
Yearly Archives: 2017


Remember the last time your other half did something that wound you up?

If you addressed it, rectified it and moved on within the space of two minutes, then fair play, but Enya Martin's latest upload isn't going to strike a chord with you.

If, however, you threw a wobbler, insisted you weren't overreacting and then brought up something that happened about six weeks ago, this video is for you.

Uploaded to Enya's Giz a Laugh Facebook page this week, the skit taps into the random row we've all had with our other halves which escalated… and escalated… and escalated.

It's nice to know we're not alone..


If you're fascinated by serial killers and feel there's a criminologist in you only dying to get out, then chances are you're constantly on the hunt for documentaries and TV shows which delve into the darkest recesses of the human mind.

And that's where this new series comes in.

Ladies, David Fincher has returned to Netflix with MINDHUNTER, a rigorous study of the damaged psyches of serial killers and the innovative FBI Agents who attempt to understand and catch them.

So, what can you expect from the man who brought us Seven, Gone Girl and House of Cards?

MINDHUNTER follows ambitious FBI agent Holden Ford, played by Jonathan Groff, as he struggles to comprehend incarcerated killers, so that he might use this knowledge to catch others.

He’s teamed with experienced agent Bill Tench, played by Holt McCallany, in the Behavioural Science Unit and will work with his sometimes reluctant partner to find new methods of investigation.

Together they will meet some of America’s gravest killers – and face the cynicism and scorn of the tradition-bound hierarchy of the 1970s’ Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Ford will risk empathizing with ‘evil’ in order to save lives. But, as Tench says, when arguing the case for their work: “How do we get ahead of crazy if we don’t know how crazy thinks?”

All 10 episodes of MINDHUNTER became available to Netflix members worldwide as of yesterday, so if you didn't spend last night with your eyes glued to it, you know what to do tonight.



Following the discovery of Linda Christian's badly decomposed body in Coolmine in July, Gardai in Dublin have investigated hundreds of potential leads, and have today reissued an appeal to the public.

Speaking at a press conference today, Det Insp Des McTiernan reiterated his need for the public's assistance in the murder case.

"Today is about appealing to people anywhere and everywhere who might be in a position to give us some information regarding Linda on the 24th June and her movements therein,” he told a press conference.

 “This is still very much a live and open developing investigation, so I suppose we’re considering all options."

Leaflets pertaining to Linda's disappearance and subsequent murder, which are being distributed in the west Dublin area, are in both the English and Romanian language.

“We’re targeting everybody, but we’re also targeting in particular members of the Romanian community," Det Insp McTiernan added.

“She interacted with the Romanian community, we know that for a fact and I suppose that’s the main reason in case Romanians have information to offer."

According to The Irish Times, Det Insp McTiernan revealed that members of the force have travelled to Romania in order to interview the man last seen in the 29-year-old's company on the day she disappeared.

If you have any information relating to Linda's disappearance or subsequent murder, please contact Crimestoppers line on 1800 250025.


Some viewers know her as the witty and personable 'Scarlett off Gogglebox' while others know her as the fearless winner of I'm a Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here.

But what many of us don't know of is the internal dialogue Scarlett is forced to battle against on a daily basis in order to live a normal life.

Like many people who live with anxiety, 27-year-old Scarlett is able to identify the trigger which acted as a catalyst for her most recent episode.

Speaking to The Mirror, she said: "Recently my anxiety has been really bad, especially after seeing those acid attacks on the news."

"In In my head I was going to be an acid attack victim. It sounds bizarre, because the chances of that happening are so small, but that’s how my brain works."

Giving the public an insight into the lived experience of someone with anxiety, Scarlett explained what it felt like to endure a panic attack.

Recalling her first one which coincided with her foray into the world of television in 2014, she said: "I got to the front door and convinced myself something was going to go wrong."

"I had palpitations and I could feel the blood rushing round my body. It felt almost like I was having an out-of-body experience. Everything seemed to go silent."

Elaborating on these experiences, Scarlett, who was the victim of bullying as a child, explained the physiological implications.

"Sometimes I would pass out. I would know if that was happening because I would get tingly fingers, so I would lie down on the floor," she continued.

The reality TV star explained that her condition often meant she was unable to simply leave the house.

"It became a daily struggle. I would get to my front door, cry, then go back and try to pump myself up again. Sometimes I got out the door after nine or 10 goes. Sometimes I stayed inside all day."

