
Monthly Archives: September 2017

Over the course of the last ten years, the Kardashian family have come in for a wealth of criticism.

Accused of being talentless, fame-hungry socialites with little more to offer than sex tapes and scripted spats, the blended family have endured their fair share of condemnation.

Reflecting on their ascension to superstardom following the launch of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Khloé has penned an essay for Glamour which provides an insight into what it felt like being one of the most filmed families on the planet.

"In 2007 my sister Kourtney and I were living together in a townhouse in Calabasas where we grew up. " Khloé explained.

"We were running our clothing store, Dash, and our kids’ store, Smooch, right next to each other in the mall. We were there every day, and we had no other employees."

"We did everything ourselves, from the taxes to the housekeeping and inventory. We would take our 15-minute lunch break together and eat in the back."

Khloé remembers the family dinner which ultimately signalled the beginning of a whole new chapter in her family's story, writing: "At my mom’s house, we’d always have these big family dinners. Ryan Seacrest came to one and was like, “You guys are crazy. You need to be on TV'."

"My mom and my sister Kim wanted to do the show, but Kourtney and I were really against it. We were like, “No – we love our little life. We love what we’re doing.” But Ryan said, “We need the whole family or nobody at all.” So my mom kind of sold it to us as a great commercial for our stores. We were like, “Ugh, fine.”

The show's popularity intensified massively as the year progressed, with Khloé recalling how the family began by shooting just three days a week – minimal in comparison to the current schedule.

"Now our lives have evolved. We film six days a week, 12 to 18 hours a day, every single day. When you compile that much footage into 13 or 14 44-minute episodes, you can find a lot of drama."

And while this means that millions of viewers are kept glued as the seasons progress, the family often second-guess their decision to capture certain trials and tribulations.

"If you put a microscope over any family for 10 years, you’re bound to find cracks in the foundation," the 33-year-old reasons.

"Not every episode is juicy to us; it’s only juicy to the audience. Things like Kim’s robbery or Caitlyn’s transition? That’s the kind of stuff we wish we had never filmed," Khloé admits.

"We aren’t ever like, “Oooh! Let’s do this for season nine.” This is our life, and these are the things that happen. And it’s funny – when we decide not to shoot things, people feel slighted. But when we film too much, they’re like, “Oh, you never should have filmed that.” It’s a catch-22."

And yet despite these regrets,  Khloé continues to support her family's approach to the show, writing: "This is what we’ve chosen, and we’ve chosen to be as raw and honest as we can."


Chester Benninton's wife has shared a heartbreaking photo of the Linkin Park star taken just days before he took his own life earlier this year. 

The photo, posted on Talinda Bennington's Twitter, shows the couple and their family smiling and laughing as they spend quality time together at the seaside.

She wrote: “This was days b4 my husband took his own life. Suicidal thoughts were there,but you'd. Never kmow (sic).”

Just one week after Chester died by suicide in his California home, aged just 41, Talinda released an emotional statement in which she referred to their “fairytale life” together.

“May God bless us all and help us turn to one another when we are in pain. Chester would've wanted us to do so. Rest In Peace, my love," she wrote.

His death shocked fans around the world, and in an effort to help others who may be experiencing similar mental health issues, his family have set up a suicide awareness charity.

The Linkin Park front man was buried in a private service, where it's believed around 200 relatives, friends and fellow musicians were in attendance.


Attention all Dublin commuters – your morning DART journey is about to get a lot more musical!

A public piano has been installed at the Pearse street station in Dublin today and will remain a permanent fixture so that all commuters can enjoy a song (or two) before boarding their train.

Inspired by similar installations in a number of stations across Europe, John Murphy, a Dublin-based piano tuner was keen to introduce the innovative idea to the Irish public.

Designed to represent the DART's coastal views, NCAD graduate, Sarah Edmondson, decorated the piano with an intricate underwater scene, complete with the words 'Music Can Take You Anywhere.'

