
Monthly Archives: September 2017

We've all been there – someone does something to get on your nerves, you feel like having a rant and so craft the perfect text message, you press send and enjoy a brief moment of smugness before the overwhelming sense of doom sets in.

Yep. You've sent the text to the exact person you were complaining about and you may as well apply for your Oz visa right now, because you're never leaving the house again.

Well, what if we told you there was a way to delete a text message from somebody's phone before they have read it?

No, really.

Privates, an app available on Apple iOS (Android and windows versions are expected soon), allows users to retract a message they have sent – as long as they get there before the receiver.

What's more, the app also offers a number of customisable 'self-destruct settings' which allows users to choose from three levels of security (Mild, Wild and Insane), which delete unread messages after three, 12 or 24 hours.

Originally created for the transfer of medical records, app creator, Dr Isaac Datikashvili, explained to Metro.co.uk: “I’m very honest about that but it’s better than anything else at maintaining privacy.”

“It’s not impossible but it’s virtually impossible for one person to screen grab or save anything if the security setting is high,’ here referring to the screenshot prevention mechanism which prevents recipients from forwarding, copying or saving your messages.”

This will surely save us from a few embarrassing moments in the future.


Weddings are a stressful business, especially when people feel the need to offer unwanted opinions on everything from the flavour of the cake to the arrangement of the flowers.

And while most people know other people's wedding choices are none of their business, there are a select few who believe their take on someone else's big day is as important as the bride and groom's.

One person, who has left Twitter reeling, is of the opinion that a chosen bridesmaid should take a step back from proceedings, due to the fact she walks with a limp.

Yes, you read that right.

In a letter to 'Dear Prudence' on Slate, one user deemed it appropriate to suggest their daughter might reconsider her choice of bridesmaid on account of the woman's 'birth defect'

"My 27-year-old daughter and her best friend, Katie, have been best friends since they were 4. Katie practically grew up in our house and is like a daughter to me," the letter begins.

"My daughter recently got engaged to her fiancé and announced that Katie would be the maid of honor (Katie’s boyfriend is also a good friend of my future son-in-law). The problem is that Katie walks with a pretty severe limp due to a birth defect (not an underlying medical issue)."

"She has no problem wearing high heels and has already been fitted for the dress, but I still think it will look unsightly if she’s in the wedding procession limping ahead of my daughter."

Disclaimer: You may need to take a deep breath before reading on.

The writer continues: "I mentioned this to my daughter and suggested that maybe Katie could take video or hand out programs (while sitting) so she doesn’t ruin the aesthetic aspect of the wedding."

"My daughter is no longer speaking to me (we were never that close), but this is her big wedding and I want it to be perfect."

The letter concludes with a jawdropping finisher: "All of the other bridesmaids will look gorgeous walking down the aisle with my daughter. Is it wrong to have her friend sit out?"

And Twitter is officially dead.

Thankfully, Prudence wasted no time filling the writer in on the many, many reasons the letter could be deemed little short of a disgrace.

"I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around this letter. I encourage you to reread it and to ask yourself that time-honored question, “Do I sound like a villain in a Reese Witherspoon movie?” Prudence replied.

"This girl is “like a daughter” to you, and yet you want to shove her to the side of your other daughter’s wedding just because she walks with a limp," Prudence marvels.

"Your daughter’s wedding will be perfect with Katie as a full and honored member of the bridal party. A limp is not a fly in the ointment; it’s a part of Katie’s life."

And the clincher?

"It is not only wrong to have asked your daughter to consider excluding her best friend over this—it is ableist, and cruel, and it speaks to a massive failure of empathy, compassion, and grace on your part."

Well said Prudence, well said.


So, as most of us know by now, sugar is pretty much the food devil and we could all benefit from having less of the sweet stuff in our lives.

Studies show that excessive sugar consumption can increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease as well as wreak havoc on our pearly whites

However, according to physician, Dr Drew Ramsay, sugar could actually be hugely beneficial for our brain health.

He argues that the molecule is largely 'misunderstood' and even went as far to describe it as a 'miracle.'

