
Yearly Archives: 2017

Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) volunteer Naomi Elster investigates the use of safe but illegal abortion pills in Ireland today.

The abortion pill is a safe method for ending early pregnancies, and even though it is on the World Health Organisation list of essential medicines, it is illegal in Ireland.

Despite this, hundreds of people in Ireland illegally import the pill every year.

While there are reputable sources for ordering the pill online, there is always the risk of women paying for fake, ineffective or even dangerous substances from unauthorised sources.

Therefore, the only way to guarantee safety is to give Irish women the right to free, safe, legal abortion in Ireland. 

On 30 September 2017, ARC are organising the 6th annual March for Choice. ARC campaigns for free, safe, legal abortion in Ireland.

Abortion in Ireland is illegal, and carries a penalty of up to 14 years in prison. It has been legal since 1992 to travel abroad for an abortion, and last year, over 3,000 women attending abortion clinics in the UK gave Irish addresses.

The real number may be higher, as at our speak-out events, where we provide safe spaces for women to tell their abortion stories, we have heard from women who, out of fear, gave UK addresses rather than their real Irish one.

But travelling abroad for an abortion comes at a high price.

The Abortion Support Network is a small UK-based charity which provides practical information and financial support to Irish women travelling to the UK for abortions.

Their director, Mara Clarke, shared a price list from British clinics with me. To get an abortion up to 14 weeks is between €380 and €535, up to 19 weeks it’s up to €795 and up to 24 weeks it’s €1625.

Women in England, Scotland and Wales can access these same procedures for free on the NHS, but Irish women, who don’t receive that same support from our government, have to pay. These prices are only for the termination and don’t take into account travel, accommodation, childcare, and any extra expenses such as visa applications.

'People are like, "Ryanair’s still cheap",' Mara said. 'But you know what? Women can’t plan their unplanned pregnancies around fare sales.'

The abortion pill is sometimes called 'a safe illegal.' It’s available from doctor-led websites in exchange for a non-mandatory donation of up to €90 (no one will be denied a medical abortion from these NGOs due to lack of funds).

Medical abortion involves two pills. The first is a tablet called Mifepristone, which you swallow to block the hormone progesterone. This makes it impossible for the pregnancy to continue. The Mifepristone tablet is followed by an intra-vaginal tablet called Misoprostol, which induces contractions to flush the pregnancy out.

A medical study of 1,000 Irish women who took abortion pills they got from one of these doctor-led websites showed that the procedure is remarkably safe.

In response to news that the number of women known to travel to the UK for abortions has been gradually declining, the HSE crisis pregnancy agency pointed to research showing more Irish women are contacting providers of abortion pills.

But while we can be glad that there’s now a safe option for women who can’t continue their pregnancy and can’t travel, the only way to guarantee that Irish women with unwanted pregnancies are safe is to make free, safe and legal abortion available here in Ireland for all who need or want it.

Taking the abortion pill on Irish soil is illegal.

As Caoimhe Doyle, co-convener of The Abortion Rights Campaign, explains: 'The Protection of Life During Pregnancy act, introduced in 2013, means that anyone prosecuted for taking abortion pills can be sentenced to up to 14 years in prison. As of yet no-one has been prosecuted under this act.'

'However in Northern Ireland we have seen a number of investigations and prosecutions, both of those taking and providing these pills, so it is not unlikely that we may start to see prosecutions here.'

The PSNI came under fire this year when, on International Women’s Day, they raided the homes and even workplaces of Northern Irish pro-choice activists, looking for abortion pills. According to Mara, legitimate sources of abortion pills have shipped to Irish women via Northern Ireland in recent years. Out of fear that women in the Republic would be arrested, the providers asked them to provide an address in the north.

'There have been more and more confiscation of pills in the north,' Mara continued. 'So women have contacted us saying "I ordered the pills and they’ve been stopped. They’ve been stopped by customs, they never arrived.'"

Because it’s illegal to buy or take abortion pills in Ireland, it’s difficult to promote reputable websites where women can consult medical doctors and be provided with what they need for a safe abortion.

Mara has also had women contact her who, hoping they wouldn't have to travel to end their pregnancies, contacted other websites claiming to sell medical abortions.

They paid €200, waited weeks, and nothing arrived.

And even though complications are very rare, they can occur. The pill works by stimulating a miscarriage, triggering cramps and bleeding.

