Phwoar! 6 out of 10 women think sex with an ex is a GREAT idea
We've all had those moments of madness where we think to ourselves: "What if…"
But if you never let those thoughts materialise into actions, you may be less common than you think.
According to a survey by Illicit Encounters, 6 out of 10 women not only think about having sex with an ex-lover, but actively pine for it.
Yep, and over a third of women would consider meeting up with an ex if they were approached on a social media site such as Facebook.
Another surprising statistic from the survey revealed that only 44% of women said their best sex was with their current partner (compared to 71% of men.)
"We have found the ‘greener grass syndrome' is a significant driver of female registrations," said Christian Grant, a spokesperson for Illicit Encounters.
"Women are becoming increasingly sexually assertive and less prepared to settle for second best in a relationship.
"Women don’t tend to marry the guy they had great sex with. They marry for more ‘sensible’ attributes – like whether he’ll be loyal and a good father."
Other fascinating results of the survey concluded that:
- Over 56% of women admitted they had their best sex with previous partners rather than their current one
- 59% regularly fantasise about sex with previous partners
- Only 4% of women said their best sex was with a one night stand (and only 3% of men said the same)