
Monthly Archives: September 2017

If you are only just beginning your Game of Thrones journey, then you may want to sit this one out as it does – we repeat, it does – contain a spoiler from season 3.

But for those of you who are fully up to date, or at the very least, knee-deep in season 4, you will know that Theon, who is played by Alfie Allen, lost a very important body part at the hands of Ramsay Snow.

Now, that we're all clear on that front, let's introduce Game of Thrones fan, Olivia Bowes, who recently uploaded a shot of herself with Alfie.

With a nod to Theon's mutilation, Olivia wrote: "Unlike Theon I grew some balls and asked for a photo."

A pretty slick caption for a pretty exciting moment… if only it were true.


Unlike Theon I grew some balls and asked for a photo

A post shared by Olivia Bowes (@olivia.bowes) on

So, it turns out that Alfie spotted the upload (and its caption) and decided to put Olivia's followers straight on something.

"Actually your Mum asked for you," he replied in a move which no doubt had Olivia reaching for the ice.

"F*CKING SAVAGE IM SCREAMING," replied one Instagram user in the wake of Alfie's clapback while another added: "I felt that burn from the end of the earth and came here to witness this wonder."

"Wow. It's like Olivia is the wall and Alfie just come in like Viserion and…burn!" joked another.

Better luck next time, Olivia.


Yesterday, news landed that Brad Pitt had reached out to his ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston, in an effort to make amends for his behaviour during their marriage, and in the lead-up to their highly publicised divorce.

According to publications in the States, the exchange between the former couple was a highly emotive one, with Jennifer struggling to hide her emotion over the distress she felt when Brad called time on their relationship, and began a new one with co-star, Angelina Jolie.

Brad and Jennifer's intimate conversation happened to take place a year on from Brad's split with Angelina, and it doesn't seem like Brad is the only one doing some reflecting this week.

Speaking to The Telegraph, Angelina cast her mind over the last 12 months, and admitted that the outcome of her relationship with Brad was not something she anticipated, nor is single life something that sits easily with her.

The mother-of-six told the newspaper: "I don't enjoy being single. It's not something I wanted."

When news broke that Brad and Angelina had decided to part ways last September, the public focussed their attention on Jennifer Aniston's response to the saga while Angelina made a valiant attempt to fly under the radar.

Acknowledging that the divorce and the publicity that surrounded it made for a difficult period in her life, Angelina added: "There's nothing nice about it. It's just hard."

"Sometimes maybe it appears I am pulling it all together, but really I am just trying to get through my days," she admitted. "Emotionally it's been a very difficult year."

"It's not easy doing press right now. I can't pretend this isn't a tough time in my life, but I'm trying to get through it by just moving forward and knowing it's part of being human," she added.


If you're sitting at home eating the remnants of last night's takeaway, feeling pretty miserable that the rest of the country is living it up at Electric Picnic, we have something that is bound to make you feel better.

Uploaded to SoundCloud by fairlyquicheproductions in recent days, this rap sums up the true experience of every EP reveller, and we'll be honest, we're in knots.

To the tune of Intro by The XX, the track follows the exploits of a guy at this year's Stradbally session, and chances are if you've ever attended a festival in Ireland, you've met this lad… and his mates.

This track reminds us that when it comes to music festivals, there are as many grim moments as good ones, and from the introductory checklist to the horror that is the portaloo situation, suddenly we're feeling pretty smug to be curled up on the couch.

Do yourself a favour; take a listen, and then prepare to replay over…and over… and over.


Look, there's absolutely no denying that interest in the X Factor has waned in recent years.

At its height (we're looking at you, One Direction), the show was a Saturday night staple, but as the years have gone on, the public appear a little jaded by the whole format.

And with whispers of fixed auditions and behind-the-scenes record deals, TV critics have been quick to say that reality TV fans are looking elsewhere for their fix.

Yet despite the apparent dip in interest, Twitter was absolutely lit last night as the viewing public – and Louis Tomlinson – settled in for episode 1 of season 14.

From Kayleigh who wowed the judges to Grace Davies who had Nicole Scherzinger in tears, the calibre was pretty high for the first day of auditions.

And here are just a selection of tweets which sum up Simon, Sharon, Louis and Nicole's return to Saturday night entertainment…

1. Well, if Louis is on board…

 2. Preach.

 3. Ouch

 4. Time will tell…

5. We feel you.

6. She speaks the truth. 

7. Sayin' it like it is

8. Touché


Taking selfies might act as an ego boost for many people, but recent developments in the field of health and technology suggest that the act could, in fact, save your life.

Researchers at the University of Washington have created an app known as BiliScreen which they say help to identify symptoms of pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer tends to go undetected in the vast majority of cases meaning its survival rate is significantly lower than the medical profession and wider public would like.

However, there exists a particular indicator which doctors want to highlight through the use of BiliScreen, and that indicator is yellow discolouration in the whites of the eyes.

The BiliScreen is a non-invasive alternative to drawing blood, and ultimately measures the bilirubin levels in the blood stream without the need for a GP or hospital appointment.

