5 tips for keeping your place clean & tidy
As a result of our ongoing global pandemic, more people are spending increasing amounts of time in their homes. Naturally, this causes more messes to accumulate. We all know that cleaning can be a bit of a headache, especially if you let those chores build up. Enlisting the services of a professional cleaner from a home cleaning service such as MaidThis is an excellent option for those that are short on time and willing to pay for a job to be done well.
However, if you don't have the spare funds to pay to get your home cleaned, there are a few tips you can incorporate into your daily routine to ensure your home stays in tip-top condition:
Always Make Your Bed
Making your bed is the best way to get your day off to a good start. Make life easier by using a duvet with a removable cover that you can launder each week, rather than using flat sheets, which can take a while to tuck in.
Clean Up As You Cook
A messy kitchen is much more than an eyesore; it's a health hazard. Dirty surfaces attract pests, which can contaminate utensils and food. Always clean up after yourself or at least load the dishwasher. It is also important to wipe down all the counters as you go along.
Wipe Down the Sinks
When it comes to your bathroom, seemingly small things such as toothpaste splatter and stray hairs can make a space look dirty. It is a good idea to give everything a wipe down often, and clean up any errant spills as and when they happen. Get into the habit of wiping down the sinks and faucets when used.
Make Recycling a Habit
Paper items can quickly accumulate in your home, whether it’s bills, advertisements, catalogues, or flyers that come in the mail. Before the stack gets too overwhelming, deal with it by recycling. Get into the habit of sorting out the mail daily. Make sure sensitive documents are properly shredded and recycle as much as you can.
Get Your Household Involved
It isn't fair that one person should carry the burden of keeping a home spick and span. if you share you pulace, get into good habits early and create a roster with your housemates or significant other to make sure everyone plays an active role in keeping your home clean. Following a consistent cleaning schedule is a key factor when it comes to staying on top of household chores.
The key to keeping your home clean is to stay on top of your chores rather than allowing the mess to accumulate to a point where it’s too much to handle. Follow these simple tips to ensure your home stays as clean as possible while you go about your daily life, and before you know it, you'll be a domestic goddess.