40 things you can do to tackle the Sunday scaries
Do Sundays ever leave you feeling really…stuck?
Nothing in particular is wrong, but you just don’t seem to be able to motivate yourself, you can’t seem to move from the couch or tackle that pile of laundry or your super full email inbox. You’ll do anything to avoid it. Your messy room, dust-covered yoga mat, the books you always say you’ll get around to but never do – The Sunday scaries remain looming over you.
It happens to the best of us. Procrastination due to weekend-ending anxiety is a slippery slope to feeling blocked and incapable. We blow the fear of the next week up in our mind until it’s far bigger than it actually is and it seems like we’ll never make it through Monday.
It can feel like there’s little to do but sit and overthink it out when we find ourselves in this rut, but sometimes the best thing for the Sunday scaries is juts to push through! Productivity and organising yourself for the week ahead on a Sunday can make the day feel successful rather than wasted and leave you in a great position come Monday morning! Here’s a few things you can do to tackle that fear and get back on track:
Write out a to do list
Schedule to prioritise important tasks
Go grocery shopping
Do laundry
Get an early night
Set up a morning routine
Meal plan
Change your bed sheets
Get some fresh air
Do some yoga
Declutter your room and wardrobe
Clear out your inbox
Do a little pampering
Plan outfits for the week
Back up your files
Clean your makeup brushes
Listen to a podcast
Clear out your phone
Clean out the fridge
Update your LinkedIn profile or CV
Bake something
Look after your plants
Throw out expired makeup
Clean out your car
Unfollow negative accounts
Call some long-distance friends
Create a reading list
Plan your next holiday
Watch a documentary or listen to a podcast on something you’re interested
Catch up on household chores
Try a new recipe
Do something creative
Make a new running or workout playlist
Make a list of some long-term goals
Practice positivity
Read a book that’s been on your shelf too long
Write down something you need to get off your chest
Catch up with family