In fact, an early clinical study of 70 people found that the app correctly identified "cases for concern" nearly 90 percent of the time.

So, how exactly does the BiliScreen work?

Well, the user will need to take a portrait shot of their face, and the app will then provide the user with a measure of their bilirubin levels, thereby allowing the individual to make an informed decision if results provided by the app are deemed a concern.

Lead author of the study, Alex Mariakakis, explained the user-friendly nature of the app, saying: "The hope is that if people can do this simple test once a month-  in the privacy of their own homes – some might catch the disease early enough to undergo treatment that could save their lives."

Take a look at this.




Over the course of her career, Katie Price has earned a 'no holds barred' reputation when it comes to her private life.

And while the public accept that much of her career is built on tell-all books and high-profile relationships, they are less comfortable by Katie's decision to speak openly about her children and wider family.

Illustrating the extent of their distaste, many Twitter users scorned Katie's recent decision to reveal that her mother was suffering from a terminal illness.

Speaking to The Sunday Mirror, the 39-year-old, who shares an incredibly close bond with her mother Amy, confirmed that her mother had been diagnosed with a terminal lung condition.

"My mum’s got something wrong with her lungs and she’s been told she hasn’t got very long to live," Katie explained.

After explaining that she intended to maintain a positive attitude for the sake of her mother, Katie revealed the details of her mother's recent hospital visit.

And sadly for the former Celebrity Big Brother contestant, the public is focussing more on Katie's candour than her mother's heartbreaking diagnosis.

Taking to Twitter to comment on the reports, one member of the public wrote: "She's awful selling out her mum's privacy but funny how she's more bothered about her stupid tour than spending time with her dying mum."

"Is there nothing sacred enough for her to keep private!! Unbelievable!" wrote another while someone else questioned: "Can't she keep anything private?"


Family time

A post shared by Katie Price (@officialkatieprice) on

Katie's reputation for selling the highs and lows of her private life to the press has resonated among Twitter users this weekend, with another remarking: "She will be selling her mums story to make more money now."

Thankfully, Katie's loyal army of followers have been on hand to defend her against the barrage of criticism she has received since announing the sad news.


According to emerging reports this afternoon, Gardai are treating the death of a middle-aged man in a Dublin canal in the early hours of this morning as a 'tragic accident'.

It is understood that the man got into difficulty at the Ninth Lock in Clondalkin at approximately 3am this morning.

Reports confirm that members of the force, who were in the vicinity, spotted the man and entered the water in an attempt to save him.

Emergency services descended upon the scene, and the man, believed to be in his fifties, was pulled unconscious from the water.

After being rushed to Tallaght Hospital, the man, who is understood to have been socialising in Ballyfermot prior to the morning's tragedy, was pronounced dead at 4am.

The Gardaí are currently compiling a report into the incident which will be presented to the Dublin Coroner's Office.


The March for Choice, which is organised by the Abortion Rights Campaign, will be taking place in the Irish capital four weeks from today.

And ahead of the Rubberbandits gig in Vicar Street on that same day, the Limerick duo have encouraged their fans to take part in the march before attending the gig.

Taking to both Twitter and Facebook this week to remind fans of the city-wide event later this month, they wrote "People travelling up for our Vicar Street gig on the 30th. The March for choice is on during the day, please go to that if you're in Dublin."

The tweet has been shared extensively since its upload in recent days, however the comedy act have come in for criticism from some Twitter users for using their platform to promote the march.

"The #repealthe8th freakshow will be enough of a laugh," wrote Emma Murphy while David Plunkett added: "The March to legalise the termination of unborn children. Bit of a whitewash to just say 'choice'. Ur gone a bit lefty lads."

Responding to the critical remarks, other users have weighed in, with one writing: "Is it only now you have noticed that Rubberbandits are a bit lefty? Lol. Sharp one you are."

"It's great to see two intelligent lads use their platform for progressive politics. This country needs more of that."

On Facebook, the act came in for more criticism, with one Facebook user writing: "F*ck off and stick to comedy."

Responding to the advice, the Rubberbandits replied: "Ah jaysus Gerard. Goway will ya. We're not for you, it's grand."

Never change, lads.


A number of years ago, Rutgers University in New Jersey decided that it was high-time students began studying the life and times of Beyoncé Knowles.

No longer sufficient to simply butcher the singer's songs during ill-advised karaoke sessions, the powers that be at Rutgers encouraged students to enroll in “Politicizing Beyoncé,” a Spring semester course at the New Jersey school.

And it doesn't seem like the approach was a flash in the pan either, with Copenhagen University deciding to follow suit this year.

According to a report in The Telegraph, 'Beyoncé, Gender and Race' has piqued the attention of the student body, with more than 500 students signing up to participate.

Speaking to local press, Professor Erik Steinskog outlined the overview of the course, and provided the public with an insight into the university's decision to create the module.

"We will analyse her songs and music videos. There will be a focus on gender, sexuality and race," he said.

"One of the goals [of the class] is to introduce black feminist thought, which is not well known in Scandinavia. We want to explore the kind of entity feminism is,” he said.

