
Yearly Archives: 2017

It seems that with every passing day, a brighter light is being shone on the degrading situations women in the entertainment industry are faced with while simply doing their jobs.

From the women, who have come forward against Harvey Weinstein, to Blake Lively's admission that a make-up artist filmed her without her permission while she slept, countless stories are emerging which speak volumes of the power imbalance in the entertainment industry.

Yesterday, footage from 2005 was unearthed which saw Emma Bunton fend off degrading questions posed by Howard Stern and his co-host, Robin Quivers.

While appearing on Howard's radio show, the former Spice Girl was questioned about her virginity, her puberty and the arrival of her first period.

While clearly attempting to keep the mood light, Emma sidestepped a lot of the questions before outwardly insisting she wasn't going to answer some of them.

"I don't care, I'm not telling you about that. Absolutely not. I am being honest but I don’t want to tell you that," she responded when Howard asked her when she got her period.

The footage has caused outrage on social media, with one person sharing the video and writing: "Should watch this Emma Bunton/Howard Stern clip. Entertainment industry allows men w/power (like Harvey Weinstein) to treat woman like meat."

Nicola Roberts of Girls Aloud fame also shared the video and expressed her disgust for the way in which a then 29-year-old Emma was treated while appearing as a guest on the show.

"This old tape is disgusting. Poor Emma. Don't let anyone ever subject you like this, you're well within your rights to tell him to GFH," Nicola wrote.


Sure look, dating is an absolute minefield.

Let's be honest here, there are few among us who don't have at least one 'First Date' horror story; a tale of such woe our friends have forced us time and time again to regale them with it.

Nevermind that the mere memory of the encounter leaves us clammy-handed and vaguely distressed, other people's dating stories are fair game.

They're awkward, they're agonising, and they're also hugely entertaining… as long as you didn't have to endure them.

And that, ladies,  is why we'll be featuring weekly instalments from Swipe Right – a blog about the ups and downs of dating in Dublin and London. 

Last week our gal comes face to face with a guy who might be too good to be true, and now it's time for them to arrange the infamous third date.

The morning after our second date, I awoke to my phone buzzing with messages. 8.39am and he has sent me six texts.

Good morning, gorgeous.”

“How you feeling?”

“I had so much fun last night”

“Really keen to see you again soon.”

“when can I see you next ?”

“Hope I didn’t wake you.”

Too late buddy. You did.

Jeez man, ever heard of playing it cool? I mean it was nice to have a guy so interested in me, but my whole 'wanting to take things slow' meant I was adverse to this blatant show of affection.

He had a whiff of wife-shopper off him.

I had said in a previous post how I would explain what the key components of a wife shopper are.

So, here goes: a Wife Shopper is a man who can be found on most active dating sites. He is usually aged 32-40.

All his friends have recently settled down and have gotten married/had babies. His Friday night down the pub group has dwindled from eight to just two, him and the one other being the lad, who everyone thinks might have a bit of a problem with the drink.

He has decided that he absolutely must meet a girl who he can marry ASAP just so he can have something in common with all his married mates who seem to now do lots of things with his other couple friends.

He is so intent on marrying he has thrown all his normal dating criteria out the window. He doesn’t really care what she does, where she lives, what she’s interested in. He just wants to bag her so he can get her down the aisle.

He often succeeds cause let’s face it the majority of women on dating sites are husband shopping too. These types of unions rarely end well, he cheats and she gets fat and miserable. But hey they’re married! Yay!

Anyway, I looked at his messages and decided to turn off my phone, roll over and go back to sleep.

When I awoke a couple of hours later, I turned on my phone and had two missed calls and four more messages from him.

“You ok?”

“Sorry if I woke you.”

Half an hour later…

“I’m off to my Mums, she does a mean Sunday roast”

“Let me know when you are free next week I’ve a few ideas for our next date."

Ugh gosh, I realised I actually had a crazy week ahead. Work events almost every night and my friend was visiting from Dublin at the weekend. The only day I was free was the very next day which was a Monday and I was loathe to go out on a date on a Monday night. He’d have to wait till next week.

“Um… Hi!! Sorry I was actually sleeping late this morning so hope you didn’t think I was being rude by not replyinG. I had a lovely night last night too. Thanks for organising it all!” I texted

He replied within seconds.

“Ah you’re awake ! No worries I saw from WhatsApp you hadn’t read my messages yet! Dreaming of me, I hope ha ha ha”

Yikes. Awkward.

“Oh ha ha ha gosh don’t even know what I was dreaming of,” I replied lamely

“So, did you see my messages about our next date?” he typed eagerly

“Oh yep I did, so ….I actually have a mental week this week. I don’t think I’ll be free till next week.”