We applaud Scarlett for being so vocal with regards her struggle.


While adding her voice to the current dialogue surrounding Harvey Weinstein, Heidi Klum asserted that the stories emerging from Hollywood at the moment are indicative of a wider problem.

Speaking to People, the German-born model said that the women speaking up against Weinstein represent a much larger number of women who have been mistreated in various industries internationally.

"This is one example of the more pervasive problem of the mistreatment of women around the world," she said when discussing the recent allegations.

"I think it would be hard to find a woman – myself included – who have not had an experience where they have felt intimidated or threatened by a man using his power, position or his physical stature."

Both Harvey Weinstein and his wife Georgina have professional ties with Heidi as the former co-produced Project Runway over the last number of years while the latter has appeared on the show.

Heidi paid tribute to the women who have spoken up against the Hollywood heavy-hitter, saying: "I truly admire these brave women who are coming forward to share their stories because change cannot come unless there is a dialogue and people are held accountable."

Harvey is currently seeking treatment in the States.


If there's one place guests are guaranteed to open up when appearing on British TV, it's Graham Norton's sofa.

And last night was no different.

Joining Colin Farrell, Nicole Kidman and Matt Lucas on set, Bryan Cranston regaled the audience and his fellow guests with a story so bombastic, even Colin Farrell appeared enthralled.

We don't want to spoil it for you, but it involves the glorious Bryan, his wife Robin, their honeymoon and one very awkward sexcapade.

Take a look at this….




If Friday night drinks have left you in an emotional state this morning, we would advise you against reading on because, frankly, you won't be able to handle it.

But for the rest of you, it's time to prepare yourselves for the saddest love story of all time, and it involves a penguin called Grape.

The lovely Grape found himself in some turmoil earlier this year when his enclosure played host to an attractive female penguin named Hululu.

The only problem was Hululu wasn't actually real; she was an anime character from the series Kemono Friends.

As part of a promotion, a cardboard cut-out of Hululu was placed in Grape's home, and according to zoo staff, Grape fell head over heels for her.

Having been rejected by another female penguin named Midori, whom Grape had been courting for ten years, the 21-year-old penguin turned his attention to Hululu.

Given his affection for her, zoo staff made the decision to keep Hululu and for much of this year, Grape has been standing beneath the cut-out with his wings outstretched and his beak pointing upwards – a classic courtship ritual in the penguin world.

And this, ladies, is where the story takes a sorrowful turn.

Poor Grape fell ill in recent weeks, and eventually passed away next to Hululu's cut-out.

Confirming Grape's passing, Tobu Zoo in Miyashiro, Japan wrote: "The Humboldt penguin Grape-kun passed away yesterday. Sincere thanks to everyone for supporting him until now.

"Thank you also to Hululu, who watched over him until the very end.And thank you, Grape-kun, for all this time.Rest peacefully in heaven."

Aaaaaand we're out.


According to emerging reports, the woman, who claimed she was raped by rap artist Nelly, has decided to drop her case.

The woman, who accused the singer of rape following a recent concert in Seattle, reportedly fears the system will fail her, and no longer wants to pursue charges.

Lawyer Karen Koehler, who is representing the woman, drafted a letter to investigators and news outlets in an effort to outline her client's decision.

Koehler says her client 'wishes she had not called 911 because she believes the system is going to fail her' and added that she 'never wanted notoriety' nor did she want 'a dime from that man'.

According to Fox News, the letter concluded with a reference to the obstacles faced by women when choosing to report sex crimes.

“One day, maybe our world will change and 30 women will not be needed to (eventually) speak out against a celebrity who has hurt them in order to be believed. But that day has not yet come.”

Nelly, who was arrested on suspicion of second-degree rape, denied the accusations, saying: "Let me say that I am beyond shocked that I have been targeted with this false allegation."

"I am completely innocent. I am confident that once the facts are looked at , it will be very clear that I am the victim of a false allegation."

The rapper was not charged at the time of his arrest.


As more and more actresses come forward to share their stories of harassment or assault at the hands of Harvey Weinstein, more and more actors are speaking out against the movie mogul.

But it looks like Weinstein's dark past is set to cast a long shadow as incidents involving the producer have ignited feelings of remorse and contrition among those who failed to at on information they were given.

One such bystander, for whom recent news has left him questioning his own response to industry misconduct, is British actor, Colin Firth.