Dubbed the Pearse Piano, the stations latest addition has already captured the imagination of the capital's budding musicians.

Speaking at the installation of the piano John Murphy said: “Public pianos have been introduced at train stations in London in recent years. I wanted to bring the idea to Dublin to promote music and disrupt the traditional view of the piano as an inaccessible instrument.

“You don't need to be a Jools Holland or a Mozart. If you can play at all you have the ability to brighten up someone’s day. Music has the power to take you anywhere you want to go."

Now, we're not saying we're a modern day Mozart, but we'll definitely be giving this a go the next time we're passing through. 


As the President of the United States, Donald Trump, sends hundreds of thousands of families into turmoil following his decision to end protection for the children of undocumented immigrants, the Mayor of Chicago has reached out to those affected – individuals known as 'Dreamers'.

With tensions running high over Trump's recent decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration policy, Rahm Emmanuel asserted that he does not support the move, and insisted that so-called Dreamers were welcome and safe in Chicago.

Speaking to those who benefited from the DACA policy, which was introduced in 2012, at Chicago's Solorio Academy High School this week, the mayor insisted that Trump's move to end protection for dreamers was not something he nor the city of Chicago would tolerate.

"To all the Dreamers that are here in this room and the city of Chicago: you are welcome in the city of Chicago. This is your home and you have nothing to worry about."

With countless young people distraught over the announcement that their opportunities in the United States are no longer available to them, Mayor Emmanuel sought to provide support and reassurance.

"Chicago, our schools, our neighborhoods, our city, as it relates to what President Trump said, will be a Trump-free zone."

"You have nothing to worry about. And I want you to know this, and I want your families to know this. And rest assured, I want you to come to school … and pursue your dreams," he said.

DACA allows certain illegal immigrants, who entered the country as minors, to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and eligibility for a work permit.


Sure look, dating is an absolute minefield.

Let's be honest here, there are few among us who don't have at least one 'First Date' horror story; a tale of such woe our friends have forced us time and time again to regale them with it.

Nevermind that the mere memory of the encounter leaves us clammy-handed and vaguely distressed, other people's dating stories are fair game.

They're awkward, they're agonising, and they're also hugely entertaining… as long as you didn't have to endure them.

And that, ladies,  is why we'll be featuring weekly instalments from Swipe Right – a blog about the ups and downs of dating in Dublin. 

If there's a woeful date to be had, this gal has had it…

The Match

This guy looked cute: five fairly normal looking pictures of himself.

One with his GAA mates, one of him smiling into the camera showing off fabulous dimples.

OK, one of him in some kind of Thunderbirds costume not great, but hey at least I know he’s game for a laugh at Halloween.

I swipe right and it’s a match.

The Chat 

He messaged me about two hours later.


Hmmm OK, not the best start.

Hey there, how you doin?” I reply. I know, I know, not exactly bantastic myself.

Good now, yeah, any craic wit yerself?"

Do I tell him I’m currently sitting on my bed in my pyjama bottoms and house hoodie (with a food stain down the front) about to stream an episode of Orange is the New Black?

Ah not too much craic to be fair, just chilling." Ugh God, I can’t be bothered to enter into a conversation now.

You’re looking well in your pictures anyway, nicest smile I’ve seen in a long time.

Ahh, that’s nice. Hmmm ok maybe OITNB can wait a minute.

Not too bad yourself, I love your dimples, where you from?

Limerick but living up in Dublin….. you?”

Ah cool, I’m from Dublin, I’ve never been on a date with a guy from Limerick before.

Ah we’re the best, we’ll have to rectify that soon so, fancy a drink this week?

Shite, this is moving pretty fast but I’m actually dying to know what Piper and co. have been up to, so maybe if I agree now I can chat to him more tomorrow.

Yeah, sure why not?

Great. How are ye fixed tomorrow?