“Sugar is vital for your brain health—which is the biggest guzzler of the sweet stuff in your body, FYI,” Dr Ramsay explained.

“Your greatest assets: grit, gifts, creativity…all run on it.”

He explains that the brain requires over 400 calories of glucose per day – though it's up to us to decide where we get it from.

See, not all sugar is created equal, and while our bodies can do little with the type found in processed foods, Dr Ramsay recommends getting your fix from natural sources such as fresh fruit and honey.

What's more, consuming natural sugars and carbohydrates can actually make us happier – (which goes a long way toward explaining our love of Nutella on toast).

While it may not have the greatest reputation in the world of health and wellness, it seems that sugar may not deserve all the bad press. 

“There’s a danger to your health -in particular to your brain health – by blanketing sugar as bad for you.”

So, the next time you treat yourself to a chocolate covered biscuit (or two) with your tea, you won't have to feel too bad about it.



You know that feeling of wanting to buy a pricey makeup palette, but you know you'll never wear one or two of the shades?

That feeling is about to be resigned to history thanks to a nifty little beauty concept Penneys just rolled out. 

Penneys latest beauty venture has us feeling all kinds of inspired, as it involves customising your very own palette.

The Custom Eyes concept means that Penneys patrons can create a bespoke eyeshadow palette for themselves. 

Usually the unique territory of high end brands, build-it-yourself palettes have reached our favourite high street haven.

The palettes themselves, launching in stores this month, come in two size options, a quad for €2.00, or a set of nine for €3.00. Not too shabby. 

However when it comes to a bargain, the shadows themselves are where you are getting your moneys worth.

Each single shadow comes in at a mere €1.00 each, so building the perfect palette is magnificently affordable. 

Even after you have filled your Custom Eyes palette to the brim, the 4-pan palette comes in at just €6.00, the 9-pan filled palette comes to €12.00.

The shadows come in both matte and shimmer finishes, depending on what kind of Instagram-worthy makeup look you're angling for. 

The shadow sets are landing early this month, so prepare to battle it out for the best shades. 



Unless you actively refuse to watch the news, read the papers or engage with social media, it's highly likely you have spent time dwelling over the political and economic climate, worldwide.

It's rare you will make it to the end of a bulletin or newsfeed without hearing or reading something that leaves you anxious, fearful or distressed, and that is where tanksgoodnews comes in.


That's the spirit (via @menshumor)

A post shared by Good News Only (@tanksgoodnews) on

Created to counteract the onslaught of bad news we're exposed to on a constant basis, this Instagram account provides the public with the type of news which rarely makes the headlines.

And with 198,000 followers, it's definitely doing something right.



A post shared by Good News Only (@tanksgoodnews) on

Speaking to V Magazine, it's clear that George Rech, the man behind the inspirational account, is actively opposed to the 'if it bleeds, it leads' mentality.

"I started this account in an attempt to counteract and neutralise all the toxic information being pushed on us all day, every day, for the sake of ratings," he explained.


I'm going out for milk!

A post shared by Good News Only (@tanksgoodnews) on

The account has been inundated with comments from people thanking George for his attempt to inject positivity into a world so drained of it at times.

"This is the best idea ever to show all these amazing stories. Thank you," wrote one while another added; "I think you should consider a bigger more serious platform. I'm willing to make you my go-to news source."

Ladies, if you follow no other account for the rest of the year, make tanksgoodnews your go-to.


September 12 2012 completely changed the landscape of online dating, when a pair of entrepreneurs launched an app which would connect millions upon millions of potential couples. 

Facilitating hook-ups, true love, long-term relationships and the occasional unsolicited WhatsApp dick pic, the app revolutionised the prior preconceptions people had about dating online. 

Tinder brought online dating right to our phones, making it more accessible and user-friendly for the millennial generation. 

Here are five love lessons we learned from the now iconic dating app. 

1. It's okay to be picky

Swiping left more often than you swipe right is to be expected, not everyone is going to be for you. 

Having certain expectations for the kind of person you want to be with is just fine, especially on a casual dating app. 

