48 McNuggets in a bucket and Big Mac sushi: McDonald’s has peaked!
Ah McDonalds, a fine institution of all things fine dining.
Ok fine, the fast food chain are not exactly serving caviar, but really it’s only going to be a matter time.
After introducing 48-piece McNugget meals to the menu in Japan (we’re not even kidding), we feel like it is just a matter of time before that gourmet menu loses the run of itself altogether.
It seems like sushi fanatics are already pushing for an interesting twist on some McDonald’s staples.
In a YouTube video, the Miami-based sushi chef Hiroyuki Terada creates futomaki using a McDonald's Big Mac. The concept is absolutely ridiculous, but we'd be lying if we said we didn't want to try it.
Thank you America, you have given us yet another reason to head to the golden arch.
First, Hiroyuki cuts each bun in half horizontally to make them thin enough to form a replacement for the seaweed that typically holds everything together in a sushi roll. He then presses them together to form a thin sheet of bread.
After carefully arranging all of the Big Mac ingredients, plus some avocado, tomato, fresh herbs, spicy mayo and, of course, the iconic skinny cut chips, he rolls up his creation, unveiling a tightly curled Big Mac sushi roll.
Then he cuts them into bite-size portions and arranges them on a plate in such a fashion that we can practically hear the Instagram likes rapidly accumulating.
So, to recap: Americans are making Big Mac sushi and Japanese nugget fans are living the dream of 48 piece McNugget buckets, meanwhile we are sitting over here dreaming of the day the all-day breakfast menu reaches our shores.
To be fair, the 48 piece deal is for a limited time only, but at least Japanese fans get the opportunity to experience the McNugget bucket.