30 years on: Dublin sisters seek justice for their murdered mother
It’s been 30 years since a young mother-of-two went missing following a night out in Dublin city centre, and as the anniversary of her death approaches, her two daughters are taking the opportunity to appeal to the public for information.
Antoinette Smith spent July 11 1987 at a David Bowie concert at Slane Castle before deciding to continue the festivities with a visit to La Mirage nightclub on Dublin’s Parnell Street later that night.
At approximately 02.15, the 27-year-old left the nightclub and wasn’t seen again.
She was considered a missing person until her remains were found on Glendoo Mountain almost a year after her disappearance.
Three decades on and the person or persons responsible for Antoinette's death have not been brought to justice – something which understandably weighs heavily on the mind of the two children she left behind.
Now 37 and 34, Lisa and Rachel admit that their mother’s brutal passing has cast a long shadow, but they remain hopeful that their appearance on tonight’s Crimecall will go some way towards solving the case.
“We had a stolen childhood, but, it’s like they’ve stolen some of our adulthood as well because for us it doesn’t go away,” Lisa said.
“I’d be lying if I said we didn’t struggle. We do. Everyday. Because it’s always there, it doesn’t go away. Because the person that did it is still out there."
"I’m 37 now and it’s like I’ve lived my life without her. It’s crazy to think I’ve had a lifetime without my Mam. It’s heartbreaking to think that two young kids who are now adults they still have no sense of closure. To me closure is catching the person,” she continued.
“It would mean a great deal to us because it would mean we can actually put her to rest, she can rest in peace. And it means we can move on,” Rachel added.
Gardaí are appealing directly to those who may know what happened to Antoinette. For further information on the case, tune into tonight’s Crimecall on RTÉ One at 9.35pm.