
Monthly Archives: September 2014


If you're afraid of spiders, we'd step away from the computer right now. 

Then again, if you clicked on it, you may be like us. You don't want to see what it might be, but…you still press play. 

Chances are you'll regret it this time. 

Don't say we didn't warn you… 



Katie Hopkins has opened up about a social experiment she is doing which has seen her gain three stone.

The columnist has been eating up to 6,500 calories a day for a new TV show called Journey to Fat and Back which will see her trying to prove that it’s not very hard to lose weight…sounds charming, no?

Katie has been keeping her followers on Twitter updated with her progress: “My liver is angry, my weight is over, my waist hip ratio is obese, my knees are killing & I can’t sleep. Healthier?”

Katie is notorious for her controversial views – especially on weight, often pointing out that there should be no excuses for people who cannot lose weight: “Instead of facing up to our problems, we super-size the world around us to fit. Bigger models in shop windows, plus-sized uniforms for kids, wider seats at the movies. Anything but accept the cold, hard fact that in most cases we are big, fat and lazy because we eat too much and don’t move enough.”

The mum-of-three also told The Sun that the weight gain has made her “more miserable” than ever before: “I didn’t cry at my weddings. I didn’t cry giving birth. But gaining weight reduced me to a blubbering wreck.”

Hmm, it will be interesting to see if losing all of this weight will be as easy as Katie thinks (and hopes!) it will be…



We’d love to be the kind of people who could turn an old tea towel into an amazing floral hairband or some such, but we just don’t have the skills. That’s not to say we don’t try when we see these amazing upcycled pieces of furniture and household items! Check out these seven amazing upcycling projects!

Have a lot of old books lying around? Why not glue them altogether and make a table? It looks so easy – but sadly, we suspect it’s not.

If you can’t find a spoon in your drawer because of the excessive amount of forks, perhaps you could turn a few into coat hangers? You don’t have to be Uri Geller to try this one!

Isn’t is sad how all those Christmas biscuit tins get thrown out in January? Not anymore! Turn them into a matching set of biscuit tins for everyday use, or keep them Christmassy like this person did! Blake Lively, eat your heart out.

Again with the books – but how cool is this plant IN a book? No one will be in any doubt about your creative mind when they see this!

Stamp collectors – listen up! Stick your stamps to a glass jar and put a candle in it to show them in all their glory – so cool!

If you have enough jewellery to fill a suitcase, then this is for you! So pretty!

Bring a whole new meaning to ‘tea lights’! We don’t know how they did this one – but it is most definitely the perfect way to add some rustic charm to your kitchen!

Images via pinterest



Mondays are difficult. That’s why we’d like to help you all out and make it a little easier.

This video of a bulldog playing peek-a-boo is sure to make your Monday a little brighter.

Just look at that face! 



Being cheated on is awful, but life isn’t always black and white, and it would be unfair to brand everyone who cheats as a bad person. If you are the one who cheated, you may be looking for a second chance, but can a relationship really go back to what it was after you’ve broken the trust?

Well, it depends on the circumstances, and how forgiving your partner is. However, if he or she does decide to give you a second chance, here are some tips on how to rebuild your relationship:

  • Own up to what you did and don’t make excuses. It doesn’t matter how drunk you were. Making excuses only says to your partner that you weren’t in control, and that this could happen again.
  • Cancel all communication with the person you cheated with. It doesn’t matter if you were friends beforehand and it was just a drunken mistake – you can’t expect your partner to be ok with you hanging out with this person again.
  • Accept that they’re going to be less trusting than before, so if you say you’ll be back at 10pm, be back at 10pm. And while they can’t ban you from going out without them ever again, you have to accept that this is probably going to be an issue. Try to come up with a way of easing their worries when you go out, whether by texting to let them know where you are and who you’re with, or from refraining from nights out with people who may be a threat.
  • Be totally honest – about everything. Even if they catch you out telling what you think is a white lie, they may feel like they can’t trust you at all. And when they ask for all the details on how you ended up with the other person, you have to give them the honest answers. If they find out you were lying further down the line, you may have blown your chances for good.
  • Be patient. It’s going to take time to rebuild the trust and your partner will need you to be around a lot. You may get fed up of answering the same questions about what happened over and over, or who you’re going out with, but if they need to ask, you need to answer without getting mad. 


If you’re just getting over a break-up there are some things that are just going to make things worse. If you can, it’s better to avoid them, even if you’re an emotional train wreck. What you might think will make you feel better , will actually only make you feel ten times worse. Here are the worst things you can do after a break-up.

1. Post break-up sex
It’s a sure fire way to make you feel worse, it might sound like a good idea, even though you might get some initial enjoyment out of it. It’s still too soon and give it a while before you get back on the saddle. You may think that you will be able to bury your feelings and just forget about it, but if it was a long term relationship you can’t just shrug it off.

