
Monthly Archives: September 2014


Reality star and model Francesca Eastwood faced police questioning last night after she was accused of a break-in… at her ex-boyfriend’s house!

Police were called to Tyler Shield’s LA home after reports of broken glass on the property. Tyler, a well-known celebrity photographer, was not home at the time. Francesca was apparently carrying property out of the house when the cops arrived.

A source close to Francesca, daughter of actor Clint Eastwood, said that her name was still on the lease and so she did not break any laws. Hmmm… strange that she decided to break the front door down! The insider claimed that Francesca was retrieving personal belongings, including clothes and pictures.

When Shield’s returned home, he spoke briefly to TMZ as he cleaned up the glass from his front door. He said only, “somebody just broke this and they’re gonna pay a lot of money for a pair of jeans.”

Wow, we hope they were nice jeans at least!


This week on Style Trial our reporter Ciara O' Doherty talks to Niamh Geaney and James Butler about this week’s fashion hits and misses including the red carpet at the Venice Film Festival and of course Angie’s wedding dress!


Pic 'n' Mix highlights what's on fire in the box office this week, what to avoid and what to look forward to, as well as picking one gem of a movie each week that you can easily find online and watch at home. 

This week our entertainment reporter Niamh Geaney will be looking at Scarlett Johannsson’s highly anticipated new movie Lucy, Marvel’s latest blockbuster Guardians of the Galaxy and some of the best comedies around.

We’ll be back tomorrow with Spotlight, our showbiz interview segment, enjoy!



Is there anyone in the whole entire world who didn’t like Disney’s Frozen?

No, we didn’t think so.

You’ll be absolutely delira with the news about the mini-sequel so! The new movie will be about Elsa and Kristoff planning a birthday party for Anna, and when they find that Elsa's icy gift might cause problems, they have to figure out what to do (we would suggest a gift voucher).

As if this wasn’t enough, there might also be a new song by the same people who wrote Let It Go – amazing!

There’s no launch date just yet, so we just have to sit tight. Hurry up Disney!



If you’re an awkward individual you’re definitely not the most graceful person out there, that’s for sure. You try and act cool and calm, but then you over think things and end up looking like a foolYou just weren’t born with the cool gene and its seems like everything you do has a hint of awkwardness to it. Here are the things that awkward people find it hard to do:

1. Greeting someone
Yeah, you find even the basics painfully hard to do, it’s even worse when you’re not sure to hug them or just give them a handshake and a pat on the back. This dilemma always seems to plague you because you can never quite get it right.

2. Closing statements when you’re on the phone
You seem to be fine when you’re  actually on the phone, but there is something about saying goodbye that you just don’t get. You’re never quite sure when to end the conversation, so when they say goodbye you have no clue what to say and end up saying something ridiculous

paul rudd animated GIF

3. Trying to get by someone
There is nothing that strikes fear into your heart more than when you are walking down the street and you both walk into each other. You fail to anticipate their movements and keep going the same way they do. Take some lessons from these two on how to deal with this awkward situation.

31 Painfully Awkward Moments That Make You Want To Crawl Into A Hole

4. Laughing
You can’t  seem to control yourself when you see something funny. It’s not exactly how you laugh it’s the fact that everyone can hear you when you bust out laughing.

5. Smalltalk
It’s definitely not your strong suit that’s for sure, you don’t really get it and you literally can’t carry a conversation. You definitely aren’t the one who initiates the conversation.

6. Comforting someone
If small talk isn’t your forte then comforting someone is your  worst nightmare. You just don’t know how to react to someone who is in need and you do the least amount possible to comfort them.

7. Joining in on a conversation
So you’re kind of on the fringes of a conversation and are trying yo get involved. You say the most random thing ever that you think is related to the conversation…awkward.

8. Giving compliments
You don’t do it that often, but when you do you really have no clue how to do it. If you say it to someone you like, they will see you in a completely different light and not in a good way.

9. Pretending you weren’t looking
You tend to make it really obvious when you were looking at someone and you try to pretend that you weren’t. You look quickly and have no clue what to do. The person obviously knows you were and if you actually gave them a smile or a wave it would be less awkward.

10. Meeting a friend of a friend
You have no problem meeting up with your friend, but when they say that some of their friends that you’ve never met are going to be there you just can’t handle it. You don’t know what to say and you always give a terrible first impression.

11. Flirting
The less said about your flirting the better, it’s basically non existent and you shouldn’t try so hard.You’re not really the flirting type so it’s best that you just keep things simple and don’t try anything eleaborate.

12. Awkward Silences
You think of something to say, but then think it’s stupid, so you just sit there in silence. It doesn’t really bother the person you’re talking to, but for you there is nothing you hate more than awkward silences.


13. Lying
You’re just a terrible liar, end of, everyone sees right through you when you’re lying. You might as well not even try because at this stage, it’s kind of embarrassing. It’s that fact that you’re looking down when you say it and how your voice gets quieter the longer you speak.


14. Falling over in public
It’s any awkward person’s worst nightmare, and you couldn’t possibly think of anything worse to happen to you. It’s not so much the falling over, it’s the fact that someone could have actually seen you doing it. Someone people get up like nothing happened, but you get extremely paranoid about it.

via our content partner CT



If One Direction fans have their way, Harry Styles and Miley Cyrus could be the new hot couple in town!