In recent days, former actress, Sophie Dix, who starred with Colin in The Advocate, revealed she chose to leave the industry after an encounter with Weinstein left her traumatised.

After being forced onto a hotel bed by Weinstein in 1990, Sophie explained that she managed to break free and hide in the en suite only to find Weinstein masturbating upon her decision to re-enter the bedroom.

Colin Firth has this week revealed that his former co-star told him of the incident, but he failed to act on it.

Releasing a statement to The Guardian on the subject, Colin said: I am extremely pleased that Sophie is speaking out after so many years. I ran into her at a party some time after filming Hour of the Pig – around 25 years ago. She told me she had had a distressing encounter with Harvey Weinstein."

"I don’t think she went into all the horrific detail I’ve read in her interview. But I remember her being profoundly upset by it. To my shame, I merely expressed sympathy. I didn’t act on what she told me."

"It was a long time ago and I don’t know if she remembers telling me, but the fact that I had that conversation has come back to haunt me in the light of these revelations. It’s the only direct account of this kind of behaviour by Harvey Weinstein that’s ever been told to me."

"What I heard, it turns out, was part of a horrifying pattern. Other women have been hurt since. And those of us who didn’t act on our one bit of knowledge – and especially those of us who went on to work with Weinstein – have that on our conscience.  I admire Sophie’s courage. This can’t have been easy.”

Responding to Colin's statement, Sophie expressed gratitude, saying: "I am delighted Colin has spoken and I remember him being very supportive at the time."

"It’s never easy speaking out but I wanted to help resolve this problem and show that women cannot be treated like this in the workplace.”

Colin starred in The King's Speech  which was backed by Miramax – the company founded by the Weinstein brothers.



Protests are due to take place in Dublin today as former Victory Outreach building is unveiled as the new European hub for Scientology.

According to a number of reports, the building in Firhouse was purchased by the organisation for €6 million, and is set to be used as a headquarters for members to meet and study the religion's teachings.

Currently, the organisation boasts two small hubs in the Irish capital, but its latest purchase allows for a much larger crowd capacity.

With the public anticipating the arrival of Scientology leader, David Miscavige, ex-members are reportedly planning to gather at the organisation's new location to protest.

It is understood that current Scientology members have been making an effort to ingratiate themselves into the community while former members are distributing literature in the same area which highlights their grievances with the teachings of the 'church'.

While the recent census suggests that Scientologists in Ireland number less than 100, reports claim that the organisation intends to welcome hundreds of new recruits in the coming weeks.

The protest is set to begin at 2.30 this afternoon.



Gardaí in the capital are appealing for the assistance of the public following a shooting last night.

The incident took place in Darndale, an area in north Dublin, at approximately 10pm, and authorities arrived on scene shortly after.

According to reports, an 18-year-old man sustained a gunshot wound to the leg and was subsequently rushed to Beaumont Hospital.

It is believed the man's injury is not life-threatening.

Enquiries into the case are currently ongoing and Gardaí have confirmed they have yet to make any arrests.

If you have any information pertianing to last night's shooting, you are urged to contact Gardaí on 01-6664200 or the Garda Confidential Line on 1800-666-111.


If you're recently engaged and up to your waist in wedding preparation, you'll know that the process can be a stressful one.

While it's undoubtedly an exciting (and romantic) time, it's also pretty overwhelming, right?

From being given too many details to being provided with too few, searching for the perfect spot to celebrate your wedding is far from easy.

With this in mind, The 5 star g Hotel & Spa in Galway want to make the process as stress-free as possible, and are inviting engaged couples to view the beautifully unique hotel as a potential wedding venue.

Understanding the need for advance planning and conscious of couples living outside of Galway, the g Hotel has set a number of dates for their wedding showcases between now and January 2018. 

If you're keen to choose a venue, set a date, and get the show on the road, now is the time to do it!

Take your pick of the following…

●        Saturday 21st October 2017

●        Saturday 18th November 2017

●        Saturday 30th December 2017

●        Saturday 27th January 2018

Offering stunning style and superb service, the luxurious g Hotel has 101 spacious rooms and suites for wedding couples and their guests. 

Oh, and as the hotel captures the essence of vibrant Galway and is located near the picturesque Claddagh, this enchanted space is the perfect place to say ‘I do’.

Ladies, sounds like it's time to take a look….
