The difference 30 seconds makes: Fitness blogger on posture poses
At this stage we all know that Instagram is not the most reliable of sources if you're looking for raw photography.
In fact, it's probably the last place anyone of us would look if we wanted an authentic depiction of a person or a place, and yet time and again we find ourselves coveting the lives of others as presented in a carefully-filtered upload.
Eager to remind us that something as innocuous as a good pose can alter your perception of a person, fitness blogger, Lauren Tickner, uploaded three shots taken 30 seconds part which prove that the images we are exposed to on Instagram are not a genuine depiction of reality.
"POSTURE changes EVERYTHING! Posing is SO powerful: what you see of people on social media is NOT how they look 24/7 in real life!" she began in a post which has been liked more than 32,000 times.
"I know that if I arch my spine and pop my hip, I can make my stomach look flatter & my butt look bigger. Of course, some people DO have big bums & flat stomachs."
"Similarly, slouching and 'letting go' of my stomach after a big meal makes it appear more bloated: it's just how it is!" Lauren continued. "Tucking your spine will make your butt look flatter: you can literally make your body look SO different, just by standing differently!"
"Now I have learned that if I see a 'bad' photo of myself, it is OKAY!!!!! It doesn't matter!!! As we see here, angles and posture are eveeeerything! Similarly, IDGAF if other people want to comment mean things, because I have learned to accept my body and love it for what it is."
"Your body is so incredibly powerful: give it some credit. I also know how to pose to make myself look 'best'."
Acknowledging that she has received backlash for her approach to the issue, she wrote: "I don't care how 'overdone' people say these photos are: I think they are SO important."
"I sometimes still stumble across a photo and think "agh, I wish I looked like that…" BUT, they uploaded that photo for a REASON! They probably took 10000 others and chose that ONE photo. "
Also acknowledging the backlash Lauren received since sharing the post earlier this week, one Instagram user wrote: "How can such a positive post cause so much hate?"
"Thanks for showing me I'm not the only one and that's normal,"added another.
No matter how many times we're reminded of the disparity which exists between reality and social media, it never hurts to check back in and see for ourselves.