
Monthly Archives: September 2014


An Irish man named Marty, who is living in the UK, went on a session to end all sessions (by the sounds of things anyway!). When he woke up the next morning without any memory of what happened, he had this message on his phone:

We don’t know what the best thing about this text is. Could it be the fact that Marty was so hung over that he saved the number as ‘Nice Ploice Man’? Is it the fact that his battery is nearly dead – which is always a sure sign that you were VERY drunk and VERY active on your phone the night before (oh no!), or is it that he asked them not to send him back to Ireland (what's so bad about Ireland?!)?

We can’t choose – but we do wish that every police man was a nice as this guy. The world would be a better place!


Apparently it takes three weeks of doing something for it to become a habit. With that logic, if you can get your bum off the couch and out to the gym regularly for at least 21 days, it’ll soon become a breeze! Sometimes though, the last thing we want to do on a cold day is force ourselves to leave the house, no matter how much we want that bikini body ready for next summer.

Here are a few tips to motivate you when you’re really not feeling in the mood for exercise…

Prepare, prepare, prepare
If you’re running late or you get delayed in work, the easy way out is to say “well, I can just go to that hot yoga/spinning/Zumba class tomorrow.” We’re onto you! Try to have your gym gear packed and ready to go the night before, along with a snack to eat en route. It’s far harder to talk yourself out of exercising when your gear bag is staring you in the face.

Be an early bird
It’s no simple feat to get out of bed an hour earlier when it’s dark outside and you’re 99% sure that you’re the ONLY person in Ireland awake right now. But if you can fit in your workout before heading to the office or to college, you won’t regret it. You’ll feel fresh and focused all day and you’ll fly through your work. Also, the thought of an evening jog in the rain isn’t hanging over you all day. You’re free!

Train with a pal
Many people like to exercise by themselves, but even if you’re not going to be doing the same workout routine, knowing that someone is relying on you to meet them at the gym or running track will make it a lot harder to back out at the last minute. You might even find that you bounce off each other well and motivate one another to work harder!

Turn up the beat
If you find you’re getting bored during your workout, try updating your iPod with loads of new music before you next hit the gym. It’s amazing how much of a push you’ll feel when your “power song” comes on. We recommend anything by Beyoncé!

Treat yourself
Temptation is a great motivator! Try planning something fun to do after the gym this evening like a trip to the cinema or catching up with a friend. Or, promise yourself that if you keep your workout routine up ‘til payday, you’ll splurge on that Topshop dress. Whatever works for you!



Perhaps the rumours about Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian not getting on aren’t true. Perhaps they’re the best of friends! But when we had a look at the photos from the GQ awards last night, we couldn’t help but think that Kim and Kanye were doing their very best to keep up with the world's favourite power couple.

Is it a battle of the PDAs? Or a case of anything Beyoncé can do Kim can do, not necessarily better, but differently, shall we say? For example:

Beyoncé was awarded the Video Vanguard Award at the VMAs, which is a lifetime achievement award.

But Kim was awarded the Woman Of The Year Award at the GQ Awards! Why? Well according to Dylan Jones, she is simply “one of the most famous women in the world”. But WHY is she famous? Let’s not talk about that, shall we?

​Beyoncé and Jay Z showed everyone just how much they loved each other at the VMAs with an on stage kiss.

And Kim and Kanye spent pretty much all night showing everyone how much they loved each other too.

Ok Kim. We get it. You win the PDA competition, but Beyoncé comes up trumps in the most honourable award competition. Now please, can you two just get a room!



Britney Spears took some time out of her Las Vegas Piece of Me show over the weekend to discuss her split from cheating boyfriend David Lucado.

The singer confirmed the split last week on Twitter.

She reportedly told the crowd “Well, by now everyone knows my boyfriend cheated on me,” which was greeted by a chorus of boos from the loyal crowd.

But Brit put on a brave face, adding, “The best thing about your boyfriend cheating on you is that you get to go on another first date!”

Watch the second part of the speech here!

She then grabbed her backing dancers and prowled the arena for prospective hotties. “We’re going to find a really hot guy,” she shouted to the crowd. If only we all had the luxury of thousands of men to choose from!

The singer then pulled a “stranger” from the crowd – which was CLEARLY planned, as it conveniently turned out to be Perez Hilton. He was a good sport though, allowing himself to be dressed in leather and chains as he joined in Brit’s performance of Freakshow.

Perez tweeted about his 15 seconds (well, two minutes) of fame after he got offstage, saying “@britneyspears just made me her b*itch – literally!”

We hope Brit finds a better love match than Perez at her next show!



High top sneakers have been around longer than most of us, but they’re really having a moment now. Although they’re the perfect comfortable option for a relaxed weekend outfit, high tops can also be worn as an alternative to heels, or a street-style twist on your Saturday night outfit, discover the best with shoe hero guides.