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2.  Some light detective work can save you from the most awkward of circumstances

True story: Once I almost went on a date with my best friend's sister's boyfriend, who was cheating on her with random girls from Tinder. 

After I described him to my bestie, she started listing details about him I hadn't told her as she slowly began to recognise my description. 

One quick Facebook search would have saved me a lot of hassle. 

3. Your intentions must always be clear

We all know people are on Tinder for a variety of different reasons. 

Some are actually looking to date in the pursuit of a long-term relationship, while others just want a casual night between the sheets. 

When getting to know someone new, it's only fair to make sure you both have matched up your intentions to avoid anyone getting your feelings hurt over a miscommunication. 

Image result for awkward

4. It's good to step back and take a break from dating

Oftentimes the dating game can feel like one non-stop conveyor belt of swiping right, chatting for a bit, moving to Whatsapp and then meeting IRL…and then nothing. 

Deleting Tinder for a month or so to decompress and reassess, and then redownloading it full of fresh hope (or a scratchable itch) is a Tinder rite of passage.

5. There actually are plenty of guys out there…

…it's just finding the right one that's the trick. 

If you have ever felt like there are simply no attractive, available men left in your city, Tinder will soon prove you wrong after a bit of diligent swiping. 

Tinder – making us lose and simultaneously regain all hope for our love lives since 2012.


When phrases like ‘beach body’ scream out at us from countless magazine covers and social media is awash with #BikiniBody hashtags, you would be forgiven for thinking that the warmer months tend to accelerate people’s health and fitness regimes.

The reality, however, is, vastly different.

According to a recent survey conducted by Centra, nearly one-third of Irish adults feel that the summer disrupts their exercise regime, while a staggering 86 per cent view September as the time to re-visit their previous goals.

If weekend barbecues and early evening drinks derailed your efforts, it’s high-time you got involved with Centra’s Live Well Challenge.

With a high intensity exercise plan devised by fitness expert, Pat Divilly, and a nutritional plan courtesy of the much-loved retailer, the Live Well Challenge is perfect for anyone determined to hit their targets… without suspending their social life or breaking the bank.

The name of the game is to make small, consistent lifestyle changes which are suitable for people of all ages and abilities.

So, if you view September as your second chance to reach those all-important goals, why not take part in Centra’s monthly Live Well challenge, and join like-minded people with their eye on the prize?

Ladies, it’s go-time.


Some people's feet the floor the moment their alarm goes off, and other people frantically hit the snooze button, certain that another few minutes beneath the sheets will make the world of difference.

If you're firmly in the latter camp, you may be interested to hear that your daily habit is playing havoc with your nervous system.

According to Professor Matthew Walker of the University of California’s Centre for Human Sleep Science, hitting the snooze button every morning inflicts 'cardiovascular assault' on the body.

As we all know, the sound of the alarm in itself creates stress, but to willingly inflict it over and over in a short period of time is a recipe for disaster.

In a piece penned for the Daily Mail, Professor Walker explained: "When we are artificially wrenched from sleep by an alarm clock, a burst of activity from the fight-or-flight branch of the nervous system causes a spike in blood pressure and a shock acceleration in heart rate."

"If alarming your heart, quite literally, were not bad enough, using the snooze feature means you will repeatedly inflict that cardiovascular assault again and again within a short span of time."

Elaborating on this, he continued: "Repeating this at least five days a week in your working life, can cause multiplicative abuse to your heart and nervous system."

As there are few of us who would manage to wake up without the help of an alarm, Professor Walker suggests we simply ditch the 'snooze' habit in order to sidestep any potential cardiovascular issues.

"If you use an alarm clock, do away with the snooze function and get in the habit of waking up once to spare your heart the repeated shock."

Easier said than done, right?


The weather outside is frightful (not to start too early on the Christmas songs) and there is nothing we want to do more than wrap up in a blanket with a glass of wine and possibly a significant other and watch Netflix. 

In absentia of a significant other, any adorable pet or large package of savoury snacks will suffice.

Netflix have some brand new releases, so finding something to keep you entertained will be a piece of cake. 

Straight Outta Compton

Missed this in the cinema? Never fear, Netflis is here. 

