35 fun & thrifty things to do this weekend if you’re broke
We all have those weekends – we’re a week away from pay day, we’ve partied a lot this last month (blame Christmas and New Year) and we just can’t justify another weekend on the town this time.
Fear not! You weekend doesn’t have to be spent in solitude with no fun or friends. There are plenty of activities and creative things for you and your crew to get up to this weekend that won’t cost a penny – or at least, shouldn’t cost more than €10! Have a browse below, pick out a few activities and enjoy your thrifty weekend!
Pot luck dinner party
Visit free local tourist sites
Go for a hike
De-clutter your home
Camp with friends in the backyard
Go for a picnic
Host a book club
Have a board game/cards night
Have a movie night
Bake something new and challenging
Visit free galleries in your area
Volunteer somewhere
Visit the library
Have a beach day
Have an at-home spa day
Go for a bike ride
Go through your to-do list
Do some painting, collaging or some sort of art project
Have a photo shoot with friends
Clean your car
Meal plan for the week
Go for a run
Do some yoga
Visit a thrift store
Walk your dog – or a friend’s dog!
Re-arrange a room in your house
Learn a new skill
Search for free local events
Have a sleepover
Call a friend you haven’t caught up with in a while
Organise your photos on your phone and computer
Back up your files
DIY or upcycle some furniture
Plan your next trip