Shite. It’s actually the only day I’m free this week though! My inner monologue kicks in….Ah go on, best way to get over one man is to get under another just do it, what’s the worst the can happen?

Yeah cool, sounds good, here’s my number…..”

The Date 

He couldn’t decide on a venue, said he was only up in Dublin the last few months so he asked me to choose.

I picked the No Name Bar on Fade Street, mostly cause I like to sit outside and have a smoke.

I get there on time and there’s no sign of him. I get myself a drink and go outside and sit on a bench table. 10 minutes later and still no sign.

He messages saying he’s having trouble finding the place but will be there soon. Ugh God, he obviously doesn’t know anywhere in Dublin.

As I’m sitting there smoking and sipping on my Moijito I spot a hot guy on his own near the bar.

I start to fantasise that my date won’t show and this hot guy comes over to ask me for a light, we get chatting and 10 years later we’re married with kids and we tell everyone we met when I got stood up on a date and he came to my res…. My date showed up.


He looks nothing, and I mean nothing like his pictures.

He is legitimately about three stone heavier.

His dimples have been swallowed up by his chubby cheeks. His legs are what can only be described as trunk like inside his too tight, shiny, grey work suit. His hair is schleped down on his head. I shit you not he looks like a lost member of the D’unbelieveables.

“Howaye” he says bounding over to me. He plonks himself down on the bench right next to me so his legs are touching mine.

“Eh hi, nice to meet you” I stammer retreating backwards.

“Jaysis it was fierce hard to find this place” he says in the thickest Limerick accent I’ve ever heard. It reminds me of that Digicell ad from the 90s. ”Its me yer man from the bar”

“Sorry now for being late, I was hoping to be able to go and freshen myself up before I saw ya, I’m schweating like a pony, look at my back.”

To my sheer horror, he proceeded to shrug off his cheap and shiny jacket and turned to show me a huge sweat patch down his shirt back.

“Oh, ha ha, that’s ok” I mumble

“Would ya like a drink?”

I look at my half empty Moijito and say: ”No I’m grand, thanks. I have a full one here.”

He bounds off to the bar leaving me speechless and slightly panicked.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m no shrinking violet and I wouldn’t be winning any Kate Moss lookalike competitions myself, but this lad is the definition of false advertising.

I contemplate doing a runner but I can’t do that to the poor fella. I hastily light up a cigerette and take a long sip on my drink.

I admonish myself for being such a Shallow Hal and tell myself he might be the nicest guy ever. He’s back, pint in hand, and there is sweat dripping down his forehead. Oh, God.

“So, do ya live near here then?” he says with a big huge smile. He’s trying his best, bless him.

“Um yep bout 15 minutes away, how bout you?”

“Ah do you know Mountjoy prison? I live not too far away from there," he replied.

“Oh right……” What do I say: that must be nice, living near all the criminals?

“Do you live on your own?” I attempt.

“Ah no, theres about eight of us, I share a room with a Polish lad, it’s cheap as chips, sure I go home nearly every weekend so I don’t want to be paying mad money for a swanky apartment ye know yerself, its grand like, gets a bit messy the odd time, there’s a few Romanian lads kipping on the couch at the minute, friends with one of the lads that lives there too.”

I’m literally agog at this point. But he keeps going. It’s a stream of consciousness that lasts for about 10 minutes.

“Do ye like tea, do ye? A lot of the lads drink coffee but I like tea myself, I bet you’re a Lyon’s girl, I’m a Barry’s man meself. That’s what I do, ye see. I work in coffee, distributor around all the Costa and coffee chains, it’s grand, I get me own van and all that, not a big fan of coffee though, it’s funny that isn’t it. I put on a bit o’weight ye see after I took the job. Had to give up the GAA cause I’m on the road a lot so I was missing the training, and I do like my food. I’m a sucker for a breakfast roll in the morning, I bet you like a breakfast roll, you strike me as a girl who enjoys her food. Gorgeous so ye are, I like your dress, you sure you don’t want another drink? What’s that fancy yoke ye have there, that one of them Mojo things is it?