In the mid-1980s, the streets of Compton, California, were some of the most dangerous in the country. When five young men translated their experiences growing up into brutally honest music that rebelled against abusive authority, they gave an explosive voice to a silenced generation.

Following the meteoric rise and fall of N.W.A, Straight Outta Compton tells the astonishing story of how these youngsters revolutionized music and pop culture forever the moment they told the world the truth about life in the hood and ignited a cultural war. 

Jeff Dunham :  Relative Disaster

In the mood from some eyebrow raising comedy? Ventriloquist and global comedy superstar Jeff Dunham brings his rude and slightly demented posse of dummies to Ireland for a gleeful skewering of family and politics in his debut Netflix Original stand-up comedy special, "Jeff Dunham: Relative Disaster."   

Filmed at the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre in Dublin, Dunham and his famous cohorts Walter, Achmed the Dead Terrorist, Bubba J, Peanut and Seamus leave the audience in stitches from start to finish.


There is nothing better than settling in to a good documentary. Heroin(e) focuses on the once bustling industrial town, Huntington, West Virginia that has become the epicentre of America’s modern opioid epidemic.

With an overdose rate 10 times the national average, the crisis threatens to tear this community apart. West Virginia native Sheldon highlights three women working to change the town’s narrative and break the devastating cycle of drug abuse one person at a time. An absolutly harrowing must-watch. 

Time : The Kalief Browder Story

Landing on September 15, this binge-watchable series traces the tragic case of Kalief Browder.

 The Bronx teen spent three horrific years in jail, despite never being convicted of a crime, and this series explores exctly what happened. 

American Vandal 

Taking the piss out of true crime sounds like risky humour to us, but we're willing to givbe this mock-doc a shot.

 Launching on September 15, American Vandal is a half-hour true-crime satire that explores the aftermath of a costly high school prank that left twenty-seven faculty cars vandalized with phallic images.



There's no doubt that their relationship and subsequent marriage surprised many, but the union between Russell Brand and Katy Perry seemed like it was set to truly last.

Until it wasn't, that is.

Following a 14-month marriage, the British comedian and US singer decided to part ways in 2012, and the years that followed were peppered with veiled snipes between the pair.

But it seems like 42-year-old Russell is more than ready to draw a line under the reported ill will, and make peace with the Chained to the Rhythm singer.

Speaking to Grazia, Russell, who became a father for the first time last year, insisted that his marriage to Katy is not something he regrets, nor is it something that creates negative connotations.

"I’m willing and open for reconciliation, any kind," he said of a possible friendship with the singer.

"I don’t regret being married to Katy at all,” he said. “I have very positive feelings about that whole experience and Katy is an extraordinary woman."

Russell, who married his daughter's mother, Laura Gallacher, last month, fears than an inability to make amends would speak poorly of him.

"If we can’t overcome our relatively trivial personal disputes in this world, what hope is there for us?" he asks.

Reflecting on his relationship with Katy, Russell dismissed the notion he was unhappy, saying: "[It] a very important and lovely time in my life."

We wonder if Katy is on the same page…



End of summer holiday makers face major disruption as Ryanair cancels 110 flights.

The cancellations are due to a mass strike by French air traffic controllers.

Anyone intending to fly today is urged to check with their airline's website before going to the airport.

'All of our affected customers have been contacted and informed of their options and we advise all customers travelling on Tuesday to check the status of their flight on the Ryanair.com website before leaving for their airport' said Ryanair's Kenny Jacobs.

'President Macron’s Government has announced a major transformation of French labour laws – but it appears nothing changes when it comes to ATC disruption and unions holding Europe to ransom.' 

'2016 was a record year for ATC strikes and French Air Traffic Control unions have announced further strike action this week.'



A 36-year-old man has been killed in a shooting last night

Gardaí and emergency services attended the scene of the shooting incident at Clondalkin in Dublin.

The incident at Wheatfield Avenue was reported to Gardaí at 9.40pm.

The man was seriously injured at the scene and later died.

Gardaí are searching for witnesses to the attack. 

The area was sealed off and a forensic examination of the area will take place.