Abortions carried out without the reassurance of a medical team nearby to advise when something is normal, and help when it’s not, can add an unnecessary level of upset and trauma to what should be a straightforward procedure.

According to Caoimhe, 'The fear of prosecution often puts those who take these pills at risk, as they are afraid to seek medical assistance in the rare event that something goes wrong.'

34 years on from the introduction of the 8th amendment, we live in an Ireland where what should be a medical issue is now a human rights issue.

The Government has said that a referendum on the 8th will be held next year. It is impossible to change our laws on abortion without a referendum.  

This will be the last March for Choice before that referendum, and we need every one of you to join us on that march and make your voice heard.


Ahead of this Saturday's March for Choice, Abortion Rights Campaign and Damn Fine Print are teaming up to host the ultimate pro-choice poster printing workshop.

Supporters are invited to drop in and print their very own poster/placard for use at the upcoming press conference and the annual march on September 30.

Keeping the theme of this year's march, 'Time to Act', Damn Fine Print will have many designs to choose from, including one from street artist and Radio DJ, Will St Leger.

A limited amount of supplies will be on hand, but organisers have recommended that those interested in attending the event bring their own cardboard/paper/placard.

This event is free to attend, though donations toward the campaign are welcome but not expected.

Abortion Rights Campaign Props Make-In takes place in Damn Fine Print, Brunswick Street, Dublin 7, from 6pm – 9pm on Thursday September 28.

Click here for more information.


According to reports from TMZ, the main suspect in the robbery of more than $10 million dollars worth of jewellery from Kim Kardashian last year has written the reality TV queen a letter of remorse. 

Aomar Ait Khedache, a 60-year-old criminal who is believed to be the orchestrator of the crime, wrote the letter to the celebrity's French legal team.

The letter, which was handwritten in French, reads as follows: 

'After observing your emotion and realising the psychological damages I inflicted … I decided to write to you, not to obtain from you some sort of indulgence.'

'I want to come to you as a human being to tell you how much I regret my gesture, how much I have been moved and touched to see you in tears,' it says, according to TMZ

'Know that I fully sympathise with the pain you are enduring, your children, your husband, and your close ones.'


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'I hope that this letter will allow you to forget little by little the trauma that you suffered by my fault.'

We don't think he should hold his breath for a response. 

Almost one year ago, on October 3 2016, Kim was robbed at gunpoint by in her Paris apartment during Paris Fashion Week. 

The reality TV star truly feared for her life during the horrendous event, which she expressed during an episode of KUWTK

Khedache said that Kim's constant posting on social media made her vulnerable, as it was easy for the gang to monitor her movements. 



In a week which began with confirmation of a referendum on the 8th amendment and culminates in the March for Choice this Saturday, there is no greater time to find out what the Repeal the 8th campaign means to our readers.

Eager to hear how the last 12 months in Ireland has impacted you and your stance on the 8th, we reached out, and you responded in your droves.

From pro-life and pro-choice readers to women with personal experience of a termination, our investigation shone a light on the far-reaching effect the campaign has had on women in Ireland, irrespective of their position.

Upon reflection, Two Women Travel, the Strike for Repeal and the results of the Citizen’s Assembly have acted as milestone moments in many of our readers’ memory of the campaign.

“The two women tweeting their abortion journey was heartbreaking and opened people’s eyes to the stark reality,” asserted one, while another considered the courage of the nation’s women the defining factor.

“Seeing so many braving the backlash to tell their stories publicly resulted in the overwhelming numbers on the March for Choice,” she said.

Echoing this sentiment entirely, another respondent said the merit of first-person experience cannot be underestimated.

“[The stand-out memory of the campaign] was hearing from people who are actually affected by the amendment, and not others talking for them.”

Given the intensity of the campaign, it’s perhaps unsurprising that some of our readers found themselves reconsidering their stance over the course of the last 12 months, with more than 20 per cent confirming as much.

“I personally wouldn’t have an abortion, so I was against the repeal at first, but with some research I’ve discovered it’s more than just that, and it’s about all women’s rights which we should be entitled to,” explained one.

“I used to believe the unborn child deserved the right to live, but was too naïve to see and understand the impact an unwanted child can have on a woman’s life,“ admitted another converted pro-choice reader.

“I was always opposed to the 8th. But I used to think there should be limits on abortion access. I don’t anymore because I realise that opinion is based on the notion that women can’t be trusted, which is misogynistic," another added.

