
Yearly Archives: 2017

Yesterday evening, a man in a rented van drove down a cycle path in New York, killing eight people and injuring at least 11 others.

The incident, which has been described as the city's worst attack since 9/11, took place just a few streets away from the World Trade Centre memorial

Once the vehicle came to a stop, the man, a Uzbek immigrant named by authorities as Sayfullo Saipov, reportedly jumped out of the van holding two fake guns, shouting “Allahu Akbar.”

NYPD officers then shot the suspect in the stomach, and tranferred him to a nearby hospital where he remains in custody. 

It has since been confirmed that the man, who officers belive may have been living in New Jersey, was an Uber driver.

The transportation company say that he passed intital background checks and had been providing driving services for the past six months.

"We are horrified by this senseless act of violence," the company said in a statement.

"Our hearts are with the victims and their families. We have reached out to law enforcement to provide our assistance."

Speaking at a press conference last night, New York Mayor, Bill de Blasio described the event as “a horrible tragedy.”

“Let me be clear that based on the information we have at this moment – this was an act of terror.”

Political leaders across the globe have offered their condolences to all those affected by these horrific events.



If you, like us, have taken multiple candid (or posed) shots of your cleavage when your bosom looked particularly glorious, you might want to perform a little search on your iPhone.

Why? Well, because they can all be found in an album you likely didn't know existed called 'brassiere'.

So, according to Techspot, the issue came to the fore yesterday when Twitter users began speculating over whether Apple purposely saves cleavage shots in a folder within the photograph function.

And before we all panic, Techspot are here to tell the public that that is not the case, but that Apple simply uses image recognition AI which allows the phone to identify certain images, not exclusively brassiere-related ones.

In fact, image recognition AI allows the phone to search and identify more than 4,000 keywords within the photo function, and the search only registers on the local device as opposed to across the Apple servers.

So, put simply, it's not as creepy as it first sounded, but it is worth noting that you cannot turn the image recognition feature off.

BRB, gotta check out our slicker snaps…


Is there anything scarier than the Fear of Missing Out? According to research carried out by NOW TV, missing out on the year’s best gigs and festivals and not being up to speed with the most talked about TV shows are the moments most likely to infect us with FOMO.

In fact, the FOMO is so widespread in our country that more than 1 in 5 research respondents say they would binge watch an entire TV series over one weekend, just to ensure they were up to speed and could participate in watercooler conversations with colleagues and friends!


What's it all about though?

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The Fear is Calling You

Sunday night fear is no new phenomenon but for 1 in 5 adults in Ireland (21%, to be exact), it is the most petrifying point of the week. For others, seeing their boss’ number pop up on their phone gives them the chills (16%), while 18% live in fear of bumping into an ex while looking rough or make-up free.

Petrifying Posts

Social occasions, such as the bank holiday nights out, also strike fear into the hearts of the NOW TV survey respondents. Nearly a quarter (24%) claim that seeing pictures of a missed night out online will inflict dangerous levels of FOMO.

The terror of missing something online is real, with 50% claiming they check social media as soon as they wake up in the morning, nearly a third (30%) check it before they even get into work and only 3% have the patience to wait until evening. Fear avoidance is key for some with 22% saying they have blocked someone on social media to avoid a FOMO frenzy.

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Entertainment Envy

The NOW TV survey uncovers that entertainment envy is a major cause for Ireland’s FOMO. Missing a music festival or gig was cited (39%) as one of the most fear inducing occurrences among respondents. Music gigs cause more fear than sporting events, with Electric Picnic (28%) and Coldplay’s concert in Croke Park (24%) being highlighted as the nation’s biggest regrets last summer.

Not being up to date on the latest movies and TV shows accounts for a substantial amount of FOMO across the country. 18% say that not watching the TV series their friends or colleagues are raving about gives them a frightful amount of FOMO.Game of Thrones was the cause of most FOMO among respondents, half (50%) say they regret not tuning in to see Jon Snow and Co while it aired. When trying to counteract the fear only 13% say they would jump into a series halfway through, 44% admitted they couldn’t bear missing out on content and would binge watch the entire series.