In a recent poll, it was found that Miley was the one woman Harry’s fans would most like to see him with!

Well, we certainly didn’t see that one coming!

Miley beat many other strong contenders in the poll conducted by Plusnet such as Katy Perry, Taylor Swift (been there), Selena Gomez and Kendall (been there too). Oh, she also beat Nigella Lawson too.

Of all these women, Miley came out on top – could there be a future romance on the cards?

Remember the time Miley snuggled up to Harry’s cardboard cutout?

Then again, we all do that, right?

Or that time Harry dressed up as Miley for Halloween?

We sense some lovin’ on the horizon…



She might have grown up touring the world with her dad, but 22-year old Jessica Springsteen (yes, THAT Springsteen) is paving her own path – in the world of fashion.

Jessica has just been announced as the face of Gucci’s new Equestrian collection, with an entire range of clothing featuring her initials – pretty cool, we think!

Speaking about growing up in the spotlight as the daughter of Bruce Springsteen and Patty Scialfa, Jessica said it always just seemed normal. “When we were little, my brothers and I were always on tour,” she said. “We’d have to wear those big headphones the entire concert and go backstage halfway through the show to take naps.”

The photo shoot, which took place in the Springsteen's back garden – well, their 300-acre horse farm, to be precise – shows that Jessica isn’t the only one with star quality in her family.

It seems like the young Miss Springsteen was the perfect choice for the new Gucci collection, as she has been an award-winning show jumper since the age of four. She even made an appearance with her dad at the Dublin Horse Show this year!




We admit it – we love nothing more than to run out and buy the latest beauty ‘must-have’, but the reality is that we could live without most of these things. Here are the top five beauty products you don’t REALLY need:

Does applying primer REALLY make a difference to how your make-up looks, or how long it stays on? Some make-up artists even say it can clog your pores! Are you really going to fork out your hard earned cash for that? It’s a pity too because we love the silky feeling it gives our skin!

Some people may disagree, but you can definitely live without toner. It’s meant to get rid of any residual product after cleansing, but most cleansers come off pretty easily these days. It’s also supposed to close up your pores – nothing a splash of cold water can’t sort out!

Foot cream
Any cream that claims to be for one specific part of your body is lying. A general body lotion is the best way to go – and less clutter in the bathroom!

Shaving cream
All shaving cream does is soften the hairs and make it easier to glide the razor over the skin, something that a blob of hair conditioner can do just as well! A lot of shower gels these days have moisturising qualities too so they would also work. Though we do like the way it foams up!

SPF 100
While it’s important to protect your skin from the sun, forking out for an extra high SPF factor isn’t really necessary. SPF 30 protects you from 97% of UV rays, while SPF 100 is only 2% better at 99% protection. Just make sure to use whatever factor you choose properly by applying it evenly and regularly. 



Just as the celebrity hacking scandal breaks with over one hundred famous names having their nude photos and videos shared online – there’s another sex tape to talk about!

Sex Tape, starring Cameron Diaz and Jason Segal hits Irish cinemas today, and we cannot wait to see it!

If you, like everyone else, don’t quite understand The Cloud, here are some guidelines on how you can keep your photos (and videos, if you like!) safe from the internet. 

Here are the 5 steps you should take in order to keep yourself and your private life safe from the clutches of the internet!



When an Australian Reddit user called Silvanic booked a round the world trip with her boyfriend, she wasn’t to know they would have broken up before they even set foot on the plane.

The news just got worse when she found out the $6,000 she forked out for her ex’s tickers were non-refundable and non-changeable.

So now, she is on the hunt for anyone who goes by the name of Andrew Grant to take her ex’s tickets (they would have to pay for them though!) so that the tickets don’t go to waste. She wouldn’t mind going alone, but “I just don't want to pay for the empty seat on the plane.” Which we can understand!

She isn’t setting off until November 26th so Andrew, if you’re out there, you’ve still got some time!



You know that feeling you get in your stomach when you accidentally hit send on a message that should NEVER have been sent? Well, there is an app that may rid you of that feeling, as it lets you delete messages – from other people’s phones!

This beautiful creation is called Ansa, and it works a bit like Snapchat in that you can go ‘off the record’ and your texts will be deleted automatically. Also, if you sent a message but it hasn’t been read yet, you can delete it for good!

The founder and CEO Natalie Bryla said: “The difference with other texting apps is that everything you say is permanent. If you think about that, you will want to use another app that allows you to talk more freely”.

Let’s not waste any more time talking – it’s time to get our hands on the app that could save us so many embarrassing moments! You can get it from iOS for iPhones, or the Google Play Store for androids. 



In a twist familiar to many, many episodes of Friends, Britney’s ex boyfriend has gone all Ross Geller on us as he claims he didn’t cheat on Britney because they were on a break. For two days. 

Britney confirmed the news that David Lucado, her boyfriend of almost two years had cheated on her while on stage in Las Vegas, announcing: “Well, by now everyone knows by boyfriend cheated on me. But the best part of breaking up is going on first dates.”

We can’t say we agree with her there but we do love her upbeat attitude – you go girl! 

A video of David allegedly kissing another woman was bought by Britney's dad who then showed his daughter, which is totally bizarre if you think about it…