With more and more women fighting for a repeal to the 8th in this country, a small number of our pro-lifer readers have admitted they have struggled to articulate their thoughts on the campaign due to the backlash they receive.

“You can’t say anything pro-life without being verbally attacked,” responded one reader. “You can’t be feminist, liberal or intelligent it seems, unless you are pro-choice. You’re not allowed to have or share an opinion unless it is the ‘correct opinion’.”

“I generally just don’t talk about it, and avoid the campaign at all costs”, she added.

It seems this works both ways, however, with one pro-choice user explaining that she has struggled to argue her stance on occasion.

“I tend to know what I’m talking about for the most part, but sometimes I’m made feel so guilty by anti-choice campaigners that I forget the reasons I believe what I believe,” she admitted.

For one pro-life reader, the pro-choice decision to mark International Women’s Day last March with a protest was an imposition of sorts.

"[They] made a day that was supposed to be about every woman everywhere into a day for being pro-abortion and repealing an amendment that perhaps some women (including myself and several people I know) want to keep. It upset me that I couldn't just celebrate Women's Day."

According to our findings, the desire for reasoned debate appears to be a priority regardless of position, with one user recalling her direct experience of the campaign.

"A guy from Amnesty International tried to mansplain to me and my sister why we need abortion to be legal and how it affects us and our bodies and autonomy", she recalls.

"But there was also a lovely girl I met on the street, who I have to say was the only person I was actually able to have a conversation with on the issue, and although we disagreed on the 8th amendment, she was so nice."

Ultimately, 90 percent of our respondents said they are eager to see a repeal to the amendment, citing equality and bodily autonomy as the principal reasons for their interest in the campaign and the outcome of next year's referendum.

“I have been forced out of my country for a basic medical procedure,” explained one woman. “I don’t want any more women and families to feel like criminals because our politicians are cowards.”

“In the 21st century, there is still a chance that I may some day have to travel for health care that should be available to me in my own country. I do not have full ownership of my own body,” added another.

“If I get pregnant, I will be more or less punished in this country, punished by having to carry a baby I don’t want.”

But whether for or against its repeal, the impact the campaign has had on Irish society cannot be underestimated, with one young woman asserting: ”It’s everywhere. How can you not talk about it?”

“As debate grows, so too does discussion and so does the hope that sooner rather than later, this country will look after its women properly.”

The March for Choice in Dublin City Centre takes place this Saturday, September 30.


After winning parole in July of this year, OJ Simpson is expected to be released from a Nevada prison as soon as Monday, October 2.

The 70-year-old was famously acquitted of the murder of ex-wife, Nicole Brown, but later jailed for armed robbery and assault with a weapon in 2008.

The former NFL star has served just nine years of a 33 year sentence, and while the details of his parole have not yet been finalised, David Roger, the Clark County district attorney who tried Simpson in 2008, said: "Based upon my knowledge of his background and behaviour in prison, I expect he will be a very good candidate for getting parole."

As it stands, the inmate remains at Lovelock Correctional Centre in northern Nevada awaiting transfer to High Desert State Prison , where he would be freed. 

Once released, OJ will be supervised by the state Division of Parole and Probation until September 29, 2022.

According to Brooke Keast, a spokeswoman for the Nevada state department of corrections, video footage of his release is expected to be released to the public.


Belle Gibson rose to online fame in the wave of fitness and wellness bloggers giving lifestyle advice in the early 2010s.

The wellness influencer amassed the reach of millions thanks to her big claims – that she had treated her terminal cancer through her diet. 

The blogger claimed she had healed her brain cancer with wholefoods, a complete con. 

The blogger then released her own lifestyle and cookery book The Whole Pantry, which was hotly anticipated. 

Then, the media and those around Belle began questioning the validity of her cancer diagnosis, and the lies became apparent. 

Belle had told the world that she was alive four years after being told her terminal brain cancer gave her months to live, and the food had saved her. 

The food you could learn all about in her book, no doubt. 

Belle admitted that she did not have cancer to The Weekly, saying: 'No. None of it’s true'

'I don't want forgiveness. Above anything, I would like people to say, okay, she's human,' she told the mag

The blogger made quite a lucrative profit from her book and the app she released of the same name, and claimed to be donating some profits to charity. 

A ruling has now come from the Australian Federal Court this week, announcing that Belle will be fined for her crimes of 'unconscionable conduct under Australian consumer law.' 