Forget the FOMO this Halloween and catch up on all the best shows. There are plenty of bingeable box sets to sink your teeth into.

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Scared Singletons

It seems Ireland’s singletons suffer more from FOMO and fear when compared to their loved-up counterparts. Over half (55%) of single people admit that being around a friend with another half gives them FOMO fever. Those surveyed in a relationship are less likely to suffer from fear or FOMO. Almost three quarters (74%) say they don’t get envious when seeing their single pals going out on the town, most responding ‘I’m glad I’m passed that phase’. Those lucky in love prefer a night in watching TV with their other half (65%) over a night out on the tiles.

This free from FOMO group will be glad to know that while secure in their romantic relationships, they can have a no-strings relationship with their TV streaming service.

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Stream and Scream

Those looking for a scare over the weekend will have plenty of options with NOW TV’s incredible selection of frightening films and terrifying TV box sets. Movies like Halloween, The Witch, Psycho, Lights Out and What Lies Beneath to TV series including the new season of The Walking Dead, Westworld and The Strain, are amongst the eerie entertainment shows available on NOW TV with no contract necessary!

Michael Forry, Head of NOW TV, said: “NOW TV is the unique streaming service that lets you watch the best TV shows and movies on your terms and without a contract. Our offering is sure to counteract the fear epidemic sweeping over the nation and we invite the country to embrace Halloween this year and face the fear by not missing out on the brilliant TV shows on NOW TV.”


If it's not vaginal higlighter or  vaginal gitter, it's vaginal moisturising, and Canadian-based gynaecologist, Dr. Jen Gunter, has had enough.

In a blog post which was born of both professional and personal experience, Dr Gunter urges women to accept their vaginas – and most specifically, their smell – as they are.

Responding to a recent trend which sees women apply Vicks VapoRub to their genitals, Dr Gunter seeks to remind both women (and men) that the vagina does not require excessive cleaning, nor is the natural scent something to be gotten rid of.

"For what I am sure is the 100th time the vagina needs no cleaning and the vulva needs very little," Dr Gunter wrote. "I know the array of useless feminine washes and wipes at the drugstore and the drivel spouted by Gwyneth Paltrow via GOOP imply otherwise, but I’m the actual expert."

"If you think you have a medical condition, see a doctor. If your partner insinuates that an artificial smell is preferable to the smell of a normal vagina they are the one who has an issue."

"Telling women how they can be better is a classic way of tapping into body image issues and honestly in my personal opinion it is a form of abuse," she argued.

Dr Gunter then made the decision to move the focus from the professional to the personal by detailing her own issues with body image – insecurities born of a controlling ex-partner.

"I once dated a guy who insinuated my vagina did not smell right. He was an ass in other ways too, but I just didn’t see it until he impugned my vagina. For example, he though my hair would be better if it were straight. Sadly I took the bait, it wasn’t," she revealed.

"He thought I would look better if I dressed a certain way. Again I took the bait. I just felt worse."

"When it came around to telling me how my vagina could be better it finally clicked that this is a form of control that men often use. Fortunately I am an appropriately confident vagina expert and I had a light bulb moment and dumped his sorry ass," she finished.

So, there you have it ladies, Dr Gunter has spoken.



The number of Irish students turning to “sugar daddies” to pay their way through college has more than doubled in the past four years.

According to The Mirror, US website, SeekingArrangments.com says there are currently over 10,000 Irish students using the service.

The website works by matching young women with wealthy older men who are willing to reward a 'sugar baby' with gifts and/or money in an arrangement decided by the two parties.

Potential reasons for the increase include the rising costs of accommodation, as well as college fees and student expenses such as books, laptops and transport.

Vouge Williams recently shone a light on the concept of “sugar babies” in her TV documentary Vogue: For Love or Money?.

The model and DJ became emotional after hearing the story of a young girl who had entered an arrangement with one of her uncle's friends.

