
Monthly Archives: September 2014


If you’re just starting college, or you’ve just got a job and can finally afford to move out of home, you may be in the midst of making the decision between living with your parents, or living with your friends (or strangers too).

While moving out sounds like the best option at first glance, things aren’t always as simple as they seem…

Benefits of living with your parents

Even if you are paying your parents rent, it’s not going to be as much as what you would pay a landlord in the city centre. You need to think about whether or not you want to save your money, or splash the cash. What kind of future do you want – a memory bank full of good times, or a bank account full of money to get your own place somewhere?

Nothing beats your mammy’s cooking. Even if you don’t like it now, a couple of weeks of beans and toast will have you running back for the Sunday roast. The fridge in your parent’s house will never be as stark as the fridge in your rented flat either. There’s ALWAYS a few slices of ham kickin’ around!

It’s getting into those winter months now, which means you’ll want to be curled up in front of the fire every night. Heating costs money though, and if you’re renting you may find yourself doubling up on jumpers instead of flicking that switch. Not so cosy!

If you move in with strangers, you don’t know how messy they’re going to be. At least at home you can rely on a certain level of cleanliness!

Benefits of living with friends

Living away from home gives you the freedom to do what you want, when you want. No questions asked! What could be better?

Irish mammies are known for their snooping skills, but living away from home means you don’t have to lock your diary away in a bullet proof safe. If you don’t change your address though, be warned: they WILL open your post!

Woohoo! You can invite your boyfriend over, and he can even stay the night! In fact, you can invite all your friends over and have a party, brilliant!

If you’re living with friends, you’ll probably all like similar TV shows so there won’t be too many arguments over the remote. Unlike living with your parents where you have to watch everything on your laptop because Nationwide is never ending. Ugh!



Ooh, this guy could annoy some hardcore Mumford and Sons fans – but we think this is pretty hilarious!

Dione Beary uploaded this video of himself to YouTube which sees him playing what he feels is every Mumford and Sons song ever.

Does it sound like this one?

Or…this one?

Hmm, maybe he's onto something!

We still do love us some Mumford though!


Wow. Talk about a diiiiva!

This man hates traffic so much he not only made a video about it, but he really, really goes into detail about why he hates it so much.

If he thinks that’s bad, he should try being stuck behind a herd of cows on a country lane for an hour!



Geordie Shore star, Charlotte Crosby, has opened up about her recent break-up.

Charlotte had been with boyfriend, Mitch Jenkins for over a year and a half, before he ended things – over text…!

The reality TV star opened up to MailOnline about the difficult break-up, saying they were supposed to be having a chat regarding their relationship: “I was meant to be calling him at 9pm. And I just got a message on my phone saying ‘Charlotte, it’s obvious you don’t want to be with me anymore, so i’ll just cut the bullsh** and I’ll finish things now.”

Charlotte was left heartbroken when she then had to enter the Geordie Shore house without her mobile and the two haven’t spoken since: “It was a bit upsetting when I came out of the house and he didn’t even try and text me. That hurt me the most. We haven’t spoken since.”

Poor Char – we wonder if Gary will be there to comfort her?! There could be trouble ahead…!



Kate Hudson has slammed rumours that she suffers from an eating disorder.

The Glee actress had previously sued the National Enquirer for claims implying she had a eating disorder back in 2006 saying she was: "looking like skin and bone." The actress received both and apology and compensation from the paper. But she isn't done insisting the dangers of such rumours yet. 

According to the actress, it isn't the lie itself that bothers her most, it’s the impression it gives to young girls who believe it. 

The mum-of-two spoke to Red magazine and explained: “If there is one thing I will never have, it is an eating disorder. I won’t have girls – even if it is just one or two who care – thinking that. Because it is a serious sickness, not something to plaster on the cover of a magazine. And I am the opposite.”

The actress continued on to say that, most of all, she wants girls to be happy within themselves: “I want girls to love themselves. I want them to feel good about who they are… The thing is, I’m lucky because I was loved. But I have seen so many young women who can’t feel good about themselves because they just don’t have… that love.”

Kate is currently engaged to Muse frontman, Matt Bellamy, and has said that there are no wedding plans, yet: “I’m not in a rush. We are basically married. It’s really about when we are going to take the time to plan a wedding.”



Society is not what it used to be. While many of our parents were married with children by the time they turned 22, our generation are just graduating from college. As for finding someone you want to marry? Well, that’s not exactly a priority.

However, do we really have ten years more than our parents to experiment and learn from our relationship mistakes?

We spoke to Counselling Psychologist Susan Eustace, the clinical director of the Centre for Professional Therapy, about the best way to navigate your twenties in terms of relationships, and how to reach that 30th birthday without going into panic mode.

