I’m frozen! 30 things people who are always cold will relate to
You know who you are… that one person in every family or friend group that cannot stand the cold and who is miserable until at least May every year. From one cold creature to another, here are 30 things only members of the forever frosty club will understand.
1. You can't feel your feet 90% of the time
2. You wear tights under your trousers for half the year
3. Your legs and arms haven't seen sunlight for years
4. You wear a vest even though you are over 10-years-old
5. Fluffy socks are your only socks
6. You have several dressing gowns to choose from
7. Your hot water bottle is literally your best friend
8. Your cold hands are the first thing people notice about you
9. Your granny has never commented on your appearance… except to tell you you look sick
10. Your go-to outfits would be appropriate for a ski-holiday
11. Seeing bare ankles makes you shiver
12. The sight of a stove when you walk into a house can change your mood immediately
13. Everyone else is in t-shirts and you are dressed for the Arctic
14. You'd rather die than go for a walk in Winter
15. You won't buy an outfit if it doesn't go with your winter boots
16. You will happily sacrifice looking good to be warm
17. You were beyond happy when turtle necks came back into fashion
18. You notice yourself subconsciously gravitating towards any open fire
19. You type 'fleece lining' into the search box when you're shopping online
20. You have researched various feminist theories about 'room temperature' being a product of the patriarchy
21. You realise you naturally face the sun when you're outside…Like a plant
22. You hear yourself bragging about the number of layers you managed to fit on
23. You wouldn't willingly submerge yourself in any ocean but the med without a wetsuit
25. Old photos from the 10s of you and your friends going to the disco show 50 pairs of bare legs and one set of covered legs
26. The person who uses the shower after you complains about being scalded
28. You realise you've drunk an average of 6 cups of tea each day this winter
29. People think your the 'hugging type' but really, you give cuddles to get heat
30. Your feet have been referred to as icicles by everyone who has ever been in a bed with you