3 easy crème brulee recipes to celebrate National Crème Brulee Day
Crème brulee lovers rejoice as today, July 27, is National Crème Brulee Day, meaning you have no excuse not to eat the delicious dessert. There’s no better way to beat that midweek slump than creating a yummy treat for after your dinner (or before, we don’t judge around here!) A beautiful mixture of creamy custard and caramelised sugar, who could resist such a lovely sweet treat?
We have a fun fact for the day that’s in it, did you know that crème brulee translates from French to ‘burnt cream’? It also goes by the names Crema Catalana and Trinity Burnt Cream, as France, England and Spain have all claimed to have created the decadent treat.
We’ve listed our top 3 favourite recipes for the custardy dessert below for you to enjoy. Now crack out the eggs and cream because you have some tasty crème brulee to make!
The classic way of making this tasty dessert, with a summery, fruity topping.
A twist on the original delectable dessert, with a splash of Irish cream.
Proving just how versatile the dessert can be, you can turn it into a divine tart.