“Um a Moijito”

“Will ya have another one”

“No, no I’m grand thanks” I say as I slurp the last remaining liquid from the glass.

He’s still talking though.

“Ah yeah like its grand at the moment with the lads, a bit crowded though in fairness,. Do ye know where I’d like to live, on a boat. Like Rosie and Jim, do ye remember Rosie and Jim? Lived on a Barge, I’d love to…”

“Eh I’m sorry I’m going to have to stop you there," I say.

 His face drops.

“I’m so sorry I just don’t think this is going to work out for me, I’m a bit tired so I’m just gonna go, so sorry” I say as I scramble to pick up my bag and my jacket.

“What are ye sorry for, it’s grand, ah no no no sure no need to be sorry, it was lovely to meet you…”

He’s still talking as I’m backing out the door.

I get a text an hour later. “Lovely to meet you, fancy doing it again sometime?”

Christ, this dating thing is going to be harder than I thought.

If you want to learn more abour Ariana's dating exploits, be sure to keep up to date on Swipe Right's Facebook page.


It's been reported that at least nine people are known to have died as a result Hurricane Irma, one of the most powerful Atlantic storms recorded in the last century.

The hurricane has swept across the Caribbean leaving destruction in its wake, battering Puerto Rico and Barbuda with torrential rain and gusts of up to 160 kmh, as it continues across the islands towards Florida.

Barbuda Prime Minister, Gaston Browne said: "Barbuda is literally rubble. The entire housing stock was damaged. It is just a total devastation."

Homes and businesses have been destroyed, buildings flattened and tons of sand has been shifted onto land.

Aid workers in Haiti and the Dominican Republic are working to evacuate people from coastal areas and into temporary shelters before the storm hits.

On Thursday morning, the eye of the storm was just north of the coast of Puerto Rico, where more than 900,000 people have been left without power.

Moving at around 26kmh, Hurricane Irma is on a collision course with the Bahamas and the British overseas territory of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Hurricane Jose is expected to follow a similar path when it arrives over the weekend.


Gluten-free foodies rejoice!

Whether by choice or dietary necessity, the gluten-free food trend has gained a lot of momentum over the past few years and pretty much everyone and their mother has jumped on the bandwagon.

As a result, many Dublin restaurants have began to switch up their menus to accommodate for all customers, but this latest gluten-free offering may just be the most exciting yet.

The Exchequer D2, one of the capital's best established and most loved eateries, has just launched an incredible new menu made up of entirely gluten-free dishes.

The delicious dishes, created by new head chef Marty Montgomery, have been designed for any gluten-free foodies who don't want to compromise on taste. 

The lovingly selected menu offers a host of amazing starters, mains and desserts including cured salmon with cucumber and wasabi dressing, hake with asparagus, mussel and garlic sauce as well as a sumptuous steak tasting board including bavette, flank and featherblade.

Available seven days a week, The Exchequer's new gluten-free menu is the latest in a long line of food innovations at the Gastropub.

Bookings can be made at www.theexchequer.ie – what are you waiting for?


We’d be the first to admit that when it comes to nights out, we often opt for the old reliable pubs and clubs because… well… there’s comfort in what you know, right?

However, one of the major perks of living in a city as interesting as Dublin is the sheer number of incredible events which pop up all over the place.

The catch? Well, it’s up to us to take advantage of them.

And first on our list this month is Night Circus Spectacular which is taking place in the grounds of Griffith College Dublin on Saturday September 16.

The five hour show, which is BYOB we might add, is being held in an authentic Big Top, and it's set to be a magical evening of spectacle and wonder like nothing Ireland has seen before.

Ladies, it’s time to prepare yourselves for a decadent evening of circus, burlesque and live music from Irish rockers OTHERKIN and emerging talent THREE UNDERNEATH.