“Whaaaattt? Really? Oh no that’s a shame, I was really keen to see you.”

Yeah no shit, Sherlock.

“Oh I know, sorry it’s just I literally only have Monday night free this week there’s just loads on,”

“Ok great, well let’s do something tomorrow then. Maybe the cinema?” he asked hopefully.

“Oh oooh I dunno I kinda just want to keep tomorrow free seeing as I’m going to be out all week.”

“I thought we had a good night last night. Is this a brush off?” he said

“Gosh no man, not at all. I had a great night too, I actually am just geniuinely busy, I am looking forward to seeing you again too I swear.”

“Ok great, great. If you’re sure. I’ll just have to be patient and wait to see you again next week.” he relented

“We’ll defo meet up I’ll let you know when  I’m free ASAP”, I assured him. “Enjoy lunch in your mums, I’ll talk to you later”

“Ok great thanks, have a great day too.”

Later that evening my phone buzzed again.

“Hey gorgeous, how’s you?”

Ugh for Gods sake, I thought, pressing pause on my stream of Breaking Bad.

“Hiiii” I attempted,

“What you up to?”

“Oh just chillin, watching Breaking Bad” I said hoping  he’d get the hint.

“Great! Sooo I’ve just finished lunch in my mums and wondered if you fancied a drink now?”

I looked down at my house hoodie and pyjama bottoms which I had been wearing all day. There wasn’t a hope in hell of me going anywhere.

“Oh haha thanks, but not a chance of me moving tonight,” I warned.

“Ah fair enough, I just thought I’d chance my arm. Some mates of mine are out in Covent Garden they are trying to get me to come in.”

“Oh cool, you defo should”, I said hoping to wrap this up so I could get back to Walt and Jessie.

“Yeah I rarely get to see them all much lately but I’m a bit tired so not sure really.”

“Ah well if you don’t get to see them you should defo go in.”

“Really? You really think I should?”

“Eh.. Yeah sure… YOLO and all that, Go have a few drinks and enjoy yourself.”

“Wow” he said “that’s really good advice coming from a PG.”

Hmmm PG? What’s a PG? Parent Guardian was the only PG I knew!

“PG?” I typed “What’s a PG?”

“Potential Girlfriend."

Oh good God. I think I just did a little bit of sick in my mouth. He did not just say that. He did not just call me his potential girlfriend after two dates.

“Ummmmm, huh?” Sorry, but I wasn’t even going to pretend this was OK..

“Maybe I shouldn’t have said potential,” he said

Oh God, this is getting worse.

“Eh no no, the potential is fine, it’s the G word I have a problem with,” I said

“Oh sorry, it was just an expression, I just really like you and think it’s great you are encouraging me to meet my mates. My ex would never have done that.” he pleaded.

“Right, yeah ok, but maybe just leave the G  word out of it for a wee while. I’m just out of a relationship as I mentioned last night so I just don’t want to be rushing into anything serious, hope that’s ok?” I explained

”Yeah of course of course, sorry I didn’t mean to freak you there, it was just an expression.”

“Cool no worries, anyway look enjoy yourself with your mates. I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” I said, hastily cutting him off.

He may have pulled a top 10 date outta the bag last night, but the way he’s acting now I’m half expecting to find a bunny boiling on my cooker top.

The next morning he sent me another message.

“Hey, took your advice last night and went out with the lads. Worse for wear now."

“Ha oh God, poor you.”

“Hey listen sorry if I came on too strong last night, I think I might have had one two many glasses of wine with my Sunday roast. I know you are wanting to take things slow and I totally respect that”

'Awww ok well that’s fair enough.' I thought. If his biggest crime was that he liked me a tad too much then I needed to give him a break.

Turns out when I told all my workmates about his PG comment his biggest crime was most definitely calling me a Potential Girlfriend. Some of them actually gasped and took steps backward when I told them.

Not even the champagne and oysters of the date could override this obvious faux pas.

But I had already promised a third date.


To be continued….

If you want to learn more about Ariana's dating exploits, be sure to keep up to date on Swipe Right's Facebook page.


Following the allegations levelled at Harvey Weinstein in recent days, more and more men and women within Hollywood have come forward with their own experiences of sexual harassment and molestation, and Blake Lively is the latest in a brave list.

Speaking to The Los Angeles Times, the actress reveals she fell victim to harassment at the hands of a make-up artist whose conduct ultimately resulted in his dismissal.

After explaining that he said 'inappropriate things' to her and insisted on applying Blake's lipstick with his fingers, the 30-year-old actress said the situation intensified even further in the days that followed.

“I was sleeping one night on location and I woke up and he was filming me,” she revealed, “I was clothed, but it was a very voyeuristic, terrifying thing to do.”