“Beyoncé is important in understanding the world we live in. Beyoncé is one of the biggest pop artists today, which makes her important in an analysis of contemporary times."

Ladies, we'd be front-row centre, pen and paper in hand.


It was the poem that took the nation by storm earlier this year.

Prose which reflected on the various elements that help to comprise and define contemporary Ireland, Stephen Smith's My Ireland tapped into the psyche of a nation and earned the Dublin poet thousands of new fans in return.

Whether it was Stephen's delivery or the sentiment contained within, My Ireland struck a chord with SHEmazing users, and it came as no surprise that you voted in your droves for Stephen to take the title of 'Man of the Year' at the inaugural SHEmazing Awards in May.

This week, the poet gave his fans and followers an insight into a particular period of his life which resulted in the creation of Iomramh and Nightsky & Butterfly – poems which Stephen wrote at the Cill Rialaig Artist Retreat in Ballinskelligs, Co. Kerry in 2016.

"It can sometimes be hard to write, and there I was with a fish on the end of the hook waiting to be pulled in and I was too busy worrying about a shark on the other side of the world."

"So this is how both 'Iomramh’ and ‘Nightsky & Butterfly’ were written," Stephen explained on his Facebook page this week.

"I felt as if I was on my own journey of self-discovery when I was in Cill Rialaig, truth is I wasn’t happy then as you’ve probably gathered. I made some decisions in October 2015, to given up alcohol and become vegetarian and started to exercise a bit more."

"I was left heartbroken after a relationship ended, I was in debt, I had to find a new home, I had put on some weight and I didn’t feel good in myself and while I had just graduated from my degree that had given me structure for the past four years, I was now unemployed and lacked a purpose. I felt a bit of a failure."

In a lengthy and intimate post on Thursday, Stephen introduces the poems and the incidents which preceded them, writing: "I think that’s also where both these poems come from. That understanding that life is always in flux, I’ve had down days since, but thankfully I’ve been able to deal with them better."

"These poems are now touchstones for me to remember that." he added.

With Bolus Head as the backdrop, Stephen begins: "A man goes to the coast of an island to be alone. He has gone as far as he can for now. It's called retreat."

And we'll let the man himself take it from here…



In February of this year, Cambridge University student, Ronald Coyne, was filmed setting fire to a £20 note which he implied he intended to give to a homeless individual.

After being asked for change by Ryan Davies, who had been homeless for three months at time of the incident, the law student made the decision to humiliate the young man in a move which Ryan detailed for press at the time.

"He says let’s see what I’ve got and pulls out a £20 note and went to pass it to me," Ryan recalled.

“I couldn’t believe my luck, know what I mean. But then he pulled it back and lit it, burnt it and he says 'How's that for change, I’ve changed it into flames."

The footage of the incident led to Coyne's dismissal from the university’s Conservative Association, in addition to further disciplinary action from the prestigious third-level institution.

As a result of being subject to the university's disciplinary process, Coyne has been unable to acknowledge the public outcry born of his cruel behaviour, until now. 

"I made a terrible mistake, and I quite rightly faced disciplinary action for it,” he wrote in a recent apology letter.

“I acknowledge that my behaviour put the entire university in a negative light, and for that I am sorry. For the effect that my behaviour had on you as a community, I am also sorry.”

Reflecting on the months that followed his actions, Coyne reveals that he received considerable criticism online, and extends his gratitude to those who argued that the abuse was disproportionate.

"When the media commentary flared up, strangers sent piles of abusive mail to my family home threatening me with violence, and chemical attacks."

"I received some sympathetic letters and emails from people who thought that the online abuse went too far. To those people, I am still grateful," he wrote.

Ahead of Coyne's return to university this Autumn, Cambridge University made the decision to distribute his letter.



We hate to drag it back up, but remember the last time you got up on your high horse, lashed out and then realised you were wrong?

Yes, it was absolutely hideous, and you made a right fool of yourself, but thankfully few people know the ins and outs of your mortification.

Unless you're a Twitter user named Bikergirl4Trump, that is.

Earlier this year, Bikergirl4Trump decided to pour scorn on the Obama administration in a move which has caught the attention of thousands of social media users this week.

Taking aim at the former First Lady, Michelle Obama, Bikergirl4Trump shared a photo of Michelle shoe-shopping in the days that followed Hurricane Katrina.

Except it wasn't Michelle Obama at all. In fact, Barack Obama wasn't President when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005. 

Put simply, Bikergirl4Trump mistook Condoleezza Rice, who was National Security Advisor and Secretary of State during the Bush Administration, for the former First Lady.

Falling on the post with glee, one Twitter user highlighted the inaccuracy, writing "[Michelle] was a private citizen in another state and the picture isn't dated and it isn't of her. Unfathomable levels of ridiculousness."

"OMG you're adorable! You thought Obama was president during Katrina. *squeezes your cheek*," scoffed another.

Taking a more serious stance, another lamented: "We wish it was a joke, but these folks are just ignorant. There should be a test for voting."