“For young women the situation is complex. Our bodies are designed to have children in our twenties. So if a young woman enters university at 18 and completes a couple of degrees, then travels for a year or two, she will be in her mid to late 20s when she gets her first real job and into her thirties before she is in anyway financially stable. If in that time she hasn't given attention to forming and maintaining romantic relationships she may find she has a lot to learn in a short space of time.”

This pressure may cause us to make bad choices in terms of partners, but Susan says that you should always listen to your gut feeling:

“I encourage my clients to listen to their gut feelings, their intuition. Often people are amazed at just how accurate their gut feelings have been over the years and wonder what might have been had they paid attention to them.”

And if you’ve found you’ve gone from one bad relationship to another in your 20s, it’s time to take a step back:

“It can be very useful to take a step back and try to see what is similar about the men with whom we have been unsuccessfully involved. I encourage everyone to reflect on how they would like their life to be, who they would like to share it with and why.  It can also be very useful to look for exceptions. Were there any relationships that worked better?

“Successfully negotiating our twenties involves quite a balancing act. On the one hand we need to try out different ways of being, to experiment and get to know ourselves, on the other hand we need to keep one eye on our biological clock. Although society has changed and from that perspective 30 may be the new 20, our bodies are very slow to change and so there are certain important life choices that simply cannot be postponed.”



Dating in the modern age has changed with the introduction of Tinder and numerous dating websites. When it comes to meeting them in person there are still a few things that haven’t changed. It could be that we expect too much and then when our hopes are dashed we wonder why. The main thing is to enjoy yourself and if things go well then good, but if they don’t, you just move on to the next one. Here are the dating mistakes that people are still making.

1. Being too quick to judge
So you finally meet them and they’re not Prince Charming, they may not look the same as their Tinder picture either. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover and actually give them a chance. If you’re already closed minded before you even talk to them, you will be in a negative state of mind. Get to know them a little bit before you make sweeping assumptions about who they are.

2. Forcing the conversation
Of course you want to get to know each other, but don’t make it awkward by forcing the conversation. Awkward silences are natural when you don’t know someone that well, it even happens when you do. Let the conversation go where it’s meant to go and don’t try so hard to fill the gaps.

3. Getting over attached
On the opposite end of the spectrum of being too quick to judge is getting over attached.  You might be attracted to them or like their personality, but get to know a bit more before falling head over heels. See where they are at and what they think of you before committing to them.

4. Only focusing on yourself
Even though they might ask you about yourself, the conversation shouldn’t always revolve around you. Ask them about themselves and what their interests are and you never know you might have some things in common.


5. Building a wall
I’m not saying you should reveal every little detail about your life to them, but if you're closed off and guarded people will be less receptive. Tell them what you do and don’t like and you never know they could be similar to you. If you’re always afraid of letting your guard down it will be hard for both of you to get to know each other.

6. Having high expectations
This is one of the more common complaints about modern dating, everyone has such high expectations. It’s important to understand exactly what is meant by this and that it doesn’t mean lower your standards. It’s all to do with you and how you perceive others. Stop looking for the perfect match, and rather look for an acquaintance and go from there.

7. Comparing them to your ex
No one and I mean no one wants to hear about your ex when you’re dating someone. It’s in the past, you have moved on and it’s time to meet someone new. They will think that you still have feelings for them, it can make things really awkward for the other person. Steer clear of the topic and things should be plain sailing.

8. Coming off as desperate
Ok, so maybe you haven’t been on a date in a while, you might have fallen out with the idea. If you get back on the horse again try not to come off as desperate. People can smell desperation and it will be quite obvious if you really want to be in a relationship.

9. Leaving nothing to the imagination
We have Facebook nowadays, so we can check on people to see what they're like. It’s ok to check in and see what kind of person they are, but leave something for the imagination. Don’t obsess over every status and tweet as if it’s showing what kind of person they are. Once you have done your snooping leave the rest for you to find out for yourself.

10. Hearing only what you want to hear
You might not always be interested in what they are talking about, but take the time and listen, you never know, you might learn something. People are under the illusion that if you don’t exactly like the same things then you’re not right for each other. They can teach you new things and you might learn to like something you never thought you would.

11. Assuming that they don’t want a relationship
This is more for girls and how they think that every guy just wants to get into bed with you. Granted, there are some guys that do, but there are some guys that like you and want to get to know someone and possibly strike up a relationship with them. There is a difference between meeting someone on a night out and going on a date with them.

12. Over analysing calls and texts
So things went well and you exchanged numbers with each other, this is either when things start to get serious or they fizzle out. Don’t over analyse every little thing they do to you, odds are they actually mean it and there is no secret code that you have to try and decipher.

13. Leaving your friends by the way side
No matter how long you have been in a relationship, it is important to have time to hang out with your friends. Don’t spend every waking moment with your love interest and then you end up breaking up a month later. Try and find a balance between the two and you won’t feel like anything is missing from your life.

via our content partner CT


Who heard (and bawled) at the beautiful proposal on Spin 103.8 this morning?!