The exact figure she will need to repay has been set at $410,000 Australian dollars, or €273,000. 


Put the kettle on, The Late Late Show line-up is looking pretty well this week. 

In an Irish TV exclusive, Ryan Tubridy will be sitting down with US presidential hopeful Hilary Clinton to discuss her defeat to Donald Trump and what she hopes to do in the future. 

Joining the line-up which includes the political icon, are a number of other fierce women paving their way in the world. 


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Vogue Williams will be in studio to discuss her new documentary series.

The series explores sperm donation, anxiety and online sugar dating, as well as a number of other topics. 

She will also be talking about her new tell-all book, Everything.

With a career description including model, DJ, reality TV star, documentary maker and now author, we're sure the book is stuffed full of absorbing anecdotes. 


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Another Irish beauty, Roz Purcell will be on the couch to discuss the foodie-fitness industry. 

Having started out as one of Ireland’s most successful models, Roz branched out into food with her hugely popular cookbook Natural Born Feeder.

Her new book, Half Hour Hero will also be discussed, as Roz gives Ryan a culinary class using her new recipes. 

The women will be joined by comedian and science enthusiast Dara Ó Briain, who will be putting some scientific theories to the test. 


If belting out a rendition of Ride On or The Voyage is your jam, then prepare to get excited. 

Irish folk singer Christy Moore is about to embark on a series of gigs right here in Dublin.

The Irish icon will make a very welcome return to Vicar Street for a series of sessions in December and January.

Christy will be returning to gigging with a brand new album, called On The Road, which will be released this November.

Over the past two years, Christy has recorded all gigs, streamlining his collection down to 24 tunes recorded at 17 separate venues. 

Christy has performed at Vicar Street almost 200 times.

Tickets are priced at €39.50, €45.00 and €49.50, and will go on sale on Thursday October 5 at 9am through www.ticketmaster.ie.

We'll be giving Joxer our absolute best go…



Following the cancellation of thousands of Ryanair flights in recent days, the Civil Aviation Authority have threatened the airline with legal action under the Enterprise Act 2002.

According to reports, the CAA insists the airline have failed to make the rights of their passengers known amid the chaos of multiple cancellations.

It is understood that while an airline is not obliged to pay compensation if they give more than two weeks notice of a cancellation, they are obliged to offer a flight on a another airline and fund the transfers to and from the alternate airports.

According to a report in The Independent, the CAA first contacted Ryanair on September 18 after the airline's chief executive, Michael O'Leary, stated that Ryanair was not obliged to reroute passengers on other airlines.

The CAA now argues that notification provided to the 400,000 passengers affected by Ryanair's cancellations fails to highlight the airline's obligations.

"The email refers only to a reroute on a Ryanair flight and contains no information about the possibility of rerouting on another airline," explains CAA’s chief executive, Andrew Haines.

“It also refers to the possibility of rerouting from different departure or destination airports but fails to inform passengers that Ryanair is obliged to bear the cost of transferring passengers to those other airports.”

According to The Independent, the airline are now seeking to address the concerns raised by the CAA, with a spokesperson confirming: "“We are in correspondence with the CAA ."



If you struggle to create a cat-eye flick, then the creations of Toronto-based MUA, Menal Khan, are guaranteed to leave you spellbound.

Ditching the standard swatch favoured by make-up artists around the world, Menal dedicates a little more time to showcasing the newest palette for her Instagram followers.

And she does so by recreating a miniature version of the entire kit on back of her hand.

Sharing various images of her endeavours, Menal recently gave beauty-junkies an insight into the process, writing: "A throwback to a step-by-step pictorial on how I do most of my palette handarts."

"First I sketch a rough outline using a light brown brow pencil, then fill the palette in. I then go and add the palette/pan shading using any deep brown eyeshadow. Lastly I add in each pan colour using the actual shades from the palette I am making."

If you think you could give Menal a run for her money, why not check out her how-to guide on recreating some of the most gorgeous palettes on the market?