Styling high tops can be a little difficult though, so we’ve taken the liberty of breaking things down for you!

First things first – the shoe itself. There are two main types of high tops, thin and thick.

Thin high tops
Made of a canvas-like fabric and generally tied closer to the leg, like these Converse high tops:

Thinner high tops can sometimes make the ankle look small and awkward, so avoid very skinny jeans! Here are some styling tips…

Loosen up
Wider-legged or slightly baggier trousers work well with Converse-style high tops. Model Kati Nescher has the right idea here with these boyfriend-style denims:

Let a little bit of skin peek out at the end of your skinny jeans, to avoid the illusion that your ankles about to snap off. We like K-Stew’s laid-back look here:

Flirty and feminine
Loose, floral dresses are the perfect complement to boyish high tops. This street style muse looks incredible in her short dress and Converse:

Thick high tops
More padded material, usually tied a little looser, like this funky white and gold pair:

With thicker high tops you can get away with tighter jeans and a more edgy style. Follow these tips for easy ways to wear them…

Get the skinny
Skinny denims, leggings or leather pants look amazing with bright high tops. Jessica Alba adds some attitude to an otherwise basic pair of jeans with her white kicks:

Grin and bare it
Miniskirts and shorter dresses look amazing with thick high tops and are a great option for night time. Rihanna is rocking this sexy grey skirt:

So next time you’re looking for some versatile footwear, put away those heels and give some thought to the humble high top!



They’re both legendary models in their own right, but when English roses Cara Delivingne and Kate Moss were announced as the faces of Burberry’s new fragrance, we knew the results were going to be nothing short of stunning.

The campaign was photographed by the legendary Mario Testino and the ladies posed in Burberry trenches for the shoot… well, most of the time – Cara must have been getting too hot and bothered in her one!

Cara took to Instagram today to express her excitement at working with “the legend that is #katemoss” and posted a few behind-the scenes shots.

Speaking to Vogue, the young model said it was a dream come true to work with supermodel Kate. “Although I've known her for a while I've never seen her at work,” she said. “On set she is just amazing and even more magnetic, everybody watched her.”

Kate was equally in awe, telling the magazine that “Cara has this amazing energy and we just bounced off each other…. I knew we were going to have a brilliant time and have a real laugh on set.”

It looks like they definitely did!




From looks, to work, to feeling intimidated walking past a group of men on the street, there is no doubt that most women are subjected to some form of sexism daily.

Nowhere is that clearer than in the 4chan nude photo scandal that exploded this week, incriminating celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence,  Kate Upton and Ariana Grande, to name but a few. 

The reaction to the scandal has been mixed, with many rightly saying that the leaked photos are a huge violation of privacy – the pictures were never meant to be seen. Lena Dunham posted a series of tweets yesterday defending those affected and referring to the hacker as a “sex offender”:

While many have spoken out asking people not to click on the nude pictures, others have taken a more controversial view, like Ricky Gervais in this tweet:

He then defended himself (fairly weakly):

Statements like Ricky’s above might have been meant as a joke, but they only strengthen the cultural belief that some women are just “asking for it,” – that we could be respected if we wanted, but we don’t try hard enough, or we put ourselves out there too much. Sure, he addresses "celebrities" rather than just "ladies," but among the list of more than 100 stars published by the hacker, just two male names appear – and they are both allegedly pictured with women.

Artist Yang Liu distilled the complex idea of gender differences into a series of minimalist pictures which she published recently. One of the most striking images touches on the idea that while men feel the need to boast about their sexual experience and possibly over-exaggerate, most women do the opposite, playing down their “number” for fear of being looked at in a bad light.

Why do we feel that as women we are to blame for how others see us? It’s something that even the most confident of females experience from time to time – the nagging feeling that we should be ashamed of being too successful, or too driven, or even too sexy.

Another of Yiu’s pieces addresses the idea of competition between males and females. No matter how far we go, or how fast we run, a man will always have the benefit of a head start simply because of his gender.

The images might be simplistic and leave a lot to be discussed, but they certainly highlight the fact that there are still major differences between men and women in modern society.

If a group of strong, successful women like those incriminated in the 4chan scandal are being told that they only have themselves to blame, what kind of message is that sending to other females the world over?

Taking nude photos of yourself is not a criminal action. Feeling good about yourself and your body is not a criminal action. Yet, in many ways it seems that for women, the rules are somehow different.



Zelda Williams, the daughter of late actor Robin Williams, has made a return to social media after pledging to leave Twitter following her father’s death on August 11th.

The 25-year-old removed Twitter from her devices just one day after Robin was found dead in his California home. She had been plagued by online trolls sending hateful comments about her father, and even images that were Photoshopped to look like his corpse.