“I honestly feel upset after talking to her. She is a really young 19. She currently has a sugar daddy,” she said


The last episode of my series "For Love Or Money" airs tomorrow night at 10pm on @rte2

A post shared by voguewilliams (@voguewilliams) on

Adding: “She is a virgin so she hasn’t slept with anyone yet. She has told me she is really worried, she does not really want to sleep with a man over twice her age for the first time and ruin something special.”

Spokeswoman for the controversial website, Alexis Germany said: “We are not surprised by the increase in student sugar babies.

“Sugar dating is a way for students to get the money they need for school without dedicating precious study hours to low-paying part-time jobs.”


The number of stories emerging from Hollywood, which tell a distinctly different story to the glamorous one we've been fed for decades, appear to be increasing with every passing day.

With Harvey Weinstein and James Toback dominating the headlines for most of October, focus has now turned to Kevin Spacey and Andy Dick.

Indeed, the latter has just been fired from the set of upcoming movie, Raising Buchanan, due to allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct.

The actor and comic, who has appeared in Old School, Zoolander, and Funny People as well as TV shows including Arrested Development, 2 Broke Girls and Love, has spoken out since his dismissal.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, he said: "I don’t grope people anymore. I don’t expose myself anymore. I do understand that the temperature in the world right now is delicate."

According to The Washington Times, Dick has been accused of groping people’s genitals, unwanted kissing and licking and making sexual advances on at least four members of the production.

Dick has made a point of playing down the rumours, saying “I might have kissed somebody on the cheek to say goodbye and then licked them."

"That’s my thing," he added. "I licked Carrie Fisher at a roast. It’s me being funny. I’m not trying to sexually harass people."


Ed Sheeran is the latest big name to be added to a star-studded Celebrity Gogglebox special as part of Channel 4 and Cancer Research UK's Stand Up To Cancer campaign.

The flame-haired singer will appear alongside fellow musicians Example and Big Narstie as they give their expert commentary of the best of British television.


Me @bignarstie and @example are gonna be on Celebrity Gogglebox this friday night on Channel 4 for @standup2canceruk x

A post shared by Ed Sheeran (@teddysphotos) on

Speaking out about the announcement, Ed said: “I’m such a huge fan of Gogglebox so it’s going to be weirdly surreal to actually be part of it with two of my closest friends, but when it’s for an incredible cause like Stand Up To Cancer, how could we say no?”

The Shape of You singer joins an incredible line-up of well known faces including Liam Gallagher, Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne, and Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

The special episode will air this Friday, November 3 on Channel 4 at 9pm.

Meanwhile, the singer yesterday announced he will return to Asia next year after he was forced to cancel a number of gigs following a biking accident in London earlier this month.


It's been almost two months since TMZ broke the internet with claims that Kylie Jenner was pregnant with her first child, and with no confirmation from the Kardashian camp, fans have had to do a little detective work of their own.

Between supposed sightings of baby bumps and cryptic Instagram posts, the “is she, isn't she” debate doesn't look like it's going to end any time soon, and her latest Snapchat has fans more confused than ever.

The 20-year-old makeup mogul shared a photo of a home cooked meal along with the caption “full ass plate” – but it wasn't Kylie's food that got people talking.

Eagle-eyed Snapchat users spotted what looks like a glass of white wine in the top right corner of the photo, leading many to believe the star is not pregnant.

Some fans took to Twitter to share the revelation:

Meanwhile, fans have speculated that Kylie made an attempt to hide her 'baby bump' in another recent snap. 

Some suggest the star chose to purposefully cover her stomach in an over sized hoodie in a clip that showed her cuddling with her dogs, Norman and Bambi. 

Can we just get a confirmation already? The suspense is killing us. 



Minister for Consumer Affairs in Australia, Marlene Kairouz, has caused controversy among many after she made a broad sweeping statement about the integrity of Irish tradesmen across Australia.

Responding to a recent spate of crimes involving conmen Down Under, Marlene deemed it appropriate to make a wholly racist remark while discussing the issue at a press conference.

"If anybody knocks on your door that has an Irish accent, automatically ask them to leave," she warned the general public.