Please tag @anastasiabeverlyhills / @norvina guys!- A throwback to a step-by-step pictorial on how I do most of my palette handarts. – First I sketch a rough outline using a light brown brow pencil, then fill the palette in. I then go and add the palette/pan shading using any deep brown eyeshadow. Lastly I add in each pan colour using the actual shades from the palette I am making, in this case: the @AnastasiaBeverlyHills / @Norvina / @NicoleGuerriero GlowKit. ((All the shades in this handart are actual swatches!)) Products Used: •Brow Pencil: @anastasiabeverlyhills Brow Definer in "Dark Brown." •Palette Colour: @toofaced lipstick in "Nude Beach" topped with @morphebrushes 35OS pink shimmer shades. •Palette Shadow: @Bhcosmetics / @carlibel Brown shade from the Carli Bybel palette. •Brushes: @morphebrushes. #ikhaniic – @hypnaughty.makeup @hypnaughtypower @makeupslaves @makeupforbarbies @bretmansvanity @makeup_clips @makeuptutorialsx0x @makegirlz @peachyqueenblog @shimycatsmua @maryhadalittleglam @beautymasterclass @wakeup2slay @thepeachyqueenblog @allmodernmakeup @fakeupfix @vegas_nay @brian_champagne @1minutemakeup @dailymakeup @beautyqueens4ever

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Fans of the MUA have been quick to share their enthusiasm for her designs, with one writing: "Oh my gosh. this is so sick. you are extremely talented WOW."


Just so everyone gets to know my face too, rather than only knowing what my eye/hand looks like. Products Used: •Eyes: @hudabeauty / @shophudabeauty #HudaBeautyRoseGoldPalette @morphebrushes Black Slate gel liner as eyeshadow base @covergirl "Lash Blast Volume" mascara (the orange one). – •Lashes: @kokolashes Lashes in "Fifth Ave" – •Highlighter: @anastasiabeverlyhills / @norvina Aurora GlowKit (my fave GlowKit) in "Luna" on cheeks & as inner corner highlight. – •Lips: @nyxcosmetics / @nyxcosmetics_canada Matte Lip Liner in "Soft Spoken" @tartecosmetics Tarteist Lip Paint in "Birthday Suit" – •Eyebrows: #anastasiabeverlyhills #norvina Pomade in "Chocolate" #abh clear brow gel to set.#tartecosmetics Shape Tape concealer in "Light Medium" to carve out brows. – •Brushes: @sigmabeauty – #makeuporn #beautygram #makeupgoals #rethinknatural #universodamaquiagem #morpheshadows #torontomua #morphexjaclynhill #hudabeauty #shophudabeauty #makeupclips #motd #thebeautybombb #nyxcosmetics #pakistani #makeupforbarbies #kokolashes #nyx #wakeupandmakeup #covergirlmade #allmodernmakeup #sigmabrushes #stepbystep #glamsquad #anastasiabrows

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Menal, keep 'em coming. 


The founder of Playboy magazine, Hugh Hefner, has died.

The 91-year-old, who began his publishing career in 1953, is understood to have passed away peacefully from natural causes.

Twitter has reacted to the news with tributes to the businessman and reality TV star in the wake of his sudden passing this week.

From Larry King to Kim Kardashian, Twitter is awash with messages remembering the man affectionately known as Hef.

Hugh is survived by his wife Crystal, four grown children, Christie, who served as CEO of Playboy Enterprise for more than 20 years, David, Marston and Cooper, who currently serves as Chief Creative Officer at the company.

Speaking of his father's impact on media, Cooper said: "My father lived an exceptional and impactful life as a media and cultural pioneer and a leading voice behind some of the most significant social and cultural movements of our time in advocating free speech, civil rights and sexual freedom."

"He defined a lifestyle and ethos that lie at the heart of the Playboy brand, one of the most recognizable and enduring in history."

Hugh Hefner died at the Playboy Mansion surrounded by his loved ones.



Calling a crazy cat ladies – something very exciting is on its way to Dublin.

If a room full of soft bean bags and feline friends sounds like your own personal idea of heaven, then oh boy, have we got news for you.

Our capital city will soon be home to its very own Cat Lounge – and they're looking for staff.

While an exact opening date is yet to be announced, it's rumoured the unique space, located in Smithfield, will open for business as soon as next month.

Unforunately visitors are not allowed bring their own furry friends, but not to worry – the lounge will be packed with plenty of happy cats living on site.

The Cat Lounge will operate on a book-online basis, but if you do fancy spending a whole lot of time here, the management are looking to hire full and part-time staff.

According to the job description, employees will be responsible for “welcoming guests, ensuring guests only stay for their allocated amount of time, maintaining the guest area, caring for cats and kittens in every aspect including cleaning litter trays, feeding, cuddling, playing, petting and keeping company.”

Sound like you? Click here to apply.