2. Staying  in
We all need time to get over things and it’s important to wallow and get your emotions together. Don’t stay inside all the time though, go for a run and to get your mind off things, as long as you’re not stuck in the house. The temptation is to put on whatever clothes you have and watch daytime TV. It may be therapeutic for the first couple of days, but after a while you fall into the same routine.

3. Stalking your ex on Facebook
It’s better to stay off Facebook for a while, because sooner or later you are going to see a photo of your ex and it will bring everything rushing back. It’s going to do you no good checking in on them, you might see them with someone and it will make you feel horrible.

4. Bringing them up in conversation
Of course you should let your friends know what happened, but after that you should try and do everything you can to get them out your mind. It’s better not to talk about them, because every time you bring them up in a conversation, it will make you remember all the shit you went through.

5. Going to the same places you used to go
If there was always this restaurant you used to go to or some trendy bar, it’s best stay clear of it. You could end up bumping into your ex and have a really awkward encounter with them. It’s better to just find new places to go where you know you definitely won’t see them.

6. Watching romantic comedies
It’s a pretty awful idea and a sure fire way to set off the waterworks. They’re not made for people who just got out of a relationship and it will just make you more desperate. If there is one film that you definitely shouldn’t watch, it’s 500 Days of Summer! You’re obviously still tender so this one can be hard to swallow.

7. Listen to that Spotify playlist
Odds are that one of your playlists was all those songs about love, relationships and how great they are. That is the last thing you will want to listen to, make a new playlist with songs that will help you get through it. It can be a tough time so don’t make it worse by having those old memories hanging over you.

8. Drown your sorrows
It will bring all those bad feelings rushing back and you will be a nightmare to handle. Make it easy on your friends and family and lay off the drinking and wallowing combination. It’s good to go out and get your mind off things but getting drunk in your own company is the last things that will make you feel better.

9. Binging on junk food
Some people will gorge on food when they go through a bad break up, but it’s best to try and eat healthy and stay away from junk food. Ice-cream is usually the go to, even though you might feel better at first you will feel way worse in the long run. A whole tub of Haagen Daz will do that to you!

10. Jumping straight back into the dating game
You need time to heal, so it’s best not to get back into the dating game until you feel ready. If you’re emotionally vulnerable you will just want someone to take care of you while you get over your break up. No good will come out of it and it isn’t fair to either of you.

11. Analysing your old texts
Don’t dwell so much on what you said to them, we have a tendency to over analyse every little thing we do and find fault with it. It’s best just to let it go, don’t focus on the small details of what happened. Delete all those old texts and whatever you do don’t drunk text them… In fact, you should probably delete their number altogether.

12. Sleep with their best friend
Revenge sex might sound like a good idea, but you will only be ruining  another relationship. You might want to get back at them, but this is certainly not the way to go about it. If you really want to make them jealous show them how you can still be happy without them in your life.

13. Pretend like nothing happened
You need time alone after a break up and after a while you will be able to move on, but take the time to dwell on things before you’re ready to get out there. If you’re trying to keep things bottled up, things will eventually come pouring out at the worst time possible.

14. Getting closure
Sometimes relationships can end badly and that’s just the way it is. Don’t try and get closure, when you just outgrew each other and it was nothing more. You might meet them down the line and you will actually see things much clearer. You might even be able to laugh about it.

via our content partner CT



Rob Kearney has slammed reports he had a cheeky kiss with TV presenter, Laura Whitmore at this weekend’s Electric Picnic festival.

An article in the Irish Mirror had said that the two were seen getting close at the festival with much flirting and kissing going on, hmm!

According to Rob, however, the report is “totally untrue” as he took to his Twitter account to voice his annoyance: “@Demelzadeburca inaccurate and totally untrue article you’ve written. As a result I’ll never do another sports interview with your paper!”

Eek, you know that old Irish saying, right? Whatever happens at Electric Picnic stays at Electric Picnic! 



Hilary Duff has left fans upset and disappointed after she announced her first album in seven years has been delayed. 

The All About You singer took to Twitter to announce the news, writing: “Guys hate to break this news but the album won’t be out in October… You will have to wait a few more months. Love all the excitement tho.”

Judging by the reaction the news got, Hilary has some very loyal fans out there who are just dying to hear her new music!

The news comes after her new single, Chasing the Sun, was released back in July, giving her fans a taste of what is to come.

Ed Sheeran has also been deeply involved in the album, which has us sold already!

The British singer says that Hilary’s upcoming album is “not what they will expect” going on to say that she has definitely left the Lizzie McGuire days behind: “Obviously she comes from Lizzie McGuire and that pop world, but she’s more grown up now, so it’s more of an adult alternative acoustic sound.”

All of this hype is getting us more excited than we ever thought we would be…!



It’s the first of September guys, which means that even though summer was technically over at the beginning of August, now it’s REALLY over.

We’re not too worried though, our favourite actors such as Jennifer Aniston, Paul Rudd and Cameraon Diaz have promised to keep us entertained this week!