Despite approaching the production team with her concerns and openly communicating her discomfort, no action was taken against the make-up artist until Blake took her sexual harassment complains to an attorney.

Following an investigation, the make-up artist was removed from the project, but not before being given a good reference by the production team.

"Our unit production manager wrote him a letter of recommendation because nobody wanted there to be bad blood," Blake explained.

It's understood that the make-up artist is still an active member of the industry.



The woman instrumental in exposing Hollywood's violent and misogynistic underbelly was banned from Twitter this week.

Rose McGowan, who used her Twitter account to contribute to the current narrative surrounding sexual violence in the movie industry, had it suspended in a move which has disgusted millions of women.

In support of the 44-year-old actress, women are encouraging one another to boycott the social media platform in response to Rose's suspension.

Taking to Instagram, Rose updated her followers, writing: "Twitter has suspended me. There are powerful forces at work. Be my voice".

While the actress has since been allowed to return to Twitter, that hasn't stopped high-profile figures from insisting they will not contribute to the platform today,

"Tomorrow (Friday the 13th) will be the first day in over 10 years that I won’t tweet. Join me," wrote Alyssa Milano, Rose's former co-star, in the wake of the controversy.

"Tomorrow. And maybe even forever. #WomenBoycottTwitter," added Chrissy Teigen. "No secret timeline checking, no tweets, no clicking the bluebird square. They need to see we matter."

"I'm boycotting for many reasons. To stand with the victims of sexual assault, online threats and abuse. And to boycott the fact our demented, pussy grabbing president can tweet nuclear threats of war I can't even see."

Will you be doing the same?


When it comes to gin and tonic, we can't get enough of the damn stuff.

And the more variations of it that are produced, the better.

So, when we heard Fortnum & Mason had launched gin and tonic tea bags, we thoughts all our mid-morning breaks had come at once.

But before you begin thinking your tea break will leave you with a raging hangover, let us fill you in.

The predominant ingredient in Tea for Tonic is green tea, but the luxury retailer has piqued the senses of G&T aficionados by also including a mixture of juniper berries, coriander, fennel, lemon balm and dried cucumber and lime

If you want to 'enjoy a G&T without the consequences' as the retailer perfectly puts it, you can order your box of 15 teabags right here.

And ladies if they're sold out by the time you get around to ordering them, you'll know who to blame.

(That'd be us.)


Ladies, if you’re hoping to celebrate Halloween in style this year, look no further than Ireland’s favourite theme park and zoo – Tayto Park.

The Co. Meath attraction is excited to announce two brand new attractions for Halloween – Morbid Manor for teens and adults and Ghost Hunters for the kids.

And we are buzzing.

If you're on the tamer side you may want to stick with the young'ins, who will be immersing themselves in Ghost Hunters, which is an interactive children’s adventure where guests will become ghost hunters and can enter an old abandoned manor to discover the strange happenings inside.

And when the sun goes down? Well. that's when the freaks come out to play.

Dark comes over Tayto Park and an eerie atmosphere comes over the carnival rides. Guests should beware of the creeps, ghouls and clowns roaming outside in Tayto Park after night fall.

By night, the spooky abandoned mansion is transformed into Morbid Manor, the ultimate immersive horror experience with 13 actors in full costume.

Willing guests will pass through various rooms and secret passageways and meet the inhabitants of the haunted manor, both dead and alive.

Guests can then catch a night ride on The Cú Chulainn Coaster, Air Racer, Rotator, Windstar & Endeavour before experiencing the terrifying 5D horror movie, Fun House Express.

For more information, you can find all the details here!


Game of Thrones star, Jason Momoa, has issued an apology after footage emerged which showed him making light of sexual violence.

The actor was appearing at a Comic-Con panel in 2011 when he discussed the character of Khal Drogo, and the arc of his storyline in the HBO show.

In a move which led many of his fellow panellists to balk, the 38-year-old made a flippant remark about raping women.

"As far as sci-fi and fantasy, I love that there's so many things you can do, like rip someone's tongue out of their throat and get away with it and rape beautiful women," he said.

The emergence of the footage has left social media users disgusted – something which Jason addressed in an Instagram post yesterday.

"I awoke in Australia to the justified reactions by many people to a distasteful joke I made years ago in Hall H for which I am sorry," he began.



A post shared by Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) on

"I am still severely disappointed in myself at the insensitivity of my remarks that day. I know the sincerest apology now won't take away those hurtful remarks."

Adding to this, he wrote: "Rape and sexual harassment can reach anyone and I have seen first hand its painful torment among members of my own family and friends."

"I made a truly tasteless comment. It is unacceptable and I sincerely apologise with a heavy heart for the words that I said."