Listeners of the station’s show, Fully Charged were in for as big a surprise as the bride-to-be this morning when a game of Whatchamacallit turned into a marriage proposal.

Rachael and Ian, from Swords in Dublin, got engaged live on air after Ian dropped to one knee.

Not only that but the couple also surprised their friends and family by announcing on air that Rachael is expecting twins!

What an exciting day for this happy couple – congrats, you guys!



This little cat (who is amazingly cute FYI) has got the funniest reaction when he catches a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror.

His eyes widen and he looks in horror as he comes to the realisation that he looks nothing like the small, hairless creature crawling in front of him.




Is there anyone who doesn’t LOVE Kaley Cuoco? After all, she’s everyone favourite girl across the hall!

After the initial shock (we assume) of seeing her personal photos had been hacked through the iCloud photo hacking scandal, Kaley responded in what may be the best way ever – sorry Anna Kendrick!

Posting a photo to her Instagram account, where her username is that of her beloved dog, Norman, of her and her husband walking down a beach seemingly butt naked, Kaley wrote: “What a fun day that was, frolicking with my hubs on the beaches of Mexico! Feel like we forgot something?”

The image shows the couple, who have been married since last January, with pixelated areas around their bodies, making it look as if they are naked – brilliant!

Well played, Kaley. You win this round – take that hacker!

Kaley wasn’t the only one who responded to the scandal in a humourous way, Kirsten Dunst took to Twitter yesterday to vent her frustrations through the use of the most powerful of emojis: the pizza and the poo. 


With the cold weather really hitting us hard this week, we're all dying to relax after work, put our feet up and zone out to Netflix.

This salted caramel hot chocolate is SO simple to make. You can make the sauce ahead of time but it takes less than five minutes to cook so it's handy to prepare at a moment's notice too. Some caramel sauces can be terrifying to make with lots of spluttering and molten sugar – don't panic, the recipe below is easy breezy! If you're feeling lazy though, jars of salted caramel sauce are available in most supermarkets and will work just as well.

Time to get your PJs on and whip up a delicious warming treat! Enjoy!

Salted caramel sauce
This recipe makes around 175ml of sauce, which is enough for four mugs of hot chocolate. It can be kept in a closed jar in the fridge for up to a week too, so you could easily double the quantities and use this sauce over ice cream or cake – YUM!

  • 50g unsalted butter
  • 75g soft light brown sugar
  • 1 ½ tbsp golden syrup
  • 75ml double cream
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • Small pinch of sea salt
  1. Add butter, sugar and golden syrup to a saucepan and boil over a low heat, stirring slowly, until the sugar is dissolved
  2. Add all of the cream to the pan. It will bubble a little but just keep on stirring and it will die down.
  3. Once the mixture is smooth and simmering again, add the vanilla extract and sea salt.
  4. Keep stirring for 2 – 3 minutes until the mixture has thickened.
  5. Take pan off the heat and allow to cool slightly before transferring to a jar – or into your hot chocolate!

Salted caramel hot chocolate
Makes 1 mug, just double if you’re making it for two!

  • 250ml full-fat milk
  • 50g dark chocolate OR powdered hot chocolate measured according to packet instructions
  • 3 tablespoons (45ml) salted caramel sauce
  1. Add milk and chocolate (or powder) to a saucepan.
  2. Stir over a low heat and as soon as everything has dissolved, stir in the salted caramel sauce.
  3. Once everything is mixed together, pour into a mug.
  4. Optionally, add some whipped or aerosol cream to the top and finish with a small amount of the caramel sauce or some chocolate powder.


We definitely didn’t have Brian O’Driscoll down as the type who would get a nose job – but the former Rugby star has admitted that he’s got a new honker!

He didn’t go through with the procedure out of vanity though – Brian had a deviated septum which was causing him bother:

“I did get a new nose. I had a deviated septum and too many people were telling me to wipe my nose so I just said enough is enough, I’ll get it straightened.”

Well, we wouldn’t like being told to wipe our noses too much either, so we can see where he was coming from. There are other benefits to his new nose too:

“I don’t snore as much now so I’ve a happy wife.”

Ah, so perhaps one too many sleepless nights due to Brian's snoring made Amy put her foot down! We just wish we could see a photo of his new shnoz – though the old one was good enough for us!

Brian’s new and improved nose comes just on time for his new start on Newstalk as part of the Off The Ball team this month, and the rugby legend says that while he hasn’t missed being part of the team yet, it’ll get tough when the games start:

“It’ll be strange for the first while. I haven’t missed the pre-season training or the hard work but I’m sure once the games start it’ll be a bit difficult. Although once the Champions Cup starts it’ll be exciting to commentate on that – from as neutral a perspective as I can.”