Before deleting the app, she posted this message to Twitter:

Yesterday Zelda made a quiet return, simply writing “Thanks” along with a link to her Tumblr page, showing an anti-bullying quote from actor Harvey Fierstein:

After Zelda was mistreated on Twitter, the social media company announced they were overhauling their policies to prevent similar situations in the future. “We have suspended a number of accounts related to this issue for violating our rules and we are in the process of evaluating how we can further improve our policies to better handle tragic situations like this one,” said Del Harvey, Twitter’s vice-president of trust and safety.


The next part of our shiny new weekly entertainment show S! TV Snapshot is here!

The Line-Up takes a look across Ireland and picks the best events you won't want to miss out on.

This week our entertainment reporter Niamh Geaney talks how to find a man at the Lisdoonvarna Matchmaking Festival, soap box derby racing at The Knights of Westfest and Dublin's Luas being transformed into a runway! All that and much more.

We’ll be back tomorrow with our movie show, enjoy!



Sometimes a break up can seem like a rash decision and when you think about it, you see it was probably a mistake. Even though you might feel this way, your ex could feel completely different and has actually started to move on. At first you might have kept getting back together, but it seems like this time it’s really over. Here are the signs that your ex has finally moved on:

1. You’re always the one that contacts them
If you ring them, sure they might talk to you and humour you, but you seem to be one that always rings them. If they were still interested in you they would initiate things and take the time to get onto you.

2. They treat you like a friend
When they’re around you, they act as if you are one of their friends. They don’t single you out from the group or pay special attention to you. There clearly comfortable with just being friends, and are trying to help you be comfortable with that.

3. They don’t make any physical contact
If you are still attracted to someone you won’t shy away from physical contact, if they have moved on then they don’t initiate it. Their body language can say a lot as well and if they don’t stand close to you, then they don’t see you the same way anymore.

4. They always seem to be preoccupied with something
If they were into you, they would make time for you, but if they are always busy with something then they have moved on to other things. They don’t shy away from telling you what their up to and how happy they are.

5. They don’t show any signs of regret
Break-ups are never easy and sometimes after the dust has settled you can see things more clearly. If they don’t seem to be affected by it or don’t express any regret, it’s likely that they have turned the corner.

6. You don’t see them as often as  you used to
If you have mutual friends that you hang out with, then you might not see them as much. You might seem them out every now and again, but most of the time they are with other people.

Trying to avoid my ex at a party. sub for more funny pics and gifs.. i never run into my ex at parties because ive never had a girlfriend and i never get invited to parties

7. If they’re not uncomfortable being around you
Anytime you do see them, they seem to be comfortable in your presence. This is a very clear sign, if they still had feelings for you they would be a little nervous and apprehensive after what happened between you.

8. They don’t get emotional around you
If they don’t seem to be emotionally attached or express their feelings with you, then they have taken the next step. If they still had feelings for you, they might open up or talk about how they are feeling. If they’re emotionallly distant it’s definitley a sign that they have moved on.

9. They post loads of photos of themselves on Facebook
If they post loads of photos of themselves with other people, they are trying to show you that they have moved on. They don’t need you anymore and they are enjoying life as it is. As bitter a pill as it is to swallow, this is a sure sign that they are leaving you behind.

10. If they talk about other girls they’ve met
If they still felt something for you, then they wouldn’t bring up other people they like, when they’re talking to you. If they are comfortable with telling you about someone they meet, then they clearly only see you as a friend.

girl animated GIF

11. They are seeing someone else
People break up and get back togetherso they could be with someone for a while and realise they want you back. If they have been seeing some for quite a while, then there is clearly no going back. They have found someone else and you’re no longer in the picture anymore. You need to get over it.

via our content partner CT



This is almost too much…almost. 

This dad, wearing an actual GAS MASK scares his son in the shower and the reaction is just amazing. 

Although, we're pretty sure the poor guy moved out not long after – at least we know we would have anyway!



We are VERY excited for Magic Mike XXL here at SHEmazing!, and the good news is, they’ve started production!

Director of Photography Steven Soderbergh posted this photo to Twitter, although we were a bit disappointed that it wasn’t a shot of Channing Tatum mid-strip tease – we know he’s out there somewhere, probably with his top off. 

The first Magic Mike was a big hit in the box office, and got good reviews from critics as well, so we have high hopes for the sequel, which was co-written by Reid Carolin and Channing Tatum himself. It’s just a pity Matthew McConaughey won’t be in it this time around – though we’re sure as soon as Mr. Tatum is on the screen we’ll forget ALL about McConaughey!

The film isn’t released in the US until the 1st of July 2015, so we have a ten whole months to wait. Do you think you can make it?!