With world-class performers from Circus Gerbola, Tumble Circus, Dirty Circus and locals from The Dublin Circus Project, along with award-winning juggler Toby Walker, and traditional acts including flying trapeze and death-defying ’Wheel of Death, this event is one for the memory books.

And if you’re really in the spirit of taking part, you’ll be thrilled to hear that elaborate attire is greatly encouraged, with prizes for Best Dressed on the night.

Tickets are on sale now for just €25, so don’t resort to the local and then lament the fact you missed out… again.



A 26-year-old homeless man is believed to have taken his own life while staying in emergency accommodation in Dublin 8 this week.

The Dublin Regional Homeless Executive (DRHE) confirmed the news yesterday evening, stating: “The DRHE is aware of the death of a person who was accessing homeless services. "

“The DRHE will not be commenting any further except to offer our sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.”

His death brings to four the number of homeless people who have passed away in just one week.

Two rough sleepers were found dead in Dublin and Cork, while another woman in her 20s took her own life in accommodation in Leixlip.

In light of the recent deaths, the Simon Communities are calling for a vacant home tax and a significant increase in spending on social housing.

It also wants Government departments and State agencies to work closely together in order to tackle the crisis.

Spokesperson, Niamh Randall, say the Government's strategy needs to be revisited:

"The whole Rebuilding Ireland strategy is under review and part of our concern would be that the strategy is predicated on the private sector to deliver a huge amount of social housing.

"Currently the problem isn't producing housing for the private market, so we think that there needs to be an urgent rethink of this."

According the The Irish Independent, some homeless campaigners are concerned that that all homeless deaths have been made public.


Amnesty International have welcomed the clarification as the Director of Public Prosecutions in the North has confirmed that medical staff in Northern Ireland who refer women for abortions in other parts of the UK will not face criminal prosecution.

The move has been hailed as a significant breakthrough by those who oppose the laws surrounding the procedure.

It's thought that the uncertainty around the topic left doctors feeling as though they were unable to refer their patients over fears of possible prosecution.

Grainne Teggart from Amnesty International in Northern Ireland, said: "The threat of prosecution has long loomed over medical professionals in Northern Ireland, who have previously felt unable to refer women to other parts of the UK for abortion services for fear of criminal prosecution. This has acted as a significant barrier for women seeking to access abortion."

"The Public Prosecution Service has now stated clearly they can see no risk of criminal prosecution in these circumstances. This is hugely important and should relieve the profession of this chilling threat. This is a significant breakthrough in the fight for abortion rights here."

Northern Ireland remains the only country in the United Kingdom where a ban on terminations remains in place.

As a result, hundreds of women of forced to travel every year in order to avail of the procedure.

The UK government recently committed to funding for women from Northern Ireland to access free abortions in England.


Sony Music have announced that a track recorded by the late George Michael will receive its first play on BBC Radio Two today.

The new release comes eight months after his death and though details of the single are yet to be confirmed, a tweet from Nile Roger has led fans to believe that it's a remix of the song Fantasy from the 1987 album, Faith.

The track will debut on The Chris Evans Breakfast Show this morning and fans are gearing to hear the previously unreleased material.

The singer died on Christmas day 2016, aged 53, from heart disease linked to drug and alcohol abuse.

In a statement posted on his website, Michael's sisters reassured fans that Michael's creative team at Sony Records "will continue bringing you all the projects they had been working so hard on for you, exactly as Yog would have wanted."

It's estimated that George left behind up to three album's worth of material including collaborations with Nile Rogers and Naughty Boy.



Gardaí are investigating the discovery of skeletal remains at a house in Dundalk town.

Gardaí were contacted shortly before 5pm today by construction workers on the site at Mary Street North.

The human remains were unearthed at the rear of a house by the workers. 

Gardaí attended the scene and have contacted the local coroner.

A forensic anthropologist is on hand and the scene is preserved.

This event is currently unfolding. 