The footage emerged as Hollywood shines a light on the industry's abhorrent treatment of women.


Ladies, if you’re a Bryan Adams fan, your Friday is about to get a whole lot more exciting.

The multi-million selling recording artist is back and will embark on a UK & Ireland arena tour next summer.

Dublin fans will be getting their fix when he takes to the stage at the 3Arena on May 21.

The tour comes in support of his new album Ultimate, which is out Friday November 3 and features two brand new tracks plus all the hits.

So if you want a chance to see the Canadian star in person, you'll need to bring your A-game next Friday morning.

Tickets go on sale at 9am and they'll set you back €60.50.

Ladies, we'll see you there.


An Italian librarian has won the right to use her family sick pay to look after her dog who is recovering from cancer.

The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, argued that her dog is her family, and therefore deserved to be paid for the days she couldn't work.

She adopted 12-year-old Cucciola, after finding her abandoned in a park in Rome.

According to La Pressa, Italy's strict animal protection laws, which state it is a crime to leave an animal in 'grave suffering', allowed the woman's lawyers to build a case against her employer.

Italian animal advocacy group, LAV, cited the case as precedent and say that any pet-owners who obtain a veterinarian's certificate should be able to enjoy the same benefits.

Cucciola is said to be recovering well with her owner by her side.


An episode of Carpool Karaoke featuring Chester Bennington has been released in memory of the late singer.

Linkin Park had filmed the episode with actor Ken Jeong, just six days before Chester took his own life in July of this year.

The band published the clip on its Facebook page today along with the message: “With the blessing of Chester's family and his bandmates, we share this episode, and dedicate it to the memory of Chester.”

With Chester in the driving seat, the band (and Ken) can been seen laughing and joking in between joyous renditions of some of Linkin Park's greatest hits as well as covers of Outkast’s Hey YaUnder The Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lynyrd Skynyrd’s Sweet Home Alabama and Aerosmith’s I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing.

The episode's release comes after the show's creator, James Corden, said Chester's family would make the final decision as to whether or not it would go to air.

“We will approach it in whichever manner his family or the people that were involved in that episode, however they would like it to be handled.”

Check out the full clip below:


Old Taylor might be dead, but new Taylor is very much alive – and she has the app to prove it.

In her latest attempt at world domination, the 27-year-old singer has announced that she is launching her very own social media app called The Swift Life, which promises to offer fans a host of exclusive content including photos, videos and music, as well as a selection of Taymojis (Taylor-themed emojis to me and you).

The app is described as “a creative, inclusive and community-driven place for users to better connect with each other… and Taylor”.

The Look What You Made Me Do singer revealed the news in a 30-second YouTube clip yesterday, in which she told fans she had “something pretty awesome” she wanted to share.

“I think you guys are really gonna like this. I mean, I hope. It would be preferable if you did.”

Needless to say, fans were pretty excited about the news:

While no official release date has been set, fans have been told they can expect The Swift Life to hit app stores sometime in late 2017. 


US TV anchor, Lauren Sivan, one of the first stars to come forward in the Harvey Weinstein scandal, has said he should be prosecuted.

The call comes after a number of stars made allegations against the Hollywood producer, accusing him of sexual harassment.

Lauren claims that during a 'tour' of his restaurant, Weinstein cornered her in an empty kitchen before performing a sex act on himself and forcing her to watch.

The anchor, who was 29-years-old at the time of the alleged incident, says she remained silent for ten years because she was afraid the claims could ruin her career.

However, after actresses Rose McGowan and Ashley Judd came forward with similar accusation, Lauren felt it was finally time to speak up.

Speaking on Good Morning Britain, Lauren called for for Harvey to be jailed:

“Here in America if someone committed the same act on a subway, they would be in jail, if I could prove it,” she said.

“If they are in fact true then I believe he should be prosecuted. This was illegal, it was criminal what he did. His excuse that this was just 60s and 70s office culture is just absurd and, frankly, offensive.”

She went on to explain why she kept her story out of the public eye for such a long time:

“When it first happened, I never really wanted to go public with it, I didn’t want it to be on my obituary. In a heartbeat he could shut me down quite quickly. I didn’t have any physical evidence and it was my word against his and he would have had an army of lawyers.”

Adding: “The reason I came out was not because I felt brave and strong enough. It was because those actresses, Ashley and Rose, who told these stories so bravely.”

Laurnen finished off by saying how she hopes these stories will help other women who may have experienced similar situations, and encouraged them to speak up.

“There are more coming out every day and there are those that will never come out. I don’t think we should blame victims for taking their time to talk about it. We should blame the people that were enabling this man, who were bringing women up to his hotel room.”

“There must be someone to speak out who wasn’t a victim but who could have done something to prevent this predator.”