Friday, 5th September 

Sex Tape

When Jay (Jason Segel) and Annie (Cameron Diaz) find that the passion in their marriage is nearly non-existent, they decide to spice things up – with a sex tape. However, when they’re sex tape is no longer private, they are involved in a race to reclaim their video (and reputations!). The reviewers aren’t loving this flick – but we’d give any Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel film a chance!



Friday, 5th September 

Before I Go To Sleep

This sounds like a scary Fifty First Dates. According to imdb.com: “A woman wakes up every day, remembering nothing as a result of a traumatic accident in her past. One day, new terrifying truths emerge that force her to question everyone around her.” Nicole Kidman and Colin Firth are the famous faces in this film, so it’s got to be good, right?



Friday, 5th September 

The Hundred Foot Journey

An Indian family move to France and open an eatery across from a Michelin-starred French restaurant run by Madame Mallory (Hellen Mirren) who is outraged by their arrival. This sounds like the perfect Sunday night film to watch with your parents. Whether or not we’d go to the cinema to see it, we’re not sure. Sounds good though!


Friday, 5th September 

Life of Crime

When two criminals Ordell and Louis snatch the wife of a wealthy Detroit developer, saying they’ll give her back for a ransom, they had no idea that her husband couldn’t care less about his wife because he’s too busy with his mistress. So, with the help of his wife (Jennifer Aniston) they vow to take him for everything he’s got. We will definitely be giving this a watch!



Friday, 5th September 

They Came Together

Ah Paul Rudd, we love you! This is a parody of romantic comedies (of which Rudd is VERY familiar with), and tells the tale of Joel (Paul Rudd) and Molly (Amy Phoeler) who hate each other when they first meet. But guess what? That doesn’t last long! While the critics haven’t been too complimentary of this film, we’ll have to give it a watch, just out of curiosity! 




Wow, it looks like the world really, really wants to see people eating bird poo!

This Irish girl was enjoying an ice-cream cone on the beach and making a video for her family back home.

When she wasn’t looking an evil bird pooped on her ice-cream and she turns back and eats it, nooo!

The bird, not satisfied that he wasn’t noticed, then pooped all over her head, her reaction is pretty amazing. 



Could there be a future for Miley Cyrus and her ex-fiancé, Liam Hemsworth?

Well, according to Miley, she still loves him! Not only that, but the Hollywood hottie apparently feels the same way about her!

Miley made the comments during an interview with Australia TV show, Sunday Night, when she was asked about her relationship with Liam: “I love Liam, Liam loves me.”

While Miley could have meant this in a positive, friendly way, neither Miley nor Liam have been in an official relationship since their break-up, perhaps this is why!

The singer also went on to describe the importance behind the hit single, Wrecking Ball, and what it meant for her relationship with Liam: “It’s about finding yourself. I had to set myself free.”

Miley began dating The Hunger Games actor back in 2009 and became engaged in 2012 before breaking up this time last year.

While Miley may divide a lot of opinion, they were super cute together so who know what could happen in the future?! 



Ah, the humble hangover. Waking up on Sunday morning (or Monday if you’re really hardcore), there are a sweet few moments before you open your eyes or try to speak that you think maybe, just maybe, you’ll be okay. And then it hits – blinding headache, dodgy tummy and a distinct taste of mouldy carpet in your mouth. Ideal.

During times of extreme Fear, you’ve no choice but to implement a “no judgies” policy and take to the couch with a duvet and huge amounts of food. It’s the only way to survive!

Here are some of the delicacies we’ve often turned to when our hangovers were just too much to handle…

1. The classic chicken fillet roll
During the week a Spar chicken roll is something we only dream of, but on a bleak hungover morning, it becomes not just a want but an urgent NEED. White baguette, breaded chicken (the spicy version if your tummy is up to it), lettuce for that “healthy” touch and a rake of mayo or butter. Take a bite. Smile. Repeat.

2. Crisp sandwiches
Whether Tayto, King or Hunky Dorys are your salty snack of choice, a bag of crisps is made precisely 108 times better when sandwiched between two slices of white bread. This is the ultimate comfort food option for when you’re in need of a little TLC.

3. A cold bottle of Club Orange/Lucozade/Powerade
Sure, a green smoothie full of kale is probably a far better option to help your body on the road to recovery, but sometimes we just need a sugar hit. Everyone has a fizzy drink or energy drink they deem the best “cure” – whatever yours is, get it into you!

4. McDonald’s
This is best bought in the Drive-Thru and eaten in the sanctuary of your own home, where nobody will look at you twice for working your way through the entire Eurosaver menu. You’ll probably feel even worse afterwards, but now’s not the time to dwell on such trivial matters.

5. Hair of the dog
For some, the thought of cracking open a can of cider or a bottle of wine is enough to have them running for the toilet bowl, but for others, it’s the only way to get through a hangover. Whatever works for you!

7. TEA. All of the tea.
Us Irish turn to tea to cure all ailments – heartbreak, stress, tiredness, and of course, hangovers. Get the kettle on and make sure you have your favourite cup ready and waiting – you’ll be on the mend in no time!
