll be glued to Instagram for all of the latest updates.

We've put together a list of a few of our favourite stylists, models and bloggers to add to your feed this NYFW. You'll get all the action…live from the trenches!

The magazine
magazine have been counting down to NYFW all week and you're sure to get lots of street style action and behind-the-scenes shots. 

The models
Karlie Kloss is definitely one to follow. She recently appeared on Vogue's September issue cover and will be all over the catwalks this week. When she's not posting amazing outfit shots, she's showing off her dog and sharing embarrassing childhood throwback pics. Love it!

Malaika Firth is one of the new faces of Burberry but she hasn't let things get to her head – in amongst the high fashion shots are plenty of pics of her with her adorable siblings. Aaaaw!

The hairstylist
Armagh native Helen Reavey has been taking New York's hairstyling scene by storm since moving out there almost two years ago. She's worked at Fashion Weeks in NY, London, Paris and Milan as well as touring with Alicia Keyes as her personal hairdresser last year. Consider her one to watch this week.

The style editor
Glamour editor-in-chief Cindi Leive has always been a great go-to for previous fashion weeks, with front-row catwalk pics… and the odd celeb selfie. Just hanging with Selena and Jessica. NBD. 

The blogger
Leandra Medine, better known as Manrepeller, mixes high fashion with humour as well as sharing some amazing outfit inspiration.

The label
Oscar de la Renta really got lucky when they took on Erika Bearman, who's become a huge name on social media as OscarPRGirl. Follow her for NYFW updates and a behind-the-scenes look inside one of the world's best-known fashion houses.



Well, if you’d like to feel very, very old right now, keep reading. The Little Rascals came out 20 years ago this year, and the cast have just reunited to recreate some of the film’s iconic moments. And… well… they're not little anymore!

Back in 1994, Spanky, Alfalfa and co. introduced us all to the legendary “He-Man Woman Hater’s Club,” and if you’re the nostalgic type you’ll still remember all the best bits! All together, “I have two pickles, I have two pickles…”

The entire cast got together to rekindle the film’s original poster, as tweeted today by Blake McIver, who played rich snob Waldo in the film:

Bug Hall (Alfalfa) and Travis Tedford (Spanky) were even bold enough to recreate the Nutcracker scene. Awww!

We’ve a sudden urge to go root out our old videos from the attic now! 



Jimmy Fallon might be the unparalleled King of Impressions, but he nearly had the title taken off him last night when he challenged Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine to a sing-off.

The task? Singing kids' songs in the style of a randomly chosen singer, as part of a new game called Wheel of Musical Impressions. Ooh, we can tell this is gonna be good!

Adam started off fairly modestly, telling the audience, "I'm not Jimmy Fallon style, but I can do some things." He then proceeded to sing an impeccable version of Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in the crooning voice of Frank Sinatra. A1, Adam, A1.

Jimmy tried his best to outshine Adam with an Iggy Azalea-style rendition of Old McDonald, but in the end he conceded that Adam was "the champ". We agree!



It seems like it was all so easy in our grandparents’ time. Meet “The One,” be courted for a while, get married, have kids ASAP, live happily ever after. Okay, I’m sure it wasn’t quite so clean-cut as that, but there’s certainly something to be said for the simplicity of love back then.

We have much more freedom these days when it comes to finding our Mr. Right – and if someone isn’t perfect for us, we can just move on. But I’ve a feeling that if my grandparents looked at the dating scene today, they’d say that we’re all too picky, that we don’t try hard enough, that we’ll never find the right one if we keep hoping that something better is just around the corner.

Maybe the problem lies in how we initiate our relationships. If we’re meeting someone on a drunken night in Coppers, or with a quick swipe-right on Tinder, is that really a solid foundation to base a future on? Sure, you might exchange numbers but in most cases it never leads to anything more than a random hook-up. Ah, true love.

Even with the most devoted of couples, the advent of smartphones and on-demand TV means there’s not really a huge need to ever engage in conversation with your other half. We now consciously need to set aside time to talk to one another and to resist the temptation of sitting side-by-side on the couch and scrolling through Facebook.

Constant access to the virtual world means that we can never really devote our total, undivided attention to the person sitting next to us… and with that can come a huge breakdown in communication.

So the next time you’re chilling out after work with your significant other, put your iPhone away and force yourselves to chat, or at least to just appreciate and enjoy each other’s company. Take time to do thoughtful things for one another. Put the same effort into your relationship as you do with your Instagram profile.

If you’re single and finding that you keep hitting dead ends with a string of random one-nighters, consider trying to meet new people in an environment that’s not online or fuelled by alcohol. If that guy next to you in the queue for coffee looks cute, make a comment about the weather, or how much you love this café, anything to strike up a chat. It’s easier than you’d think – and I reckon our grandparents would definitely approve.