Unsurprisingly, Facebook users were outraged, and quick to condemn the Minister's remarks.

"Well Minister, I am an Irish Community Nurse who knocks on many doors every day to provide care for people of all nationalities in this beautiful country. Shame on you for your ignorance and sweeping statement," wrote one.

"What about all the Irish that come to Australia and work themselves to the bare bones? I've seen my boyfriend work 70 hour + weeks out here," added another. "Aussies have told us themselves that Irish are often hired because of their work ethics."

"This network should apologise to the Irish community and anyone with Irish friends and family for entertaining this type of blare faced racism. How is this different then saying don't open your door to any person of colour or ethnicity?" remarked another.

Think it's time to see yourself out, Marlene.


Earlier this year, it was reported that Peru has seen a whopping 26 per cent increase in complaints about gender violence between January and April 2017.

The massive surge prompted the country's Minister for Women and Vulnerable Populations,  Ana Maria Romero-Lozada, to call for a system reform so that gender crime reports could be properly dealt with.

“We don't want to send a lot of people to jail, but if someone must go, then he should go,” she said.

The growing issue has sparked a wave of feminist protests across the South American nation, and now, contestants of the Miss Peru beauty pageant have spoken out.

During a segment in which the women are usually required to announced their measurements (bust, waist, hip) to the audience, competitors instead used their moment on stage to share a number of facts and statistics about the country's gender violence problem.

One contestant said: “My name is Juana Acevedo and my measurements are: more than 70 per cent of women in our country are victims of street harassment.”

Another added: “My name is Luciana Fernández and I represent the city of Huánuco, and my measurements are: 13,000 girls suffer sexual abuse in our country.”

Event organisers also displayed a selection of newspaper clippings reporting on cases of murdered and assaulted women during the swimsuit section of the competition.

In the final segment, contestants were asked what laws they would change in order to prevent violent crimes against women.

You can check out the full show below: 


Rosie O'Donnell has come in for criticism after weighing in on the controversy surrounding Oscar-winner Kevin Spacey in recent days.

The 55-year-old actress and chat show panellist responded directly to Spacey's recent statement, where he claimed he has no recollection of an incident involving a then 14-year-old Anthony Rapp.

Dismissing Spacey's claims that he doesn't remember attempting to seduce the child star, Rosie wrote: "u don't remember the incident – 30 years ago? – f*ck u Kevin." (sic)

"Like Harvey we all knew about u – I hope more men come forward," she added. (sic)

While many of Rosie and Spacey's peers have been quick to condemn the latter in the last 24 hours, Rosie's contribution to the conversation has made her culpable in the eyes of many Twitter users.

"Why not say anything then if you knew or had heard stories? Very easy to call it out when it’s already out," responded one member of the public.

"You knew he was a paedophile & kept quiet? Good God," wrote another while someone else added: "Pretty sure that makes you complicit."

Rosie defended herself against the barrage of criticism by arguing it wasn't her responsibility to disclose the information.

 "Aint my secret – this is MEN IN POSITIONS OF POWER – from priests – to studio heads – fathers – teachers – it is the water we all swim in," she argued.



If you've ever found yourself narrowing your eyes at colleagues who pop out of the office once an hour for a quick ciggie break, this one's for you.

A marketing firm in Japan have tapped into this sense of workplace discontentment, and provided their non-smoking staff with six extra days of holidays a year to counteract the time taken by smoking staff.

As of September, Piala Inc have provided more than a working week's paid leave to non-smokers, due to the fact that the firm operates from the 29th floor of a Tokyo building meaning that each cigarette break costs the company at least 15 minutes in productivity.

Speaking to The Telegraph, Hirotaka Matsushima, a spokesman for the company, explained; "One of our non-smoking staff put a message in the company suggestion box earlier in the year saying that smoking breaks were causing problems."

"Our CEO saw the comment and agreed, so we are giving non-smokers some extra time off to compensate," he added.

In addition to restoring equilibrium among the company's non-smokers, the company's CEO, Takao Asuka, hopes that the introduction of paid leave will act as an incentive for smoking staff to quit.
