6 things that make The Fear even worse
The Fear is one of those things we all dread, but we can never quite bring ourselves to make the ultimate sacrifice to not have to deal with it.
When one is afflicted with The Fear, it’s important to make yourself as comfortable as possible. Lucozade and hot chicken rolls will help the cause.
Unfortunately, it’s not always possible and there are things that make The Fear SO much worse, like these:
Social media
Look, you might think it will help, but untagging those photos can wait until tomorrow. Switch settings so you can review photos before they appear on your page, take a deep breath and relax!
Last night’s clothes
They're sitting a pile beside your bed, so you decide to be proactive and put on a wash. The smell of stale smoke and spilled Sambuca brings you instantly back to the club and you begin to feel nauseous.
Talking to people
“You were so funny last night” – wait, what? Funny like how? Oh no…
Not talking to people
No one has contacted you all day – what the hell did you do last night!
Watching anything scary
An American Horror Story marathon may sound like a good idea, in reality you will spend the day jumping every time you hear the tiniest sound. Not cool. Stick with the rom-coms.
Trying to be healthy
Who are you trying to kid with that 'supersalad' and green goddess juice? They can wait until tomorrow, for now PIZZA.